


We summarized the whole educational activity around the following keywords:
"synthetic biology", "environment", and "water resource".
The education section is divided into four parts: primary school, high school, university, and society. We use different approaches to spreading synthetic biology to different groups.
If you want to understand why we do it, what we do, how we do it, and how well it works, please click on the interactive image below!

To put Claritein to use and make it an entrepreneurial endeavour, we used PLC (product life cycle) and SWOT analysis, which helped us get off the ground from the lab to the business. We used PLC to determine who our most important customers were to focus on at each time period. SWOT analysis was used to see what strengths and weaknesses Claritein had once it was on the market.


Any product has a life cycle and so does ours. the PLC is a good reflection of what we are going to do next at each step is right and not in vain. Therefore, we have adopted PLC for our project to confirm our current level of progress and future planning to be carried out, so that we can better communicate with our stakeholders.

There are 5 phases of PLC, R&D phase, introduction phase, growth phase, maturity phase, and saturation phase.

R&D Phase

The period from product conception to successful product development and manufacturing. During this period the sales of the product are zero and the investment of the company is increasing.

Introduction Period

The introduction of a new product to the market enters the introduction period. At this time, customers do not understand the product, only a few customers seeking novelty may buy, there is no or only a very small number of competitors, sales are very low.

Growth period

At this time, customers are already familiar with the product, a large number of new customers began to buy, the market gradually expand. Production costs are relatively low, and the firm's sales rise rapidly, as do its profits.


Competitors see profitable, will have to enter the market to participate in the competition, so that the supply of similar products increased, the price fell, the enterprise profit growth rate gradually slowed down, and finally reached the highest point of the life cycle profits.


Market demand tends to be saturated, potential customers have been very few, sales growth is slow until it turns down. Competition gradually increases, and enterprise profits decline.

At present, our products are still in the research and development stage, so the requirements of the target customer groups are particularly important, that is to say, the sewage treatment plant as our first major interest group, should be more into their needs into the project. At the same time, the government departments decide whether our technology can be marketed and sold, so we must meet the relevant legal requirements of the government, and communicate with the government departments. In addition, we need to communicate with experts, as there are more problems in the R&D period than in the investment period, and the help of experts is huge and immeasurable. We need to actively communicate with experts from all walks of life in order to have an error-free input period and to be able to launch a publicity campaign.

Before the next phase of the launch, we need to deepen our customers' understanding of our products, so we will conduct offline research activities to not only understand the public's needs, but also build a two-way dialogue to let them know more about our products.

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis, that is, based on the internal and external competitive environment and competitive conditions of the situation analysis, is closely related to the research object of the main internal strengths, weaknesses and external opportunities and threats, etc., through the investigation of the enumeration, we use this method for market positioning as well as the specific implementation of the analysis. Using this method, we can conduct a comprehensive, systematic and accurate study of the situation of the research object, so as to formulate corresponding development strategies, plans and countermeasures based on the results of the study.

According to the SWOT model analysis, our main advantage is that there is no secondary pollution and the adsorption rate is high, and the safety hazard is small. The disadvantages are the complexity and high cost of manufacturing. Therefore, it is not suitable as the intermediate core process in the sewage treatment plant. The relevant policies are mainly expressed in the promotion of environmental protection, zero pollution, and sewage enterprises if they exceed the sewage standard will be charged sewage charges, so the market demand is more, but at the same time due to the existing treatment system is more difficult to change, so we analyse that the sewage treatment process before the outfall to add as the last process is more realistic, and can give play to the advantages of our products with high adsorption rate, and because there is no secondary pollution! So the water is more pure.These give us a guide to put into practice

Introduction manual

In order to bring Claritein into the real world and establish a profitable operational model, having a patent is a beneficial way to protect our product and generate revenue. Applying for a patent involves creating a specification, claims, an abstract, abstract drawings, and drawings to be submitted once the specification is complete. With the assistance of Yu Yao, we have prepared the specification and have placed it below in the hopes of providing inspiration to everyone.