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New Parts:

A total of 9 Basic parts have been added to the registry. 5 Composite parts have been designed based on multiple combinations of the new basic parts and the previously used parts. The new basis parts that were designed are compatible with the RCF1000 assembly strategy making them suitable for Golden Gate and MoClo assembly techniques.

New Basic Parts

Biobrick ID Part Type Length(bp) Description
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836000 CDS 1497 CUW_0748: Bacterial analogue of Human Serotonin Transporter
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836003 CDS 623 The Coding sequence for Serotonin N-Acetyl Transferase (SNAT)
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836004 CDS 1094 The coding sequence for Caffeic acid O-Methyl Transferase (COMT)
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836005 CDS 711 mCherry Reporter CDS
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836006 CDS 702 TagBFP CDS
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836008 CDS 720 LasR Transcription Activator CDS
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836009 Promoter 131 pLasI inducible promoter
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836010 CDS 1320 Serotonin N-Acetyl Transferase (SNAT)+ TagBFP fusion protein
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836011 CDS 1794 Caffeic acid O-Methyl Transferase (COMT)+ mCherry fusion protein

New Composite parts

Biobrick ID Length(bp) Description
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836007 897 mCherry under pLasI Inducibe promoter
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836012 3274 SNAT and COMT expression cassette with Fluorescent reporter proteins
http://parts.igem.org/Part:BBa_K4836015 146 The composite part consists of Inducible promoter pLasI and RBS

LasR Mutants

The quorum-sensing molecule employed in the probiotic system is very sensitive to serotonin by the standards of serotonin levels in the gut lumen. The LasR variant activates plasI promoter at around , while lumen serotonin levels might vary anywhere between 10uM to 100uM. Thus, a less sensitive lasR variant would be a great addition to the project. To achieve this goal, we did a mutational impact analysis on contact residues of Serotonin in the LasR-Serotonin complex.

The “wild type” LasR molecule and serotonin were set for docking. 16 contact residues of Serotonin with LasR were identified. They are

LEU36 TYR56 TRP60 ARG61 TYR64 ASP73 THR75 VAL76 TRP88 TYR93 PHE101 ALA105 LEU110 VAL111 THR115 SER129

Next, point mutations were performed in Contact Residues. The respective amino acids (for eg. L in the case of LEU36) were replaced with Alanine (A). Alanine is the common substitute residue for mutation studies as it lacks a functional side chain.

Each of the 16 mutants was docked to Serotonin, and their respective Vina scores are as follows

Mutant Vina Score exp(Vina Score)
wild-type -7.2 0.00074659
LEU36 -7.1 0.0008251
TYR56 -6.7 0.00123091
TRP60 -7.2 0.00074659
ARG61 -7.3 0.00067554
TYR64 -6.9 0.00100779
ASP73 -7.4 0.00061125
THR75 -7.2 0.00074659
VAL76 -7.3 0.00067554
TRP88 -7.4 0.00061125
TYR93 -7.4 0.00061125
PHE101 -7.1 0.0008251
ALA105 -7.2 0.00074659
LEU110 -7.3 0.00067554
VAL111 -7.4 0.00061125
THR115 -7.2 0.00074659
SER129 -7.2 0.00074659

Mutants vs exp(Vina Score) is as follows.

exp(Vina Score) vs. Mutants (1).png_vs.Mutants(1).png)

The results show that when certain residues in the LasR protein are mutated from Tyrosine (Y) to Alanine (A), there is a significant decrease in binding affinity with serotonin. These residues play a crucial role in the binding of LasR to serotonin, likely due to their aromatic nature.

For more details on how there these mutations were performed, visit Model.

Synbio Game

We have developed the “Synbio Spark” educational game to educate students under the age of 10 about the concepts of genetics, molecular biology, and biotechnology. This app was developed in Collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati (IIT Tirupati). This app's fun interactive games effectively introduce synthetic biology concepts to school students.

For more details about the games in the app, visit Synbio Game.


Poster for the Synbio Spark event:

We made a poster for the Synbio Spark event and shared it with school students. The first part of the poster explains cool things about Genetic Engineering and how it's used in different ways. The second part lists websites and tools online where students can learn more about synthetic biology. The poster is meant to encourage students to do self-learning and individual research.


Pamphlet distributed at Regional Science Centre, Tirupati.

We made a pamphlet for people visiting the Regional Science Centre in Tirupati. The pamphlet provides information about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), including what causes it, its symptoms, and how to prevent it. The pamphlet's purpose is to raise awareness about IBS among the public.


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