This year, we constructed and characterized multiple sets of parts all registered on the iGEM Parts Registry according to the BioBrick standards. Our parts are briefly listed in this page and categorized according to modules and collections they are in. For detailed information, visiting our Parts Registry page is highly recommended.

Rhodioloside Production Module (Fermentation Module)

BBa_K4761000, BBa_K4761001, BBa_K4761002, BBa_K4761003 and BBa_K4761004 are the basic parts we mainly use for rhodioloside production. BBa_K4761200, BBa_K4761201, BBa_K4761202 and BBa_K4761203, assembled from the basic parts above and able to function smartly, are the parts we actually use during constructions of engineered bacteria. Their introduction and functions are listed below.

Basic Parts

Name Description Designer
BBa_K4761000 Encodes pyruvate dehydrogenase in S.cerevisiae. Capable of forming 4-HPAA from 4-HPP in rhodioloside synthesis pathway. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761001 Encodes an alcoholdehydrogenase which forms tyrosol from 4-HPAA. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761002 Encodes a UDP-glycosyltransferase found in Arabidopsis thaliana. Generates rhodioloside from UDP-glucose and tyrosol. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761003 Encodes for a phosphoglucomutase that converts glucose 6-phosphate to glucose 1-phosphate. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761004 Encodes a glycosyltransferase that converts glucose 1-phosphate into UDP-glucose. Pinhan Pan

Composite Parts

Name Description Designer
BBa_K4761200 ARO10-adh6 tyrosol generation unit. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761201 pgm-galU UDP-glucose generation unit. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761202 Rhodioloside generation unit using tyrosol and UDP-glucose. Controlled by lac operator. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761203 Double expression rhodioloside generation unit. Pinhan Pan

Copy Number Optimization Module

Original plasmids we use (pSA-ARO10-adh6, pET-UGT85A1, pCS-pgm-galu) have low copy numbers and are supposed to have poor performance. To solve this issue, we tried to link the generator units to different plasmid backbones. The plasmids we use include the former ones BBa_K4761100, BBa_K4761101 and BBa_K4761102 assembled by enzyme linking, and new dual expression vectors BBa_K4761103, BBa_K4761104, BBa_K4761105 using Gibson Assembly®. The vectors used in this part are shown below.

Name Description Designer
BBa_K4761100 pSA plasmid vector. Expression vector for rhodioloside production. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761101 pET plasmid vector. Expression vector for rhodioloside production and RNA Thermometer. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761102 pCS plasmid vector. Expression vector for rhodioloside production. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761103 pACYCDuet dual expression vector for rhodioloside production. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761104 pCDFDuet dual expression vector for rhodioloside production and construction of pEffector. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761105 pETDuet dual expression vector for rhodioloside production. Pinhan Pan

Gene Knockout Module

pheA, pykA, pykF, whose expression may compete tyrosine with rhodioloside pathway we constructed, are the desired genes we planned to knock out. We designed multiple sgRNAs to knockout the corresponding genes using CRISPR-Cas9 method, and constructed multiple pTargets using overlapping PCR.

For knockout of pheA, we tried BBa_K4761020 and BBa_K4761021 the two sgRNAs and constructed pTargets BBa_K4761420 and BBa_K4761421.

For knockout of pykA, we tried BBa_K4761022, BBa_K4761023 and BBa_K4761024 the three sgRNAs and constructed pTargets BBa_K4761422, BBa_K4761423 and BBa_K4761424.

For knockout of pykF, we tried BBa_K4761025, BBa_K4761026, BBa_K4761027 and BBa_K4761028 the four sgRNAs and constructed pTargets BBa_K4761425, BBa_K4761426, BBa_K4761427 and BBa_K4761428.

All the pTarget derivatives are built based on the original one BBa_K4761107. CRISPR-Cas9 dual plasmid system is used.

