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Promoting inclusivity is crucial for establishing a welcoming and diverse environment. It entails guaranteeing equal opportunities for every individual, irrespective of their race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. Our team accomplished this by implementing inclusive policies, conducting diversity training, and cultivating a culture of respect and acceptance. Through the emphasis on inclusivity, we nurture innovation, creativity, and collaboration among our members.

Gender Inclusive

We ensured the inclusivity of our project across all genders, taking into account ethical and moral values while addressing the issue of growing gender inequalities. In the conducted surveys, we refrained from using gender-specific terms and opted for the term "menstruators" instead of "females" to foster gender inclusivity. To accommodate all existing genders, we introduced a writing option rather than requiring selection of a specific gender. Additionally, we organized a collaborative event titled "Women in STEM" in partnership with IISER Bhopal, aiming to inspire greater participation of young women in STEM fields.

Regional Inclusive

The level of exposure differs based on the region and its surrounding environment. Individuals from rural communities often face challenges related to inadequate education and a lack of awareness about opportunities. Our educational initiatives aimed to disseminate high-quality education and foster a culture of learning among a wide range of students. To achieve this, we categorized schools in our locality into urban and rural segments, conducting visits to both types of schools to ensure the delivery of inclusive education.

Knowledge Inclusive

We conveyed information through awareness surveys, education session pamphlets, and social media posts in the most straightforward manner to ensure convenience and accessibility for all participants. Additionally, we held public awareness sessions and conducted surveys to engage with the maximum number of people possible. In instances where the use of English was impractical, we utilized the Telugu language for education and awareness sessions. The surveys were administered through Google Forms, a widely used platform, to maximize accessibility for a broader audience.

Age Inclusive

To disseminate valuable knowledge efficiently during the project's constrained timeframe, we organized educational sessions tailored for diverse age groups. Our focus included students under the age of 10, reached through the SYNBIO app for kids; middle and high school students engaged via SYNBIO Spark; and young adults, including graduates and teenagers, addressed through the SYNBIO Webinar series. Additionally, we conducted a public awareness session on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) to enlighten local adults about the ailment and underscore the significance of leading a high-quality life.

Inclusive of the Socially Vulnerable

Recognizing the significance of identifying students with limited access to quality education, we visited the SOS orphanage village to provide education on synthetic biology and its applications. Participants from nursery, middle school, and high school actively took part in the session.

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