Part Collection

The parts in the collection have been registered in the Registry.

Rhodioloside Production - This collection has the parts that are necessary for production of rhodioloside.

Copy Number Optimization - The collection of plasmids vector of different copy numbers and expression efficiencies we used in our project.

Gene Knockout - The collection of sgRNAs we designed, and necessary plasmids we use in CRISPR-Cas9 dual plasmid system.

Fusion Expression - The collection of linker sequences and fusion proteins we designed.

RNA Thermometer - The collection of different RNA Thermometers and report units we designed.

Gene Integration - The collection of plasmids used in the CRISPR-Transposon three-plasmid system, and transposon units we designed.

Primer Parts - Important primers we designed and used in our project.

For detailed information, please see Parts page.