SDG#2:Zero Hunger
Food safety is one of the most important issues in the world today. Only with enough healthy food can people be full and eat well, and mankind can eliminate hunger. Our project is committed to providing new methods and new ideas for global food safety testing, hoping to provide technical ideas for the future detection of food contamination in the global food industry, and indirectly make outstanding contributions to global sustainable development.

SDG#3:Good Health and Well-being
Mycotoxins are naturally occurring toxins produced by certain moulds (fungi) , and they can be found in food. The moulds grow on a variety of crops and foodstuffs including cereals, nuts, spices, dried fruits, apples and coffee beans, often under warm and humid conditions. Mycotoxins can cause a variety of adverse health effects and pose a serious health threat to both humans and livestock. The adverse health effects of mycotoxins range from acute poisoning to long-term effects such as immune deficiency and cancer. Our program provides new methods for the detection and degradation of mycotoxins, and the educational programs are designed to cultivate food safety awareness. To some extent, it reduces people's exposure to mycotoxins.