Table 1 : Team Member Contributions
1. Name 2. Role 3. General Tasks 4. Specific Tasks
Jizhang Lian Primary PI Analysis
(1)Analysis-he led us the direction when we encountered difficulties in the wet experiment.
(2)Conceptualization-Dr. Lian provided many constructive suggestions for our project.
(3)Fundraising-He raised funds and in-kind donations from our school to support the project
(4)Safety-performing activities to ensure compliance with the safety guidelines or requirements of iGEM
Zehua Bao Secondary PI Conceptualization Conceptualization-During the topic selection stage, Dr. Bao provided many sound suggestions for our project.
Haoran Yu Secondary PI Conceptualization Conceptualization-During the topic selection stage, Dr. Yu provided many sound suggestions for our project.
Lidan Ye Secondary PI Analysis
(1)Analysis-When our wet experiment ran into difficulties, she led us the way.
(2)Conceptualization-provided many suggestions.
Chunjie Liu Secondary PI Fundraising
Fundraising-(1) Fundraising-Dr. Liu provided us valuable laboratory equipment;
(2) Safety-and ensured laboratory safety for the wet lab.
Hongyu Ouyang Instructor Analysis Analysis-Hongyu Ouyang is the team leader of HiZJU-China iGEM 2022. She participated in our selection discussion process and assisted us with liquid chromatography, gibson and other wet experiments.
Tanglei Zhang Instructor Analysis Analysis-Tanglei Zhang is the experimental instructor of our team. He taught us many experimental skills.
Junchen Dong Student Leader Analysis
Project Administration
(1)Analysis-Dong coordinated and participated in most of the work. He participated in most of the summer experiments.Analyze the data obtained from the experiment.
(2)Conceptualization-Refine the project design.
(3)Project Administration-Coordinate the preparation, conduct and completion of various tasks.
(4)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Yuxin Cai Student Conceptualization
(1)Conceptualization-Cai consulted a variety of literature and completed more than 80% of the project's design. She contacted and interviewed multiple experts, and actively participated in every discussion of the project.
(2)Writing-She also composed partial web page text.
Jiayao Teng Student Analysis
Notebook/record keeping
(1)Analysis-collated experiment protocols, and accessed relevant literature. He was mainly involved in gene integration, liposomes, RNA thermometer validation, plasmid reconstruction, and other experimental parts.
(2)Notebook/record keeping-He was also responsible for lab records.
(3)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Pinhan Pan Student Analysis
Notebook/record keeping
(1)Analysis-Pan is one of the core members of the wet lab involved mainly in the following works.
(2)Notebook/record keeping-kept record of the experiment throughout the experimentation period, kept track of the biological parts used in our project.
(3)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Mingzhi Tang Student Conceptualization
(1)Conceptualization-provided many sound suggestions for our project.
(2)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Yuyan Chen Student Conceptualization
(1)Conceptualization-Chen designed a product production partial gene circuit and determined part of the gene components.
(2)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Yutong Gao Student Analysis
(1)Analysis-Gao involved in all wet laboratory work, including plasmid reconstruction, gene integration, and gene knockout. He also guided the work of human practice.
(2)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Xinyang Wang Student Analysis
Public Engagement
(1)Analysis-Wang contributed most of the wet lab experimental skills, participated in gene knockout, plasmid reconstruction, fusion expression, RNA thermometer construction, and so on,
(2)Visualization-as well as much human practical work, and also created the promotion video.
(3)Public Engagement-and took on much human practical work.
(4)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Leidun Xu Student Analysis
(1)Analysis-Xu designed and conducted experiments for gene reorganization, metabolic network optimization, RNA thermometer construction, and gene integration.
(2)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Xinyue Tu Student Analysis
(1)Analysis-Tu researched and designed quorum sensing to activate the kill switch, synthesized liposomal vesicles capable of encrusting bacteria, participated in knockout and integration of target genes, and synthesized RNA thermometer.
(2)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Junyuan Li Student Investigation
(1)Investigation-Li participated in some of the wet lab's experiments on plasmids
(2)Visualization-the web design of the dry lab, and the production of the promotion video.
(3)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Leqi Liu Student Investigation
(1)Investigation-Liu researched on mechanism and designed production lines. She also conducted experiments for increasing the yeild of salidroside.
(2)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Zhiyuan Lin Student Wiki Coding
(1)Wiki Coding-Lin was mainly responsible for leading the web production process, designing and implementing the web style and animation, uploading and testing the website.
(2)Visualization-Web visual effects production.
(3)Conceptualization-Participated in project direction discussion.
Yuxing Che Student Wiki Coding
(1)Wiki Coding-Che was responsible for the main web frame building, image processing, content layout and filling.
(2)Visualization-Web visual effects production.
(3)Conceptualization-Participated in project direction discussion.
Linzhan Mou Student Model Model-Mou researched on mechanism, optimization of physical modeling, and design of theoretical models and derivation of formulas.
Lezhou Wu Student Hardware
(1)Hardware-Wu researched on hardware components, and designed and wrote the wiki.
(2)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Shang Chi Student Visualization Visualization-As a senior member of HiZJU-China iGEM team, Shang Chi participated in the brainstorming of project designing. Outside of wet lab, he was in charge of our team's artwork. He designed our team logo, project logo, and drew the necessary artwork for our promotion videos and web pages.
Xinya Cai Student Public Engagement
(1)Public Engagement-Cai was responsible for human practice work, including external communication, social education, etc.
(2)Investigation-She also participated in the basic work of the experimental phase.
(3)Writing-Participated in writing the wiki.
Che Pu Student Public Engagement Public Engagement-He participated in some human practice work.

Table 2 : External Contributions
1. Name 2. Institution Type 3. Relationship to team 4. General Tasks 5. Specific Tasks
Zhuxian Zhou Academic External Advisor Conceptualization
(1)Conceptualization- provided many sound suggestions for our project.
(2)Analysis-To help us complete the liposomal vesicle experiment and to help us analyze the data
Zhikan Yao Academic External Advisor Conceptualization Conceptualization- provided many sound suggestions for our project.
Shenke Fang Government External Advisor Background Research Background Research-Mr. Shenke Fang is the director of the Medical Device Supervision Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Drug Administration, and he tells us a lot about the government regulation of contact lens marketing.
Yuemin Li Academic External Advisor Analysis Analysis-Guide our experiments and help us analyze the data together
Snapgene Industry Sponsor Other Give us use of the software
IDT Industry Sponsor Other Offer our free gene synthesis services
Qipeng Yuan Academic External Advisor Other Gave us plasmids that contain specific genes
Zhinan Xu Academic External Advisor Other Gave us the EGFP gene

Table 3 : Project Timeline
1. Project Activity 2. Start Date 3. End Date 4. Total Time (weeks)
1. Recruit Team Members 2022/11/20 2022/12/4 2
2. Development of Project Plan 2022/12/15 2023/4/10 17
3. Wet Laboratory Activities 2023/5/10 2023/10/7 21
4. Dry Laboratory Activities 2023/7/20 2023/10/8 11
5. Building the Team Wiki 2023/8/24 2023/10/11 7