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In the realm of synthetic biology, "Parts" are the fundamental building blocks that enable scientists and researchers to engineer and construct novel biological systems. These parts encompass a wide range of genetic components, including promoters, coding sequences, terminators, and more. “Cancer sniper” project relies on a carefully curated collection of parts to achieve its goals in advancing biotechnology and addressing critical challenges.

This section of our project wiki serves as a comprehensive repository of the various biological components we have employed. Here, you will find detailed descriptions, functional properties, and references for each part we have used in our project. Our team has meticulously selected and characterized these parts to ensure their reliability and suitability for our specific applications.

By providing this detailed inventory, we aim to facilitate the replication of our work and encourage collaboration with fellow iGEM teams and the broader synthetic biology community. Each part is a crucial piece of the puzzle that, when combined creatively, enables us to engineer novel solutions to real-world problems.

We invite you to explore this section to gain a deeper understanding of the genetic elements that underpin the innovation and ingenuity behind “Cancer sniper” project. Feel free to use this resource as a reference for your own endeavors in the exciting world of synthetic biology.

Parts Collection Form

Table 1. Condition Controlling System Promoters

Part name Part type Short Description
BBa_K4776000 Regulatory LldR
BBa_K4776001 Regulatory pPept
BBa_K4776002 Regulatory pCadC

Table 2. Condition Controlling System Initiative Sequence

Part name Part type Short Description
BBa_K4776004 RNA trigger A1
BBa_K4776006 RNA trigger A2
BBa_K4776007 RNA trigger A3

Table 3. Validation Parts of Condition Controlling System Promoters

Part name Part type Short Description
BBa_K4776003 Reporter LUC
BBa_K4776010 Coding LldR-LUC
BBa_K4776011 Coding pPept-LUC
BBa_K4776012 Coding pCadC-LUC

Table 4. Gate Circuit Controlling Expression System Effective Elements

Part name Part type Short Description
BBa_K4776013 Regulatory Intergrated trigger for gate circuit system
BBa_K4776014 Terminator T7Te-rrnB T1 High Termination Efficiency Integrated Terminator
BBa_K4776015 Coding CDD-iRGD antitumor protein
BBa_K4776016 Regulatory Gate circuit control system switch
BBa_K4776017 Coding Gate circuit response element expressing anti-tumor protein CDD-iRGD

Table 5. Gate Circuit Controlling Expression System Vectors

Part name Part type Short Description
BBa_K4776018 Plasmid pUC19 with reporter gene LUC
BBa_K4776019 Plasmid pACYC177-T7-EGFP