- To build a model that attempts to quantify the expression of RNAIII and its subsequent effect on biofilm formation.
- To build this model the odeint function in the Scipy package will be used
- The model was built in two sections. the first being a set of differential equations for the RIP-RAP-TRAP mechanism based off of Henri-Michaelis-Menten kinetics (see modelling). And a second set of differential equations to describe the activity of the Agr operon: its autoactivation and expression of RNAIII
- Alphafold2 and ChimeraX were used to test the parameters of the model. Specifically, the binding of RIP, RAP and TRAP – relating to constants K1 and K2. The predicted aligned error between RAP and TRAP was high, flagging the likelihood that RAP and TRAP do not bind to each other.
- Whilst building the model we knew the expected results of each section of the model and how one would affect each other. In this process we experienced some unexpected results that showed that the model was not working as expected such as negative concentrations and massive negative spikes.
- Before even putting our model into its full throw and attempting to find model parameters. Our model showed that an increase of RIP would lead to a decreased expression of RNAIII and thus a decreased expression of delta toxin (a toxin known to decrease the formation of biofilms). The results of these two models led to some serious questions over our project and resulted in us having to head back to the drawing board and to scour more literature.
- From the test stage (testing the model parameters) we found that the systems do not function as expected based on the literature – with RAP and TRAP not binding meaning TRAP was not phosphorylated through the expected mechanism.
- This fed into our subsequent research stage – using these findings to inform our subsequent project design as we were aware to be hyper-critical when examining the literature.