Wet Lab Design
What substance will we choose to degrade the brain autoantibody GAD?Why? |
What genes will we select to synthesize the substance? |
Which protein will we use to act as a induction switch?Why? |
Which strategy will we choose to assure security? Why? |
What chassis bacteria will we use? Why? |
To answer the above question, we did literature reviews and brainstorming sessions to complete the design of system one. You can find more information on the Design page.

Wet Lab Build
We successfully constructed the pSIP403-N-acyltransferase-PnisA-nisRK-erY plasmid and verified it by agarose gel electrophoresis. You can find more information on the Results page.
Wet Lab Test
We conducted molecular experiment and function verification. You can find more information on theResults page.
Dry Lab Test
You can find more information on the Modelpage.
We successfully transformed the pSIP403-N-acyltransferase-PnisA-nisRK-erY plasmid into E. coli DH5α and confirmed it through agarose gel electrophoresis.
However, due to plasmid design issues, upon transformation into Lactobacillus Plantarum L168, we observed homologous recombination within the plasmid through PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis, resulting in the appearance of two bands on the gel. Consequently, we have reflected upon the shortcomings in plasmid design and aim to make improvements in our next experiment.
Future Plans
Conduct the molecular docking experiment.
In the future, we hope to verify that ferrichrome can bind to other brain autoantibodies.
Wet Lab Design
What substance will we choose to degrade the brain autoantibody MBP?Why? |
What genes will we select to synthesize the substance? |
Which protein will we use to act as a induction switch?Why? |
Which strategy will we choose to assure security? Why? |
What chassis bacteria will we use? Why? |
To answer the above question, we did literature reviews and brainstorming sessions to complete the design of system two. You can find more information on the Design page.

Wet Lab Build
We successfully constructed the pSIP403-hemA-PnisA-nisRK-erY plasmid and verified it by agarose gel electrophoresis.
You can find more information on the Results page.
Wet Lab Test
At the DNA level, we performed enzyme digestion/plasmid PCR and ran agarose gel to prove the successful construction or transformation of the plasmid.
In function verification,we drew the bacterial growth curve and verified their suiside switch function.
You can find more information on the Results page.
Dry Lab Test
You can find more information on the Model page.
We successfully transformed the pSIP403-N-acyltransferase-PnisA-nisRK-erY plasmid into E. coli DH5α and confirmed the transformation through agarose gel electrophoresis.
Furthermore, we successfully introduced the plasmid into Lactobacillus Plantarum L168 and verified the transformation through agarose gel electrophoresis.
Finally, we confirmed the upregulation of protoporphyrin transcription levels through qPCR.
At the outset, we encountered difficulties in successfully transforming L168. Subsequently, upon analysis, we identified the poor state of the recipient as the underlying issue. Consequently, we reprepared the recipient , ultimately achieving successful transformation.
Future plans
Conduct the molecular docking experiment.