Name Description Designer
BBa_K4761006 Encodes pCas protein. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761107 pTarget plasmid vector used for expressing sgRNA. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761020 The sgRNA1 designed for knockout of pheA. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761021 The sgRNA2 designed for knockout of pheA. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761022 The sgRNA1 designed for knockout of pykA. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761023 The sgRNA2 designed for knockout of pykA. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761024 The sgRNA3 designed for knockout of pykA. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761025 The sgRNA1 designed for knockout of pykF. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761026 The sgRNA2 designed for knockout of pykF. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761027 The sgRNA3 designed for knockout of pykF. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761028 The sgRNA4 designed for knockout of pykF. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761029 gRNA Scaffold Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761420 sgRNA1 expression plasmid for pheA knockout. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761421 sgRNA2 expression plasmid for pheA knockout. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761422 sgRNA1 expression plasmid for pykA knockout. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761423 sgRNA2 expression plasmid for pykA knockout. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761424 sgRNA3 expression plasmid for pykA knockout. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761425 sgRNA1 expression plasmid for pykF knockout. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761426 sgRNA2 expression plasmid for pykF knockout. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761427 sgRNA3 expression plasmid for pykF knockout. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761428 sgRNA4 expression plasmid for pykF knockout. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761429 pCas plasmid. Pinhan Pan

Fusion Expression Module

In BBa_K4761200, the ARO10 and adh6 gene encodes two different independent enzymes. By constructing them into a fusion protein with linkers, it is supposed to enhance the rhodioloside production. In this module, we designed six different linker sequences BBa_K4761030 to BBa_K4761035, and made tyrosol generation units BBa_K4761220 to BBa_K4761225 using fusion PCR. Their profiles are listed below.

Basic Parts

Name Description Designer
BBa_K4761030 Flexible linker gene 1 used for adh6-ARO10 fusion expression. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761031 Flexible linker gene 2 used for adh6-ARO10 fusion expression. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761032 Flexible linker gene 3 used for adh6-ARO10 fusion expression. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761033 Rigid linker gene 4 used for adh6-ARO10 fusion expression. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761034 Rigid linker gene 5 used for adh6-ARO10 fusion expression. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761035 Rigid linker gene 6 used for adh6-ARO10 fusion expression. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761220 adh6-linker1-ARO10 fusion expression unit for tyrosol production. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761221 adh6-linker2-ARO10 fusion expression unit for tyrosol production. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761222 adh6-linker3-ARO10 fusion expression unit for tyrosol production. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761223 adh6-linker4-ARO10 fusion expression unit for tyrosol production. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761224 adh6-linker5-ARO10 fusion expression unit for tyrosol production. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761225 adh6-linker6-ARO10 fusion expression unit for tyrosol production. Pinhan Pan

RNA Thermometer Module

We designed multiple RNA thermometers which could be activated when temperature reaches 37℃. At first, we used BBa_K4761040 to BBa_K4761044 and built report units BBa_K4761230 to BBa_K4761234 to install on pET plasmid (BBa_K4761101 ). Luminescence signal could be detected only by microplate readers. Later new thermometers BBa_K4761045 to BBa_K4761049 are designed and report units BBa_K4761235 to BBa_K4761239 are built to install on pET28a (BBa_K4761106 ) to observe luminescence under naked eye. EGFP (BBa_K4761005 ) is selected to be our reporter protein due to its excellent luminescence density.

Basic Parts

Name Description Designer
BBa_K4761005 Encodes EGFP reporter protein. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761040 RNA thermometer U6-1. Activates around 37℃. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761041 RNA thermometer U6-2. Activates around 37℃. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761042 RNA thermometer U7. Activates around 37℃. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761043 RNA thermometer U8. Activates around 37℃. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761044 RNA thermometer U9. Activates around 37℃. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761045 RNA thermometer U6-1 for new plasmid pET28a. Activates around 37℃. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761046 RNA thermometer U6-2 for new plasmid pET28a. Activates around 37℃. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761047 RNA thermometer U7 for new plasmid pET28a. Activates around 37℃. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761048 RNA thermometer U8 for new plasmid pET28a. Activates around 37℃. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761049 RNA thermometer U9 for new plasmid pET28a. Activates around 37℃. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761106 pET28a expression vector with T7 promoter for RNA Thermometer. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761111 pET-EGFP plasmid. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761112 pET28a-EGFP plasmid. Pinhan Pan

