
Our journey all these months in organizing educational events has been proof of our vision to make science accessible and comprehensible for everyone, regardless of their age or background. Each event was not just an opportunity to spread knowledge but a platform to spark curiosity and foster constructive dialogue.

From Science Game Night to the screening of Gattaca, and from the Biosafety debate to the National Competition of Riddles in Synthetic Biology, our goal has always been the same: to break down barriers that often surround complex scientific subjects. We wanted to demonstrate that science can be fun, interactive, and easily understood by all.

In every event, our focus remained on promoting dialogue, encouraging people with diverse levels of knowledge to participate in conversations about biology, synthetic biology, and topics like Parkinson's disease, which was always the core of our project. We wished to contribute to the sharing of the wonders of science with open hearts and open minds, as we believe that a shared understanding of science can lead to a brighter, more informed future for all.

Webinar with the students of the "Evangelliki School"

NGO's Fair

Entrepreneurship Fair Panorama

UNIque Days by Unique Minds

Junior High School in Xanthi

Panhellenic Symposium of College Students for Bioscientists

Scientific Congress of Medical Students of Greece

Pharmaceutical Conference of Pharmaceutical College Students

"SKAI" Radio

Educational Presentation & Workshop in "Metadrasi"

Science Game Night

Presentation in "Sivilla"

Biosafety Presentation-Debate and Theatrical Games-Improvisation

Medhub Meeting

Researcher's Night by the National Technical University of Athens

Educational Presentation & Workshop in "Smile of the Child"

Science Movie Night: Gattaca in Open Air Cinema

Bioinformatics Workshop

National Competition of Riddles in Synthetic Biology

Educational Presentation & Workshop in "SOS Children's Villages"

DNA Workshop "DNA Delights" in the Athens Science Festival

"Smile of the Child" - Biology Workshop

Education through our Social Media

Educational Series of Videos: Introduction to Combinatorics