
Our USTC-Software2023 is a formidable team, with a total of 19 students representing our team in this year's iGEM. The team comprises one captain, one manager, and 17 team members. To meet the project's requirements, we divided these 17 members into four groups: 7 in the Biology Group, 4 in the Frontend Group, 4 in the Backend Group, and 2 in the Design Group. They collaborated and worked together to successfully complete our software development project.

As shown in the attribution form, three students, Jiao Hongbo, Hu Xiaoyi, and Lin Bowen, served as leaders of the Biology, Frontend, and Backend groups, respectively, and participated in project management. The form reflects that some students had a heavier workload, mainly due to their positive attitudes and excellent abilities demonstrated during the development process. Of course, there were also students with room for improvement in synthetic biology/programming skills. We hope they can further their learning through practical development work,so we assigned them relatively simpler tasks, and they performed well, making notable progress.

Additionally, there are several members who were originally from USTC-Software2022. In the early stages of the project, to facilitate their reference and assist our work, we added them to the team roster. However, once they became familiar with the development process and the iGEM website, they left the team. The core part of the project was still independently completed by our 19 students.

Here is our detailed attribution form.