Ligation of the dumbbell DNA template
The first step of structure-switching locked hairpin triggered rolling circle amplification is to ligate the dumbbell DNA template (DT). We used T4 DNA ligase for the reaction, next added Exo I and Exo III to degrade the excess ssDNA together with the nicked dsDNA. The agarose gel electrophoresis image of ligation product was shown as Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 a. The principle of DT ligation; b. Results of DT ligation.
Feasibility verification of RCA Reation
After the ligation of the dumbbell DNA template, we designed a rolling circle amplification (RCA) primer to verificate it's feasibility. This primer can hybridize with the dumbbell template (DT) and open it for the following RCA. As shown in Fig. 2a (lanes 1 and 2), RCA products was formed after adding the RCA primers. Then we explored the effect of different primers' concentrations on the amount of RCA products. Fig. 2b shows that within the same reaction time, the efficiency of RCA amplification increases with concentration. For detailed protocol, please CLICK THE LINK.

Fig. 2 a. Verification of RCA Reation using DT. M: Marker. Lane 2: negative control. Lane 3: 100 μM RCA primer. b. Effect of different RCA primers' concentrations on the amount of RCA products. M: Marker. Lane 2-7, different concentrations of RCA primers (0 to 100 μM).
Detection of OTA of varied concentrations
Firstly, through the streptavidin-biotin interaction, we attached the biotin-labelled locked hairpin (LHP) to the streptavidin-coated magnetic beads.
Then we incubated magnetic beads (MBs, 1 μm in diameter, 10 mg/mL and 300 nm in diameter, 10 mg/mL), dumbbell template, and different concentrations of OTA together. We applied the detection process shown in Fig.3 to detect OTA accurately.

Fig. 3 The principle of structure switching locked hairpin triggered rolling circle amplification (RCA) reaction.
As shown in Fig. 4, the fluorescence intensity rises with the increase of concentrations of OTA. Europe and China have established a maximum allowable limit of 2 μg/L for OTAs. In our experiments, 2 μg/L (5000 pM/L) OTA had a significant variation in florescence intensity compared to the blank control. MBs of different diameters gave a different performance in detection. MBs of 1 μm in diameter showed a more rapid and obvious upward trends than MBs of 300 nm in diameter.

Fig. 4 The response of the method to OTA at varied concentrations(0 pM to 10000 pM). The florescence values were detected by quantitative PCR instrument.
Validation of the sIPN system
To verify the sIPN system, we engineered bacteria expressing T3-YFP (SpyTag-ELPs-SpyTag-ELPs-SpyTag-YFP) and bacteria expressing C3 (SpyCatcher-ELPs-SpyCatcher-ELPs-SpyCatcher). The constructed plasmids were transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3) and recombinant proteins were expressed using LB medium.
Purified T3-YFP and C3 were subjected to reactions under predefined time and temperature radients. The proteins after reaction were validated by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE), followed by Coomassie brilliant blue staining. A distinct target band can be observed at 130 kDa, demonstrating that T3-YFP (62.4 kDa) and C3 (54.5 kDa) are capable of forming the Spy Network (Fig.5).This reaction can occur at a variety of temperatures and has good reaction characteristics.

Fig. 5 Verification of the fabrication between T3-YFP and C3. Lane1: T3-YFP. Lane2: C3. M: Marker. Lane3: T3-YFP and C3.
Fig. 5 Verification of the fabrication between T3-YFP and C3. Lane1: T3-YFP. Lane2: C3. M: Marker. Lane3: T3-YFP and C3.
At the same time, we also attempted to directly use purified protein T3-YFP to produce the above-mentioned microcapsules (Fig.6 a-2.). After placing two types of immobilized microcapsules at room temperature for 12 hours, we found that the microcapsules containing T3-YFP exhibited significant yellow fluorescence outside the microcapsules, proving that proteins can leak out of the immobilized microcapsules (Fig.6 b-1.). On the contrary, the microcapsules containing engineered bacteria exhibit brighter yellow fluorescence only in the microcapsules, without any leakage (Fig.6 b-2.).This means that the engineered bacteria and sIPN system will not leak, but small molecules of proteins will leach out of the microcapsules.

