This year, the NJMU-China team strives to provide education and development for individuals of all ages. We want to design an educational program that includes all individuals involved in synthetic biology, allowing each participant to gain knowledge while participating in the activities, and continue to provide assistance and contact to individuals interested in the team. When designing our activities, we take the age characteristics of the age group as a starting point to ensure that our activity materials and content can truly stand in their position. Our team has carried out many educational activities.
- Education
- Other Science Communications
- An iGEM Guide
Preschool Children
A man's education begins when he is born before he can speak or listen to others. -- Rousseau
Elementary School Students
Teaching is discovery, sharing, growth, excitement and love. -- Qian Yan
"The art of teaching consists not in imparting skills, but in motivate,awaken and inspiring."The "Science in Plants" handicraft science popularization activity is a fun biological specimen making and synthetic biology knowledge popularization activity designed for children by our team and Lanting Botanical Society of Nanjing Medical University.
Junior School Students
Education is not to inculcate, but to light a fire ---- Socrates
Senior High School Students
History makes one wise; poetry makes one wise; calculus makes one precise; philosophy makes one profound; ethics makes one cultured; logic and rhetoric make one able to argue. -- Francis Bacon
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Education is not for the past, not for the present, but for the future. -- Yuanpei Cai
Other Science Communications
In addition to the popular science related to our above activities, we also have some popular science activities suitable for all ages!
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click on "Synthetic Biology Sitcoms Script" for more inspiration.Informed Consent
We pay particular attention to the safety of human practices, and we obtained informed consent from our stakeholders for all our activities, as detailed in the Safety section
An iGEM Guide
The theme of our team is autism this year, so members of our HP group planned a series of activities closely related to the theme.We gained a lot of experience and lessons in the process of planning, implementing and feedback.We have concluded our experiences in this guide in the hope that we can provide other iGEM teams with better ideas and help promote the sustainable development of iGEM. If you want to know more, please click here to get our iGEM guide.