In this section, we will showcase the integrated protein design and development platform developed by our team. We will provide a brief overview of how to use the platform. Currently, the platform is not perfect, with many features temporarily unavailable. We welcome your valuable suggestions after using it to help us improve the platform.
Protein Searching
Enter the name of the gene of interest to search for the target protein series.(Based on the UniProt Knowledgebase)
Fig.1 Protein Search Demonstration
Multiple Sequence Alignment
Upload your protein series from previous interface to generate alignments.
Fig.2 MSA Demonstration
Mutation Site Prediction
Enter your MSA results to predict possible mutation sites based on EVmutation.
Attention: Make sure your target sequence is at the top!By checking the selected boxes in the result table, you're able to change the corresponding sites in Structure Prediction and Codon Optimization.
Fig.3 Mutation Site Prediction Demonstration
Use Position-Specific Scoring Matrix to predict possible mutation sites.
Fig.4 PSSM Demonstration
Structure Prediction
If you have used the Mutation Site Prediction, you can change your input accordingly checking the selected boxes. Or you can type your interested sequence here independently.
Then downloading the .pdb file and viewing its structure on PyMol !Fig.5 Structure Prediction Demonstration
Codon Optimization
If you have used the Mutation Site Prediction, you can change your input accordingly checking the selected boxes.
Fig.6 Codon Optimization Demonstration.1
Codon type selection
Fig.7 Codon Optimization Demonstration.2
Primer Design
Enter the DNA sequence from the previous section, select one of the typical vectors and indicate your anticipated insert position.
Fig.8 Primer Design Demonstration
Fig.8 Primer Design Demonstration(selections of the typical vectors)