leader's photo
Yuxiao Xiang
My name is Xiang Yuxiao, and I am currently a senior student at the College of Cybersecurity, specializing in Artificial Intelligence Model Security. I serve as the team leader of USTC-Software, where my responsibilities include project direction planning, project proposal integration, and external collaboration and communication.During the competition, we work together, exchange our ideas and enjoy the joy of mind collision. Overall, it is a memorable experience and a precious opportunity to work for this project. Thank iGEM for bringing us together.

management's photo
Yiran Li
I am Yiran Li from University of Science and Technology of China majored in Department of Automation.I am the manager of USTC-Software.My main responsibilities are maintaining connections with our instruductor and dealing with chores. The experience of liaison and teamwork is really a novel exercise for me as there are unexpected events. The sense of achievement in overcoming tasks is enjoyable and I harvest a lot from it. I’m honored to work with all the talented members.

Xiaoyi Hu
I am Xiaoyi Hu from USTC and major in Computer Science. As a member of frontend group, I am mainly responsible for the code and making of the sub page. From this competition, I learn a lot about the web page making and programming and Front end interaction. After about-one-year learning, I went from being a greenhand to someone who could write a basic web page with JQuery ScrollMagic and GSAP. Besides I made a lot of new friends here. They are all excellent students and I learn much from them. It is a precious memory, and I think I will cherish it forever.
Zhaohan Kang
I am Zhaohan Kang from USTC majored in Computer Science. As a member of the frontend group, I am responsible for writing web pages and scripts. In this project, not only have I acquired plentiful cross-disciplinary knowledge of computer science and biology, but also conquered various challenges in cooperation with others and made outstanding achievement. Participating in the competition enhances my ability of programming, as well as cultivates my teamwork and dedication spirit. I am grateful that IGEM offers me a platform where I make acquaintance with like-minded individuals and persevere towards the common goal.
Zhuo Zhao
I'm Zhuo Zhao from USTC majored in computer science. In this project, as a member of frontend group,I'm responsible for writing web pages.In these days of working in the front-end group, I learned a lot of new knowledge of biology and computer science,especially the concept of page design.Now I have abasic grasp of HTML,CSS,and JavaScript and I can use them to develop simple pages.Besides,participating in the competition,I made some excellent friends who gave me much help. All in all,thank IGEM very much for giving me this opportunity to improve myself.I believe I will cherish this unforgettable experience forever.
Wei Song
My name is Wei Song. I'm an undergraduate student majoring in Computer Sci & Tech from USTC, currently in my final year. This is the first time I participate in a competition like iGEM. As a member of back-end group, I'm mainly responsible for the coding of parts of the modules, like optimized DNA sequence. Thank iGEM for giving me the chance to get access to the biologic field. This is a wonderful experience. I've learned a lot and made many friends through this project!

Bowen Lin
I am Bowen Lin from USTC , majoring in Data Science. As a member of backend group, I am in charge of codon optimization and structure prediction part of our project, while also organizing works. My code proficiency and problem-solving ability have greatly improved in IGEM preparation. More than that, I met a group of helpful and talented teammates. It's an awesome experience, thanks to all of them.
Yuhang Chen
I'm Chen Yuhang from University of Science and Technology of China. I was a member of the iGEM project back-end group. I come from Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. I like playing badminton and swimming. What I like most is running. During the holidays, I will accompany my best friend to travel around the country. I also enjoy eating. I would love to taste all the food in the world.
Xinxuan Shi
I am Xinxuan Shi from USTC and my major is cyber security. As a member of the back-end group, I learned to call some web apis and learned how to draw graphics with python through this competition. In addition, this competition also let me know the importance of selfstudy and let me know how to quickly find the information needed and put knowledge into use. The most important thing is that I have made many friends through this competition. I hope I can always remember this wonderful memory.
Xin He
I'm Xin He from USTC.Majoring in CS, I have a strong passion for technology and I absolutely love how it makes our lives easier and more convenient. Therefore in back-end group I tried to learn programming, design feature and improve myself in coding. I also enjoy art in my leisure time, so the code is tried to be concise. During this period I learned a lot from my teammates. That's really an excellent experience.

Zhuofan Cui
I'm Zhuofan Cui, come from Lu'an Anhui China, I am a member of the biology group of the USTC software team, mainly responsible for the research and reporting of bioinformatics content. I learned a lot of new knowledge in the research and work exchange, and I am also very grateful to iGEM for giving me such a platform to build a topic that interests me.
Guchen Weng
I'm Guchen Weng, a sophomore majored in biological science studying in USTC. For I'm interested in bioinformatics, I am mainly responsible for designing the linkage of the bioinformatic tools and offering assistance in biology to frontend and backend groups. During our development process, I cooperated well with the other groups, which strengthened my ability to develop bioinformatic tools with people of different knowledge background. Thanks IGEM for the opportunity for me to participate in a real tools-developing process!
Hongbo Jiao
I am Jiao Hongbo, a sophomore student at the University of Science and Technology of China. My major is life science, and I served as the leader of the biology group in the iGEM project. Through this competition, I have learned a lot of knowledge, improved my ability to search literature and collaborate with others, and it has also broadened my international perspective, allowing me to see different things and understand how synthetic biology can impact the world. I am grateful to iGEM for giving me this opportunity.
Jinbo Wang
I am Jinbo Wang, a sophomore student from USTC majoring in CS and had always been keen on the application of CS in life sciences. As a member of the biology group, I conducted surveys mainly on homology modeling tools. During my participation in this contest, not only did get to know a troop of excellent teammates, but I also learned more than expected. I am sincerely grateful to iGEM for providing me with such an opportunity!
Ruoxuan Cao
I am a member of the biology team, mainly responsible for the education and HP sections. I try to make our work known to more people, especially students, through various channels. We hope that they will develop a certain interest in biology, especially synthetic biology, which will be helpful for their future development in the field of biology and provide more new forces for synthetic biology.
Jiaheng Pang
I am Jiaheng Pang, a student from the University of Science and Technology of China, majored in the chemistry. Now I'm working for USTC-Software as a member of biology group. I have read a lot of paper, supported the team with biological knowledge, and provided some creations. When reading the paper , my horizons were broadened, and my will was honed. Thanks IGEM for this precious experience with working for a big project with like-minded team members.
Zhuye Zheng
I am Zhuye Zheng from USTC, a member in Biology Group of USTC-software team. In the team, I mainly worked on the early-stage investigation, including the docking platform like UniProt, and related data collection. Prot-DAP being the first big project I have taken part in in college, I sincerely appreciate iGEM for providing such a educative and encouraging platform.

Yue Gao
I am Yue Gao from University of Science and Technology of China. I'm working as a member of art group. I am mainly responsible for painting, material collection and web design. As one partner of USTC software, I collaborated with my teammates to complete the task together and learned a lot of biology knowledge. It is a memorable experience and thanks to iGEM for this opportunity.
Wenli Zhang
I am Wenli Zhang,a senior student from USTC, majored in Cyberspace Security. As an art group member, I am mainly responsible for animation, front-end web UI design, logo production, etc…In the process of working with my teammates, I gained a lot of interesting ideas and experiences. Thanks to IGEM for giving me these opportunities to make friendships and improve myself.