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1.Transcriptome data screening

16 Candidate Promoters

The expression profiles and subcellular localization results were also retrieved using the ePlant online database:

(The following pictures were drawn by student Alex with the assistance of Mr. Chen Lichuan)

2.Plant growth model

In the watering model, we assume that the soil is completely dry before the original watering, and the weight of all the watering is 100%, we use the difference between the first two columns of the value as the difference in moisture content. Then look at the daily low-frequency watering state after the decline in humidity, through a review of the literature, get the tobacco seedling probably such as 70% for the best humidity state for the best desired environment.

To mathematically model and analyze the growth of a plant, we decided to use a mathematical tool, such as MATLAB, to create a mathematical model. In this model, the relationship between changes in the weight of the plant and factors such as watering frequency and humidity can be considered.

The example code will calculate the average daily humidity loss rate. Now you can use this data to analyse the best humidity conditions and when you should water. The above code will plot the curve of the average humidity loss rate and mark the red dots on the dates when watering is needed. By setting a watering threshold, you can determine when you need to water based on the change in the Average Moisture Loss Rate.

Subsequently, we have added the parameter of light as a new input to the model, and the model results are shown below:

Below is a simple MATLAB code example for analyzing the data you provided and creating a basic model:

The first draft of the MATLAB code was written by Student Alex with the help of Mr. WangXu.
% input data
120 230 205 193 187 177 153;
148 265 255 236 215 199 175;
125 236 223 205 179 165 140;
121 229 219 204 174 158 133;
109 218 196 186 159 149 130
% Calculate daily humidity changes
initial_weight=data(:, 1);
final_weight=data(:, 2);
daily_weights=data(:, 3:end);
humidity_change=initial_weight - final_weight;
% Calculation of the daily rate of weight change (daily rate of moisture loss)
weight_change_rate=daily_weights ./ humidity_change;
% Calculate the mean value
mean_weight_change_rate=mean(weight_change_rate, 1);
% Print the daily average of the moisture loss rate
disp('Average daily moisture loss rate:');
% input data
mean_weight_change_rate=[0.0212 0.0344 0.0335 0.0286 0.0242 0.023 0.0197];
% Set the watering threshold (can be adjusted according to the actual situation)
% Determine when you need to water
need_watering=mean_weight_change_rate> threshold;
% Visualisation results
plot(mean_weight_change_rate, 'b-o'); % Plotting the mean humidity loss curve
hold on;
plot(find(need_watering), mean_weight_change_rate(need_watering), 'ro', 'MarkerSize', 10);
% Draw red dots on the points that need to be watered
ylabel('Average value of moisture loss rate');
title('Examples of plant moisture loss rates and watering points');
legend('Rate of moisture loss', 'Watering required');
% Shows the date when watering is required
watering_dates = find(need_watering);
disp('Dates when watering is required:');