Safety concerns with Prot-DAP

Prot-DAP is a highly user-friendly platform for synthetic biologists to design protein sequences. Users can import protein sequences and improve them by our well-designed platform. By using our software, in a very short time, users can obtain the protein sequences that best meets their requiement, with detailed explanation of each step. On this basis, they can do further modification and directional transformation. We are sure synthetic biologists can greatly benefit from our platform.


Q1: Does It Have Any Risks in Laboratory?

The Prot-DAP platform runs only on a computer and design protein sequences for synthetic biologists and does not require experiments in the laboratory, so there is no laboratory risk.

Q2: Is Prot-DAP harmful to the user's personal computer?

Prot-DAP is safe for the user's personal computer. Users only import protein sequences that need designing. And our server will send the results. All will run on our server and will not endanger the user's computer.

Q3: Will our project infringe on software copyright?

The packages we use are all open source and we have emailed the developers of the packages to get the permission to use them, so there is no question of copyright infringement.

Q4: Will Prot-DAP harm the humanity or the environment?

As a software platform, it is not harmful to human beings or the environment. In addition, our team complies with local epidemic prevention policies when conducting practical research and does not pose a risk to others or the environment.

Q5: Does Prot-DAP have any potential threats to users' personal information?

Prot-DAP never collects any personal information. Users can use it freely without worrying about personal information disclosure.