
Intention of the dry lab project and why it is important for GLOW.coli

During our initial research we discovered that the endogenous SCFA-metabolism of E.coli might interfere with our measurements. We wanted to find out under which specific conditions E.coli is producing or consuming e.g. acetate. Furthermore, we got interested in how capable our bacteria will be to take up extracellular acetate. This is important since the SCFAs from our samples have to enter the bacterial cell first before they can be detected by our reporter system. Therefore we decided to set up a stoichiometric model of the central E.coli acetate metabolism to get dynamic information on which enzymes, operons and extracellular conditions are affecting it.

Methods, programms and mathematical background

We based our model on the mathematical idea of a stoichiometric matrix containing the information on which metabolites are part of certain reactions[1]. For the setup it is only necessary to know the chemical equations which make up the metabolic network that is going to be simulated[2]. We used the open source programme CopasiUI (ArtisticLicense 2.0). To receive authentic data for E.coli we used data from proteomics[3] and metabolics[4] research conducted with LC-MS. We chose to use data from cells which grew in an abundance of glucose, since we plan to use it to nurture the bacteria while performing our measurements.

Results and conclusions for the Wet Lab experiments

We used the differential equations derived from the stoichiometric matrix in Fig.1 to perform metabolic control analysis (MCA) and compute elasticity coefficients Fig.2. These coefficients indicate which metabolite concentrations have the biggest impact (highlighted in green) on the reaction rates. This information is extremely useful to understand which parameters need to be adjusted to e.g. knock out metabolic pathways.

Stoichiometric matrix of the central acetate metabolism of E.coli with simplified reactions
Fig.1: Stoichiometric matrix of the central acetate metabolism of E.coli with simplified reactions

Finally, we ran a time course simulation to observe how the concentrations of acetate and related intracellular compounds develop over time. As visible in Fig.3 intracellular acetate which is turned into acetyl-phosphate is turned into acetyl-CoA which feeds in to the cells energy metabolism by entering the citrate cycle. Strikingly the extracellular acetate concentration seems to be nearly unaffected by this turnover. This implies that little transport of acetate is happening via the bacterial membrane under the given conditions. The reason might be, that membrane transporters for acetate are weakly expressed in the presence of glucose because acetate is not needed as an energy source. Though diffusion of acetate through the membrane is thought to be possible its rate is very low. On the one hand, this is beneficial to our purpose, because the acetate concentration of the sample will be widely unaffected by our GLOW.coli reporters. On the other hand this result raises the question of how much the extracellular acetate can influence intracellular processes like the expression of the transgenic fluorescent proteins.

Elasticity coefficients with the highest contributions to reaction rates coloured in green
Fig.2: Elasticity coefficients with the highest contributions to reaction rates coloured in green

We conclude that as little glucose as possible should be added to the culture medium before and while the measurement of SCFA. This should increase the expression of acetate transporters like actP as shown in [3]. Also the fluorescent measurement should be done quickly after adding GLOW.coli to the SCFA sample. By that, an interference of the metabolism with the extracellular acetate, which becomes a carbon and energy source in the absence of glucose, can be kept as small as possible.

Time course experiment Selected concentrations are plotted against the time from zero to 20ms
Fig.3: Time course experiment selected concentrations are plotted against the time from zero to 20ms


[1] Francisco Llaneras, Jesús Picó, Stoichiometric modelling of cell metabolism, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Volume 105, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 1-11, ISSN 1389-1723,

[2] Bernal V, Castaño-Cerezo S, Cánovas M. Acetate metabolism regulation in Escherichia coli: carbon overflow, pathogenicity, and beyond. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2016 Nov;100(21):8985-9001. doi:10.1007/s00253-016-7832-x Epub 2016 Sep 20. PMID: 27645299.

[3] Schmidt, A., Kochanowski, K., Vedelaar, S. et al. The quantitative and condition-dependent Escherichia coli proteome. Nat Biotechnol 34, 104–110 (2016).

[4] Bennett, B., Kimball, E., Gao, M. et al. Absolute metabolite concentrations and implied enzyme active site occupancy in Escherichia coli. Nat Chem Biol 5, 593–599 (2009).