Fig. 6 Image of immobilized microcapsules. a-1. Immobilized microcapsules containing engineered bacteria with T3-YFP and C3 (0 h); a-2. Immobilized microcapsules containing purified T3-YFP protein (0 h); b-1. Immobilized microcapsules containing engineered bacteria with T3-YFP and C3 (12 h); b-2. Immobilized microcapsules containing purified T3-YFP protein (12 h); Scale bar: 1 cm
Enzyme activity assay of CPA and ADH3
To degrade Ochratoxin A (OTA) in a more efficient way, we chose two enzymes, Carboxypeptidase A (CPA) and ADH3. We used the methods described by Xiong L et al. (1992) to assay CPA and ADH3 activity. Fig.7 shows that the activity of CPA and ADH3. ADH3 was estimated at approximately 1.939 unit. CPA was estimated at approximately 0.646 unit. These results indicated that ADH3 exhibited 3.0-fold higher activity than CPA.

Fig. 7 Assay of ADH3 and CPA activity. The reaction mixture containing 290 μl of 25 mM Tris buffer, 500 mM NaCl (pH 7.5), 3.26 mg/mL Hippuryl-L-phenylalanine (HLP), and 10 μl of ADH3 dissolved in 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 10 μl of CPA dissolved in 1 M NaCl (pH 8.4) in eppendorf tube was incubated at 25℃ for 5 min.
Moreover, we used High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) to determine the detoxification rate of CPA and ADH3 against OTA. The HPLC chromatograms of degradation products of OTA were shown in Fig. 8. The retention times (RT) of OTA and its degradation product was 1.650 min (CPA), 1.652 min (ADH3) and 0.691 min (CPA), 0.709 min (ADH3). After the treatment of OTA with CPA and ADH3, the peak area of OTA decreased significantly compared with the control group, and the new product appeared at 0.692 min (CPA), 0.709 min (ADH3). The detoxification rates of CPA and ADH3 were 98.9% and 100%. It proved that CPA and ADH3 can degrade OTA to OTα. ADH3 gave a better performance in degrading than CPA because it took less reaction time to degrade OTA completely in higher concentrations.

Fig. 8 High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) chromatogram retention time of OTA and OTα. a.10 μg/mL OTA after incubation with methanol solution(control). b.HPLC chromatogram of degradation products of OTA after incubation with 5 U/mL M-CPA for 24 h. c. 50 μg/mL OTA after incubation with methanol solution(control). d. HPLC chromatogram of degradation products of OTA after incubation with 5 U/mL ADH3 for 30 min.
Find appropriate protein combinations to functionalize the living sIPN
1.Expression and optimization of C3
We first cloned C3 into the pQE-80L, constructed pQE-80L-C3 and expressed the recombinant protein in E. coli BL21 (DE3) using Terrific Broth medium and 2xYT medium.
After incubation at 20℃ overnight or 37℃ for 4h, respectively, we found that C3 expression level in the supernatant was very low, and no obvious bands were found at 54.5 kDa as shown in Fig. 9(b-c). Considering the weak strength of the T5 promoter, we cloned C3 into a vector containing a stronger T7 promoter.

Fig. 9 Results of pQE-80L-C3. a. The plasmid map of pQE-80L-C3. b. SDS-PAGE analysis of protein expression trials in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cultured in Terrific Broth medium overnight using pQE-80L-C3. The temperature was 20℃. Lane M: protein marker. Lane 1: induced total protein. Lane 2: precipitation. Lane 3: supernatant. c. SDS-PAGE analysis of protein expression trials in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cultured in Terrific Broth medium for 4 hours using pQE-80L-C3. The temperature was 37℃. Lane M: protein marker. Lane 1: induced total protein. Lane 2: precipitation. Lane 3: supernatant.
We cloned C3 into the pET-29a(+)(Fig. 2a), and expressed it in E. coli BL21 (DE3) using LB medium.
After overnight incubation at 20℃, C3 (54.5 kDa) was determined to be soluble and purified on a HiTrap Ni-NTA column. The purified protein was verified by SDS-PAGE. After that, obvious target bands can be seen at 54.5 kDa, confirming the successful expression of C3 in pET-29a(+) vector as shown in Fig. 4b (lanes 8 and 9).

