Education | PIHS-Beijing - iGEM 2023


Innovative educational tools and outreach activities have the ability to establish a two-way dialogue with new communities by discussing public values and the science behind synthetic biology.


1.Medical Specialist
Human lactoferrin isomers (LTF) are often added to medicines and nutritional products in our life; therefore, the testing of LTF for pharmaceutical applications is extremely important and necessary. We interviewed and asked the Director of the GLP Biological Laboratory of the China Academy of Food and Drug Administration (CAFDA) about the importance of testing LTF for pharmaceutical applications.

Interview questions list
Is the human lactoferrin isoform (LTF) practical in the following roles?
Helping newborns to adapt to a non-sterile environment and establish a healthy intestinal ecosystem
Acting as a transferrin protein in iron regulation and transportation
Isolated whole pure lactoferrin is used to treat iron deficiency and anemia
Beneficial for people who need supplements after the weaning period, or for children of patients with lactation dysfunction
Answer: I think one of the human lactoferrin isoforms (LTF) is still more viable as a transferrin protein that plays a role in iron regulation and transport.
Human lactoferrin isomers (LTF) are also frequently used in clinical practice: in the 2022 Chinese Lactoferrin Clinical Consensus, a lactoferrin content of 0.6g/L was shown to be effective in reducing the risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections in infants and young children. 0.6g/L lactoferrin is equivalent to the amount of lactoferrin in an infant formula containing 450mg/100g of lactoferrin, when prepared according to a feeding schedule. The level of lactoferrin content of infant formula containing 450mg/100g of lactoferrin when blended into milk. We then approached a clinician close to us, the Deputy Chief Physician of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army of China, and interviewed this doctor.

Interview questions list
What do you think is the social significance of our program?
Helping newborns adapt to a non-sterile environment and establish a healthy intestinal ecosystem
Acts as a transferrin protein in iron regulation and transportation
Isolated whole pure lactoferrin is used to treat iron deficiency and anemia.
Helps people who need supplements after the weaning period, or children of people with lactation dysfunction
Answer: Very good project, compared to the third clinical point, i.e., the use of isolated whole lactoferrin for the treatment of iron deficiency and anemia is faced with more cases and a wider range of people.
3.Broader Community
Human lactoferrin isomers (LTF) are still not well known, although they have been used in relevant aspects of the clinical and pharmaceutical fields. Therefore, in order to promote our LTF products in a more targeted manner, we conducted an in-depth assessment of people's knowledge of human lactoferrin isomers in the community. A total of 172 valid responses were obtained from both online and offline interviews and surveys.
1)Have you heard LTF?
2)Have you ever experienced following conditions?
Intesinal Diseases, Iron deficiency, Anaemia, Lactation Dtysfunction, None
3)Do you agree with the following role of LTF?
a.Helps newborns adapt to non-sterile environments and build a healthy gut ecosystem
b.Plays a role in the regulation and transportation of iron
c.Treat iron deficiency and anemia
d.Help people who need supplements after weaning, or children of people with breastfeeding dysfunction
e.Resistance to pathogens and immunomodulatory effects
f.Help prevent and improve respiratory diseases in infants and young children