




November 10th



December 1st

Check the project and the members



March 10th

Finish our exams and be ready to start our experiments.


March 30 to April 13

Construction of the NCED3-RUBY system

Click here to see our notebook.


May 19th

Large-scale extraction of the NCED3-RUBY plasmid.

Click here to see our notebook.


June 22 to June 28

PCR amplification of GLR2.9, enzyme digestion of the NCED3-RUBY plasmid, CEII ligation, verification of PCR products, and investigation of the reasons for band diffusion. Transformation of DH5α and culturing of colonies on plates.

Click here to see our notebook.


July 7 to July 15

Meeting with human practice supervisors: Brainstorming, integration to the team.

Click here to see our notebook.

July 16 to July 31

Receipt of NCED3-RUBY plasmid seeds, initiation of plant experiments, preparation of 1/2 MS solid medium, initial planting trials, T4 ligation, extraction of the basta plasmid, enzyme digestion, and bacterial shaking. Re-amplification of GLR2.9, extraction of BX fragments, and shaking with Agrobacterium.

Click here to see our notebook.


August 1 to August 15

Plant experiments including tobacco transplantation, Agrobacterium transformation into tobacco leaves, and drought experiments. Molecular experiments including validation of GLR2.9 PCR systems, construction of GLR2.9-RUBY systems, and colony PCR validation for E. coli and Agrobacterium.

Click here to see our notebook.

August 16 to August 30

Plant experiments involving the planting of NCED3-RUBY seeds for drought validation and tobacco transplantation. Molecular experiments including sequence validation by PCR, enzyme digestion, ligation to construct NCED3-Bx, preparation of permeation buffer, E. coli transformation, shaking, and plasmid extraction for NCED-Bx validation, as well as GLR2.9-RUBY-related activities.

Click here to see our notebook.


September 1 to September 27

Molecular Experiments:Agrobacterium Transformation and Verification in Various Systems Plant Experiments: Agrobacterium infiltration, leaf injection, simulation of Drought Experiment, time-lapse Photography.

Click here to see our notebook.