Fig. 10 Results of pET-29a(+)-C3. a. The plasmid map of pET-29a(+)-C3. b. SDS-PAGE analysis of the purified protein C3 in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cultured in LB medium express protein for 3 hours at 37℃. Lane M: protein marker. Lanes 1-7: flow through and elution containing 20, 50, 50, 100, 100, 250, 250 mM imidazole, respectively.
2.Expression and optimization of T3-M-CPA
We cloned T3-M-CPA (SpyTag-ELPs-SpyTag-ELPs-SpyTag-Linker-M-CPA) into the PQE-80L, constructed pQE-80L-T3 and expressed the recombinant protein in E. coli BL21 (DE3) using Terrific Broth medium and 2xYT medium.
After incubation at 25℃ overnight or 37℃ for 4h and 8h, respectively, the expression of T3-M-CPA (62.4 kDa) was roughly the same as that of C3. The expression levels of both were very low. Therefore, we considered cloning T3 into pET-29a(+) vector with the same method to try to increase the expression of T3-M-CPA.

Fig. 11 Results of pQE-80L-T3. a. The plasmid map of pQE-80L-T3. b-f. SDS-PAGE analysis of protein expression trials in E. coli BL21 (DE3), their expression conditions were TB medium incubated at 37℃ for 4h, 8h, 25℃ for 12h, and 2xYT medium incubated at 37℃ for 8h, 25℃ for 12 hours in turn. Lane M: protein marker. Lane 1: induced total protein. Lane 2: precipitation. Lane 3: supernatant.
We constructed pET-29a(+)-T3-M-CPA and expressed the recombinant protein in E. coli BL21 (DE3) using LB medium.
After overnight incubation at 20℃, T3-M-CPA was purified on a HiTrap Ni-NTA column. The purified protein was verified by SDS-PAGE. As shown in Fig. 12b (lanes 1 and 2), T3-M-CPA mainly appear in the precipitation and almost non-existent in the supernatant, which proves that T3 formed inclusion body. We suspected that the eukaryotic origin of M-CPA leads to the formation of protein inclusion bodies. After reviewing literature, we found that the reducing conditions in the E. coli cytoplasm doesn't seem to truly favor the formation of disulfide bonds in M-CPA.
To reduce the formation of inclusion body, we tried SHuffle T7 E. coli expression cell to achieve soluble expression of T3-M-CPA. The SHuffle T7 E. coli strain constitutively expresses a chromosomal copy of the disufide bond isomerase DsbC, which promotes the correction of mis-oxidized proteins into their correct form, and the cytoplasmic DsbC is also a chaperone that can assist the folding of proteins that do not require disulfide bonds.
In this case, we cloned T3-M-CPA into pET-29a(+), and expressed in SHuffle T7 E. coli using 2xYT medium. After incubation at 20℃ overnight, the soluble expression of T3-M-CPA in SHuffle T7 E. coli did not increase significantly. Therefore, we considered adding a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) protein to further help the expression of T3-M-CPA.

Fig. 12 Results of pET-29a(+)-T3-M-CPA. a. The plasmid map of pET-29a(+)-T3-M-CPA. b. SDS-PAGE analysis of the purified protein T3-M-CPA in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cultured in LB medium express protein for 12 hours at 20℃. Lane M: protein marker. Lanes 1-6: flow through and elution containing 10, 20, 50, 100, 100, 250 mM imidazole, respectively. c. SDS-PAGE analysis of protein expression trials in SHuffle T7 E. coli cultured in 2xYT medium for 12 hours using pET-29a(+)-T3-M-CPA. The temperature was 20℃. Lane M: protein marker. Lane 1: induced total protein. Lane 2: precipitation. Lane 3: supernatant.
We cloned M-CPA into pET-PC-SUMO vector, and expressed the protein in SHuffle T7 E. coli expression cell using 2xYT medium.
After incubation at 20℃ overnight, the soluble expression of SUMO-M-CPA (48.5 kDa) was slightly increased. However, most M-CPA still existed in precipitation. Thus, we tried to increase the expression level to obtain more soluble M-CPA.
The large expression of SUMO-M-CPA was purified and verified by SDS-PAGE. Only a very small amount of SUMO-M-CPA was found at the 48.5 kDa band shown in Fig. 13b (lane 3). Therefore, we considered replacing the degrading enzyme with amidohydrolase 3 (ADH3) from Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila.

