Meet the Team
Integrated Immunology M.Sc.
Finance Team Leader
Funfact about myself: I remember my dreams 5/7 nights a week.
Integrated Immunology M.Sc.
Social Media Team Leader and Wiki Design
Funfact: Sharks as a species are older than the the existence of trees on earth and the rings of saturn.
Integrated Immunology M.Sc.
Quote: „If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?“ - A. Einstein
Chemistry M.Sc.
Funfact: The only letter not appearing in the periodic table is j.
Integrated Life Sciences B.Sc.
Quote: "The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." - Robert Louis Stevenson
Integrated Immunology M.Sc.
Quote: "Think like a proton - always positive"
Integrated Immunology M.Sc.
Human Practice Team Leader
Quote: "I'm gonna go stand outside. If anyone asks, I'm outstanding."
Molecular Sciences M.Sc.
Funfact: You might be drinking water that is older than the solar system.
Integrated Immunology M.Sc.
Wet Lab Team Leader
Most consumed goods: books and wine
Integrated Immunology M.Sc.
Dry Lab Team Leader
I’m from the city of Homer and Heraclitus.
Integrated Immunology M.Sc.
Quote: "If you stumble, make it part of your dance."
Integrated Immunology M.Sc.
“Life finds a way, Always!”
Biology B.Sc.
Quote: "It doesn't matter if you are the first, the second or the sixth. What matters is that you are the best!"
Integrated Immunology M.Sc.
Passions: collaborative, transformative, and reproducible translational science.
Molecular Medicine M.Sc.
Quote: “…the human being, that's all about a bouquet of cells…”
Computer Science B.Sc.
Funfact: You can save about 455 exabytes of data in one gram of DNA.
Molecular Biology M.Sc.
Quote: “A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.” - Steve Martin
PhD Student
Ants don't get sick because they have Ant-y bodies.
PhD Student
Funfact: Our bodies contain more microbial cells than human cells.
Primary PI
"Making science fun"
Secondary PI
"Everybody is a genius." - A. Einstein