
Experiment 1

Experiment purpose: Insert the NAMPT gene into a mammalian expression vector (pCDH) to express the NAMPT protein

Method: Molecular cloning

STEP 1: Get the CDS sequence of the NAMPT gene from NCBI

STEP 2: Use SnapGene to construct the new plasmid

STEP 3: PCR reaction


Volume ( µL)

PCR grade water


KOD One™ PCR Master Mix


10 µM Primers Forward/Reverse




Total volume




PCR cycle

1) Denaturation: Break the hydrogen bonds between DNA bases to melt the DNA double strands to produce single-stranded DNA.

2) Annealing: Lower the temperature low enough to allow the oligonucleotide primer to bind to the DNA template.

3) Extension: During extension, DNA polymerase will synthesize new double-stranded DNA.




Cycle times















Elongation 2









STEP 4: Empty vector double digestion for linearization

Reaction mix: 20ul system



Volume ( µL)

pCDH vector








Total volume


Condition: PCR tube, 37, overnight

STEP 5: Carrier double digestion linearization

1. Weigh 0.3g agarose powder and add it to 30 mL TAE solution. Microwave oven to melt the agarose powder until the solution is clear and transparent.

2. Pour the agarose gel solution into the gluing tank and insert the comb.

3. After solidification for about 30 minutes, take out the nucleic acid glue and use or store it in TAE solution immediately for later use.

STEP 6: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Observe nucleic acid gel electrophoresis.

STEP 7: Gel extraction

1. Cut gel to 1.5ml EP tube.

2. Add NT1 buffer (200 µl/mg).

3. Dissolve the gel in the buffer in a metal bath at 50 for 5-10min

4. Load the sample into the column.

5. Use a centrifuge (11000xg,30s) to centrifuge the DNA from the buffer.

6. Change a tube for a column, add NT3 buffer (700 µl/mg).

7. Use centrifugal machine (11000xg,30s) to centrifuge the DNA from the buffer.

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7.

9. Dry silica membrane (11000xg, 1min).

10. Change tube and add 50 µl ddHO, then elute the DNA into the ddHO by Centrifuge (11000xg,30s).

STEP 8: Concentration determination

1. Add 2 µl to the NanoDrop 2000.

2. Determinate concentration.

STEP 9: The carrier is connected to the fragment

1. Mix Enzyme mix (5 µl), Cut vector (1 µl), NAMPT fragment (3 µl), ddH2O(1 µl)

2. Incubate at 50 for 15 min

(Immediate use it for transformation; If subsequent operations cannot be carried out immediately, the reaction sample should be stored at -20)

STEP 10: Transformation

1. Operation Method

1) Take 50 µL of competent cells melted in an ice bath, add the target DNA, mix them gently, and place in an ice bath for 30 minutes.

2) Heat in a 42℃ water bath for 45 seconds, then quickly transfer the tube to an ice bath for 2 minutes without shaking the centrifuge tube.

3) According to the experimental requirements (transformation of plasmids and recombinant ligation products), pipette different volumes of transformed competent cells and add them to LB agar medium containing corresponding antibiotics, and spread the cells evenly. Place the plate at 37℃ until the liquid is absorbed, invert the plate, and culture overnight at 37℃.

2. Precautions

1) Freshly thawed cells have the highest transformation efficiency.

2) Avoid repeated thawing.

3) Avoid pipetting.

4) The whole operation should be gentle.

STEP 11: Colony PCR-monoclonal identification

1. Picked a single colony into the medium containing 100ul ampicillin resistance, cultured on a shaker at 37℃ for 1 hour.

2. Same as step 3, perform a PCR (10ul system).

3. Same as step 5+6, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis.

4. Shake positive colonies tube 7ml culture medium overnight culture.

5. Plasmid extraction.

STEP 12: Plasmid extraction

1. Column equilibration step: Add 500L of equilibrium liquid BL to the adsorption column CP3 (the adsorption column is placed in the collection tube), centrifuge at 12,000 pm (~13,400xg) for 1 min, pour off the waste liquid in the collection tube, and remove the adsorption. Return the column to the collection tube.

2. Take 1-5 mL of overnight cultured bacterial solution, add it to a centrifuge tube, use a conventional desktop centrifuge, centrifuge at 12,000 rpm (~13,400Xg) for 1 min, and suck up the supernatant as much as possible (when there is a lot of bacterial solution, you can centrifuge the bacteria several times).

3. Add 250µL of solution P1 (please check whether RNase A has been added) to the centrifuge tube with the bacterial pellet left, and use a liquid dispenser or a vortex shaker to suspend the bacterial pellet thoroughly. (If there are bacteria blocks that are not thoroughly mixed, the lysis will be affected, resulting in low extraction volume and purity).

4. Add 250µL solution P2 to the centrifuge tube, and gently turn it up and down 6-8 times to fully lyse the bacteria (Mix gently, do not shake vigorously, so as not to break the genomic DNA, resulting in genomic DNA fragments mixed in the extracted plasmid. At this time, the bacterial solution should become clear and viscous, and the time used should not exceed 5 minutes to avoid damage to the plasmid. If it does not become clear, it may be due to too much bacteria and incomplete lysis, and the amounts of bacteria should be reduced).