Fig. 13 Results of pET-PC-SUMO-M-CPA. a. The plasmid map of pET-PC-SUMO-M-CPA. b. SDS-PAGE analysis of protein expression trials in SHuffle T7 E. coli cultured in 2xYT medium for 12 hours using pET-PC-SUMO-M-CPA. The temperature was 20℃. Lane M: protein marker. Lane 1: induced total protein. Lane 2: precipitation. Lane 3: supernatant. c. SDS-PAGE analysis of the purified protein SUMO-M-CPA (48.5 kDa) in SHuffle T7 E. coli cultured in 2xYT medium express protein for 12 hours at 20℃. Lane M: protein marker. Lanes 1-9: flow through and elution containing 10, 10, 20, 20, 50, 50, 100, 100, 250 mM imidazole, respectively.
3.Expression and optimization of T3-ADH3
We obtained the plasmid pET-46 Ek/LIC-ADH3 from Associate Professor Longhai Dai of Hubei University, and then we cloned ADH3 into PET29a(+)-T3-M-CPA vector in Fig. 14a. ADH3 and T3-ADH3 were expressed by E. coli BL21 (DE3) using LB medium.
After overnight incubation at 20℃, ADH3 (43.4 kDa) was purified. The purified protein was verified by SDS-PAGE. After that, obvious target bands can be seen at 43.4 kDa and 73.6 kDa shown in Fig. 14c (lanes 4 and 5) and Fig. 14d (lanes 1 and 2), respectively, confirming the successful expression of ADH3 and T3-ADH3. Therefore, we chose T3-ADH3 and C3 as the two monomers of the sIPN system.

Fig. 14 Results of pET46EKLIC-ADH3 and pET-29a(+)-T3-ADH3. a. The plasmid map of pET46EKLIC_ADH3. b. The plasmid map of pET-29a(+)-T3-ADH3. c. SDS-PAGE analysis of the purified protein ADH3 in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cultured in LB medium express protein for 12 hours at 20℃. Lane M: protein marker. Lanes 1-9: flow through and elution containing 10, 20, 20, 50, 50, 100, 100, 250, 250mM imidazole, respectively. d. SDS-PAGE analysis of protein expression trials in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cultured in LB medium for 12 hours using pET-29a(+)-T3-ADH3. Lane M: protein marker. Lanes 1-6: flow through and elution containing 50, 50, 20, 20, 10mM imidazole, respectively.
We assembled Ptra , lysis gene E , Plac , traR, and traI and then transformed the plasmid into E. coli DH5α (Fig. 15 a). We assessed bacterial growth by measuring the OD600 (Fig. 15 b). However, the results did not meet our expectations.
Regarding these results, we have the following hypotheses:
1. The tra system's ability to mediate autolysis in E. coli appears to be poor. In engineered bacteria carrying the lux quorum-sensing system and lysis gene E, the oscillations typically range between 0.09-0.11 (measured at OD600, without IPTG ) and 0.085-0.10 (with IPTG). In our experiment, the results showed oscillations around 0.7-0.85 (without IPTG) and 0.7-0.8 (with IPTG) , while the bacteria containing the empty plasmid stabilized after continuous growth.
Based on these facts, we believe that it may be due to the low response of the tra system in E. coli, resulting oscillations starting at around 0.8 and oscillate not obviously.
2. Due to the precision of our sampling operation and measurement, the data we obtained have significant deviations and cannot accurately reflect the facts. In future experiments, we will conduct multiple parallel experiments.
Future plans:
1. We will use a vector assembled with Plux, lysis gene E, Plac, traR , and traI as a negative control to eliminate the impact of cell burden, in order to better determine if pSB1C3-tra-lysis can complete autolysis.
2. We will make efforts to find the genes of the lux system and construct vectors to obtain distinct lysis results.
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