Composite Parts

Name Description Designer
BBa_K4761230 Temperature-sensitive reporter unit U6-1. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761231 Temperature-sensitive reporter unit U6-2. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761232 Temperature-sensitive reporter unit U7. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761233 Temperature-sensitive reporter unit U8. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761234 Temperature-sensitive reporter unit U9. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761235 Temperature-sensitive reporter unit U6-1 for pET28a vector. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761236 Temperature-sensitive reporter unit U6-2 for pET28a vector. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761237 Temperature-sensitive reporter unit U7 for pET28a vector. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761238 Temperature-sensitive reporter unit U8 for pET28a vector. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761239 Temperature-sensitive reporter unit U9 for pET28a vector. Pinhan Pan

Gene Integration Module

To research about the effect of integrating our rhodioloside production module into the genome of our chassis, ARO10 and UGT85A1 knock-in strain are constructed using CRISPR-Transposon three-plasmid system. We constructed the corresponding transposon units using Gibson Assembly®. The parts we used are listed below.

Basic Parts

Name Description Designer
BBa_K4761050 Transposon left end designed for gene knock-in. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761051 Transposon right end designed for gene knock-in. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761052 pTarget unit on pEffector. Expresses a guide RNA sequence to locate the desired sequence for gene knock-in. Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761053 TnsQ Cas876 Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761054 TnsABC Leidun Xu
BBa_K4761108 pDonor plasmid Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761109 pCutamp plasmid Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761110 pEffector plasmid Pinhan Pan

Composite Parts

Name Description Designer
BBa_K4761240 ARO10 knock-in transposon unit. Pinhan Pan
BBa_K4761241 UGT85A1 knock-in transposon unit. Pinhan Pan

Primer Parts

The following is a brief list of important primers we used. We list and register them for the convenience of repeat experiments by those who may have interest in our project. For usage and detailed sequence, etc., please refer to their Registry pages. Other primers, including most verification primers and those sharing much resemblance with parts mentioned above, are not registered. Design guidance for these primers is written in corresponding Registry pages instead.

To check all the primers and their numberings we use, please see Primer List page.

Copy Number Optimization Module

Name Description
BBa_K4761500 pSA/pCS-BamHI-F
BBa_K4761501 pSA/pCS-KpnI-R
BBa_K4761502 pET-BamH I-F
BBa_K4761503 pET-KpnI-R
BBa_K4761504 AR010-adh6-KpnI-F
BBa_K4761505 AR010-adh6-BamHI-R
BBa_K4761506 pgm-galu-KpnI-F
BBa_K4761507 pgm-galu-BamHI-R
BBa_K4761508 UGT-KpnI-F
BBa_K4761509 UGT-BamHI-R
BBa_K4761510 pETDuet-AR010-F
BBa_K4761511 pacyc/pCDF-AR010-F
BBa_K4761512 gibson-AR010-adh6-R
BBa_K4761513 gibson-AR010-rPCR-F
BBa_K4761514 pacyc/pCDF-AR010-rPCR-R
BBa_K4761515 pETDuet-AR010-rPCR-R
BBa_K4761516 gibson-UGT-F
BBa_K4761517 gibson-UGT-R
BBa_K4761518 gibson-UGT-rPCR-F
BBa_K4761519 gibson-UGT-rPCR-R

Gene Knockout Module (Primers for Donor Synthesis)

Name Description
BBa_K4761520 pheA-P1-F
BBa_K4761521 pheA-P2-R
BBa_K4761522 pheA-P3-F
BBa_K4761523 pheA-P4-R
BBa_K4761524 pykA-P1-F
BBa_K4761525 pykA-P2-R
BBa_K4761526 pykA-P3-F
BBa_K4761527 pykA-P4-R
BBa_K4761528 pykF-P1-F
BBa_K4761529 pykF-P2-R
BBa_K4761530 pykF-P3-F
BBa_K4761531 pykF-P4-R

Gene Intergration Module

Name Description
BBa_K4761540 pDonor-ARO10-F
BBa_K4761541 pDonor-ARO10-R
BBa_K4761542 pDonor-UGT-F
BBa_K4761543 pDonor-UGT-R
BBa_K4761544 pDonor-rPCR-R
BBa_K4761545 pDonor-rPCR-F

RNA Thermometer Module

Name Description
BBa_K4761550 EGFP-Kpn I-F
BBa_K4761551 EGFP-BamHI-R