Best integrated human practice | PIHS-Beijing - iGEM 2023

Best integrated human practice

Our project’s target is producing human lactoferrin(LTF) by using engeered E.coli.

Our project’s target is producing human lactoferrin(LTF) by using engeered E.coli. WHO estimates that 40% of children 6–59 months of age, 37% of pregnant women, and 30% of women 15–49 years of age worldwide are anaemic. LTF, served as important iron supplement, is vital for the iron intake for infants. Besides, since it is coded by human genes, LTF can be green, healthy, additive for iron sources.
However, the major LTF product prevailed in recent market is either from recombinated rice or from cow’s milk. Both of them is expansive for millions of infants and anaemic patients. We try to provide cheap access to LTF products through E.coli production. As we know, bacteria production lowers the price of many goods, such as nata de coco or Tac enzymes.
About the ethic problem, the biggest one we face is that using bacterial product for infants to use. Scientifically, it’s quiet ok if the product is filtered to ensure that it’s sterile. It may be uncomfortable for some people to intake bacterial products, but after purification and concentration, the products is really the same, especially after digestion. Besides, after consulting expertise in the field of medic, the future of this program is promising. So that the ethic problem is soluable.

About the problem of safety, the protein purification with 6 histone head is quiet mature now, so that the concentration of protein would be over 95% in this project in the future. As the researchers obey the rules of lab strictfully, the security of the product can be ensured. Furthermore, even possible leakage happen, in the future, the CRISPR/Cas system of engineered bacteria will be silenced, so it can’t survive in the environment outside lab surrounded with bacteriaphage. Consequently, the safety is secured.
We believe that our projec consistents with the concept of sustainable development. The traditional method waste vital recouses such as elctricity, water, fertilizer, and forage. However, due to the expotential growth rate of bacteria, the produce cycle can be reduced. Besides, the only resources bacteria need is medium and constant temperature, which utilize much less resouces than traditional methods do.