5. Add 350µL of solution P3 to the centrifuge tube, turn it up and down gently 6-8 times immediately, and mix well. At this time, a white flocculent precipitate will appear. Centrifuge at 12,000 rpm (~13,400Xg) for 10 min. (P3 should be mixed immediately after adding to avoid local precipitation. If there are tiny white precipitates in the supernatant, centrifuge again and take the supernatant).

6. Use a pipette to transfer the supernatant collected in the previous step to the adsorption column CP3 (the adsorption column is placed in the collection tube), and be careful not to suck out the precipitate as much as possible. Centrifuge at 12,000 rpm (~13,400Xg) for 30-60 sec, discard the waste liquid in the collection tube and put the adsorption column CP3 into the collection tube.

7. Add 600µL of rinse solution PW to the adsorption column CP3 (please check whether absolute ethanol has been added first), centrifuge at 12,000 rpm (~13,400xg) for 30-60 sec, pour off the waste liquid in the collection tube, and put the adsorption column CP3 into the collection tube.

8. Repeat step seven.

9. Put the adsorption column CP3 into the collection tube and centrifuge at 12,000 rpm (13,00xg) for 2 minutes to remove the residual washing liquid in the adsorption column. (The residual ethanol in the rinsing solution will affect the subsequent enzyme reaction experiments. In order to ensure that downstream experiments will not be affected by residual ethanol, it is recommended to remove the cap of the adsorption column CP3 and place it at room temperature for several minutes to dry the residual rinse solution in the adsorption material completely).

10. Put the adsorption column CP3 in a clean centrifuge tube, add 50-100L elution buffer H2O dropwise to the middle part of the adsorption membrane, place℃ at room temperature for 2 minutes, and centrifuge at 12,000 rpm (-13,400Xg) for 2 minutes to remove the plasmid The solution was collected into a centrifuge tube.


Experiment 2

Experimental purpose:to construct the mutant form of NAMPT selected by directed evolution.

Method:Site-directed mutagenesis


STEP 1 - Primer Design


1. The primer length should be generally between 15-30 bases. Otherwise, it will not be conducive to the reaction of the polymerase.

1) Primers that are too short will reduce amplification specificity.

2) On the other hand, if the primer is too long, the annealing temperature will increase.

2. The GC content of the primer should be between 40% and 60%, and the Tm value is preferably close to 72℃.

1) Tm value: The Tm value (melting temperature) of the primer = 4(G+C)+2(A+T), try to ensure that the Tm value of the upstream and downstream primers is consistent, generally not exceeding 2℃.

3. The bases are supposed to be distributed randomly.

1) Avoid repeating nucleobases to cause false priming; try to avoid complementarity between primers to prevent the formation of primer dimers or hairpin structures.

4. Primer specificity: If the 3' end of the primer contains a G or C residue, the specificity of the primer can be increased.

STEP 2 - PCR Reaction

1. Reaction mix


Volume ( µL)

PCR grade water


KOD One™ PCR Master Mix


10 µM Primers F/R

1 each



Total volume


2. PCR cycle


Temperature (℃)


Cycle times















Elongation 2








STEP 3 - Prepare Nucleic Acid Gel

1.       Weigh 0.3g of agarose powder, add it to 30ml TAE solution, and heat it in a microwave oven to fully melt the agarose powder until the solution is clear and transparent.

2.     Pour the agarose gel solution into the gel tank and insert the comb.

3.      After about 30 min of solidification, take out the nucleic acid gel and use it immediately or store it in TAE solution for later use.

STEP 4 - Nucleic acid gel electrophoresis

Take 10 µL of the PCR product for gel identification, and check whether there is a single band at the position corresponding to the size of the band, so as to infer whether the PCR is successful.

STEP 5 - Add the Dpnl enzyme digestion template

1.       Reaction mix


Volume ( µL)



10 µL FlashOne buffer




FlashCut Dpnl


Total volume


2. Operating process

1) Preparation of reaction system.

2) Gently suck or flick the tube wall to mix well (do not vortex), and then centrifuge instantaneously to collect the wall-hanging droplets.

3) Incubate at 37℃ for 60min.

STEP 6 - Transform

1. Take 50 µL of competent cells melted on an ice bath, add the DNA of interest, mix gently, and leave in an ice bath for 30 min.

2. Heat in a water bath at 42 ℃ for 45 sec, then quickly transfer the tubes to an ice bath for 2 min, the process without shaking the centrifuge tubes.

3. Add 500 µL of sterile LB medium (without antibiotics) to each centrifuge tube, mix well and place in 1 h aphine plates at 37 ℃, 200 rpm to revive the bacteria.

4. Pipette different volumes of transformed competent cells onto LB agar medium containing the appropriate antibiotics, and spread the cells evenly. Place the plate at 37 ℃ until the liquid is absorbed, invert the plate and incubate at 37 ℃ overnight.

STEP 7 - Pick multiple single clones for sequencing identification

1. Each person picked 3 colonies, cultured them into a medium containing ampicillin antibiotic, and incubated them at 37℃ over night.

STEP 8 - Plasmid sequencing