Education | PIHS-Beijing - iGEM 2023


Innovative educational tools and outreach activities have the ability to establish a two-way dialogue with new communities by discussing public values and the science behind synthetic biology.


Our project has been inspired by the painful experiences of patients with diseases around us, who need some hope, which may come from more effective drugs and so on. We further discovered that the human LTF and its products that have been successfully obtained may achieve our goal of providing timely and convenient assistance to more patients with related diseases.
In fact, Lactoferrin has an important role in fueling immune health in infants and children. Lactoferrin is a natural protein with multiple physiological activities, which is involved in a variety of pathophysiological processes such as regulating immune function, anti-microbial, regulating iron absorption, and promoting intestinal cell proliferation and differentiation. In recent years, lactoferrin has been widely used in infants and young children, pregnant women and the elderly, which can reduce the risk of infection in preterm infants, the incidence of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases in infants and young children, improve anemia in infants and young children and pregnant women, increase the rate of eradication of Helicobacter pylori in children and adults, and improve immune function in the elderly. Recombinant production of human LTF is beneficial to people needing the supplement after the end of the breastfeeding period or the children of lactation disfunction patients.
Therefore, after multiple serious group meetings and consultations, we screened different topics and finally determined the current project topic, and began our project process.


We used methods such as interviews, dialogues, and questionnaires to communicate the value of our project with doctors, experts, and people in the surrounding community. We hope that the implementation of our project will also be meaningful to the people around us. Afterwards, we will influence students to pay attention to relevant disease issues in society through methods such as conducting lectures and publishing promotional brochures.
Our project has four most likely values:
1. Helping newborns adapt to a non-sterile environment and establish a healthy intestinal ecosystem.
Newborn babies undergo a process of adapting to the environment, with immature organ function development and susceptibility to external factors that can lead to illness. Therefore, special attention should be paid to nursing. Attention should be paid to appropriate and appropriate feeding. Breast milk is the best food for children. If there is insufficient or insufficient breast milk, the corresponding infant formula should be chosen for the child. If it is premature, premature infant milk should be chosen. Skin care should be taken, especially for the navel and perianal and perineal areas, as these areas are prone to infection; Attention should be paid to environmental management. The temperature of the environment should not be too hot or too cold, and indoor ventilation should be maintained to keep the air fresh to avoid cross infection among children. It is also important to pay attention to adult hand hygiene.
The gut microbiota is the most important and complex. The number of bacterial cells in the human gut reaches 10 [sup class="normal"] 14 [/sup], accounting for 78% of the total microbial biomass in the human body. There are approximately 400-500 types of gut microbiota, divided into native and foreign microbiota. Native microbiota are mostly normal gut microbiota. In addition to bacteria, there are also normal virus groups, normal fungal groups, and normal spirochete groups in the human body, each with their own physiological functions. One of the most remarkable characteristics of intestinal flora is its stability, which is extremely important for human resistance to infectious diseases caused by intestinal pathogens. Maintaining its stability is the focus of clinical treatment.

2. Acts as a transferrin protein in iron regulation and transportation.
Transferrin is the main iron binding protein in serum, which can transport Fe3+into cells. In aerobic environments or aqueous solutions, iron is in an oxidized state (Fe3+), and due to its poor solubility, it needs to bind to proteins or hydrophilic chelating agents in order to be biologically utilized. As an electron donor, Fe2+is soluble in aqueous solution.
Due to the lack of iron excretion mechanism in the human body, regulating iron uptake is the only mechanism that directly controls iron homeostasis. In the duodenum and jejunum, iron is first absorbed by divalent metal transporter 1 and then transferred to the bloodstream. Ferritin is the main iron storage protein, composed of ferritin heavy chain 1 and ferritin light chain. 24 ferritin subunits are assembled into a high molecular weight ferritin shell, which can chelate 4500 Fe3+atoms. However, the vast majority of iron is used for the synthesis and storage of hemoglobin, accounting for about one-third of the amount of iron stored in the human body.
[1] Arimigan Abdemiti, Tolsun Ay Ismitila, Muyese Niccati. The role of iron in the progression of atherosclerosis [J]. Medical Review, 2021,27(23):5.
3. Isolated whole pure lactoferrin is used to treat iron deficiency and anemia.
The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency anemia, also known as nutritional anemia. If the human body's intake of iron is insufficient, it will affect the synthesis of hemoglobin, leading to a significant decrease in the content of hemoglobin in red blood cells, resulting in a decrease in the number of red blood cells. The result is insufficient oxygen supply to various cells and tissues in the human body, leading to iron deficiency anemia.
The majority of patients are preschool children, pregnant women, and women of childbearing age, making them one of the important nutritional deficiencies in the world. According to a survey conducted by the Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine in 1986, among 4747 preschool children, 59.1% of them were diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, with the highest incidence occurring in children aged 6 months to 1 year. Of course, this situation has improved in recent years, but the utilized iron is still insufficient. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the supplementation of iron in the diet, another important factor is that further efforts must be made to improve the absorption, release, and utilization of iron.
The biggest problem with iron deficiency anemia is iron deficiency, which can be caused by insufficient intake, excessive loss, and utilization disorders. Utilization disorders usually refer to patients who may have stored iron in their bodies but cannot utilize it, but cannot be referred to as iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency anemia usually results in excessive loss or insufficient absorption, ultimately resulting in insufficient iron storage in the body and insufficient red blood cell hematopoietic raw materials. The treatment principle for iron deficiency anemia is to eradicate the cause and replenish iron storage. Therefore, iron deficiency can be corrected from two aspects: etiological treatment and iron therapy.

4. Helps people who need supplements after the weaning period, or children of people with lactation dysfunction.
After weaning, the most easily lacking nutrients for babies are DHA, calcium, and iron. Therefore, it is important to supplement these three types of nutrients to ensure the healthy development of the baby.
Iron, breast milk itself has a relatively low content, and after six months, the iron reserves in the fetal period will be basically consumed. If not supplemented in a timely manner, iron deficiency anemia is prone to occur. Therefore, after four months, it is important to pay attention to supplementing iron, which can be supplemented with food or nutritional supplements. In addition to paying attention to supplementing nutrients that babies are prone to lacking, it is also important to pay attention to their absorption effect. Therefore, when supplementing these nutrients, it is important to ensure the health of the baby's intestines. If the baby experiences indigestion, even the most comprehensive nutritional supplement cannot be absorbed. Therefore, during the weaning period, attention should be paid to the care of the baby's intestines, and probiotics or dietary fiber products should be added appropriately to make the intestines healthier, more conducive to the absorption of various nutrients. 9.23-9.24 Performed repeated experiment with slightly varied groupings Results as follows 10.2-10.6 Performed 2 repeat experiments with different bacterial strains No more significant results found