Team REC-CHENNAI is committed, and aims to engineer E. coli for carbon dioxide (CO2) fixation and isobutanol production. Key metabolic enzymes from various organisms are integrated to optimize CO2 capture and biofuel synthesis, offering sustainable energy solutions. The engineered E. coli strain is designed to express four recombinant proteins: PRK and RuBisCO for CO₂ fixation, and Kivd and adhA for isobutanol production. Through the seamless integration of cutting-edge hardware technology, we are establishing efficient, scalable systems to provide sustainable, technically sound solutions for addressing the climate crisis.


Name Type Description Length(bp) Notes Organism
BBa_I719005 Promoter T7 promoter 23 Obtained from T7 Bacteriophage and allows high expression of protein only when T7 polymerase is present T7 Bacteriophage 
BBa_B0034 RBS RBS 12 RBS based on elowitz repressilator controls the gene expression, contributing to its cyclic oscillatory behaviour. RNA sequence found in mRNA to which ribosomes can bind and initiate translation. E.coli-DH5α
BBa_B0010 Terminator Terminator 80 Transcriptional terminator from E.coli consisting of 64 bp stem loop, helps in reducing the unwanted translation of downstream elements. E.coli
BBa_B0015 Double Terminator Double Terminator 129 It consists of both B0010 and B0012 terminators. It occurs at the end of a gene or operon and causes transcription to stop E.coli
BBa_K4689069 Coding Phosphoribulokinase(PRK) from Synchococcus elongatus 1002 Essential enzyme for the conversion of Ru5P to RUBP Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942
BBa_K4689619 Coding RuBisCO large subunit (rbcL) fromSynchococcus elongatus 1419 Larger subunit, plays a major role in the CO2 fixation. Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942
BBa_K4689613 Coding RuBisCO large subunit (rbcS) from Synchococcus elongatus 336 Smaller subunit, plays a major role in assembly and regulation of RUBISCO Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942
BBa_K4689060 Coding Assembly chaperone of RuBisCO (rbcX) from Synchococcus elongatus 456 Chaperone molecule, helps in the proper folding of the protein and contributes for the functionality of the protein Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942
BBa_K4689070 Coding Alcohol dehydrogenase (adhA) from Lactococcus lactis 1023 adhA helps in the conversion of isobutyraldehyde into isobutanol in the ketoacid pathway Lactococcus lactis
BBa_K4689112 Coding Ketoisovalerate decarboxylase (kivD) from Lactococcus lactis 1650 KivD helps in the conversion of 2-Ketoisovalerate to isobutyraldehyde in the keto acid pathway Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (Streptococcus lactis)


Name Part Name Type Length Notes Organism
BBa_K4689469 pt7-rbs-PRK-t1 Composite part 1861 PRK under T7 promoter E.coli – K12
BBa_K4689420 pT7-rbs-rbcL-rbs-rbcS-rbs-rbcX-t1 Composite part 2323 RuBisCO under T7 promoter E.coli – K12
BBa_K4689369 pT7-rbs-PRK-rbs-rbcL-rbs-rbcS-rbs-rbcX-double terminator Composite part 3386 PRK and RuBisCO under T7 promoter E.coli – K12
BBa_K4689361 pT7-rbs-Kivd-rbs-adhA-Double terminator Composite part 2849 KivD and adhA under T7 promoter E.coli – K12