CYCLE 2: Early RNA Switch Consideration Design
In research by Wang et al. (2019), the expression of specific miRNAs in mammalian cells can be monitored using a single-stranded nucleic acid molecular detector called RNA-toehold switch (RTS). RTS is a posttranscriptional riboregulator added to the 5' UTR of mRNA. RTS is composed of several parts (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Arrangement and RTS secondary structure. Modified image from (Baabu et al., 2022)

Figure 2. RTS working mechanism. Modified image from (Heo et al., 2021).
In this research, a chromoprotein-sensitive miR21 biodevice design can be developed using RTS which can detect miR21 (CRC biomarker) (Yu et al., 2015) and then initiate the synthesis of blue chromoprotein.

Figure 3. Working mechanism of the biodevice chromoprotein-sensitive miR21 on CRC
However, through further analysis, problems were found in the working mechanism of RTS in detecting miR21. This problem is caused by the complementary sequence of miR21, which acts as the ascending bottom stem, containing a stop codon that is likely to interfere with the translation process. The sequence in RTS can be changed so that no stop codon is found. However, there will be nucleotide pairs that do not comply with the Watson-Crick Rule which will likely affect the stability of the RTS secondary structure.
In the research of Baabu et al. (2022), a new RTS called RTS second generation was developed with a different working mechanism from the previous RTS. In detecting inducer molecules (miRNA), RTS second generation uses the help of a co-inducer molecule (anti miRNA). The working mechanism of RTS second generation in detecting miRNA begins with the formation of a miRNA-antimiRNA complex (Figure 4a). The miRNA-antimiRNA complex will then bind to the toehold domain and ascending bottom stem thereby opening the hairpin structure (Figure 4b) and allowing the ribosome to bind to the RBS (Figure 4c) and initiating mRNA translation.
Unlike previous RTS, in RTS second generation the ascending bottom stem sequence is designed to be complementary to some antimiRNA sequences. Thus, the use of RTS second generation can overcome the problems of previous RTS by designing the complementary sequence of antimiRNA, which acts as an ascending bottom stem, so that it does not contain stop codons it will not interfere with the translation process.

Figure 4. The mechanism of action of RTS second generation involves RTS, miRNA, and antimiRNA (Baabu et al., 2022).

Figure 5. Mechanism of action of a chromoprotein-sensitive miR21 biodevice using second-generation RTS under normal conditions.

Figure 6. Mechanism of action of a chromoprotein-sensitive miR21 biodevice using second generation RTS under CRC conditions.
Building the plasmid constructs carrying chromoprotein-sensitive miR21 biodevices including RTS first generation (Figure 5) and RTS second generation (Figure 6) begins with collecting and designing biodevice parts and vector plasmids. Next, the biodevice parts and vector plasmids were combined with Gibson Assembly using Benchling software. Additionally, the assembly simulation also resulted in a pair of primer designs that could be used to assemble the biodevice parts and plasmid vector in vivo. For further information on our part, vector plasmid, and primer design can be seen in
Part Page.We also built an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) that begins by creating a chemical equation for each reaction from the working mechanism scheme for the chromoprotein-sensitive miR21 biodevice design. Next, the chemical reaction equation is translated into ODE. For, chemical equation, and ODE can be seen in
Model Page.Test
The miR21 chromoprotein-sensitive biodevice was developed based on the RTS first generation and RTS second generation basic framework. The structural stability of both designs was tested and analyzed using the NUPACK software. Analysis results of the RTS first generation and second generation can be seen on
Model Page. Based on the test results, RTS that has an ideal structure (RBS and start codon opened when there is any biomarker) is RTS first generation.
In this experiment, also, four kinetic modeling simulations were also carried out, namely for RTS first generation with an initial extracellular miR21 concentration of 2 M and 0.2 M and RTS second generation with an initial extracellular miR21 concentration of 2 M and 0.2 M. Based on the concentration fluctuation data in the appendix, the duration of aeBlue chromoprotein can be clearly seen for approximately 2 hours, starting from 46 seconds after miR21 first enters the EcN with the biodevice. Meanwhile, the maximum concentration of aeBlue chromoprotein in RTS second generation was reached at a value of 0.041281 M and at 1098.75763 seconds or around 18 minutes after extracellular miR21 with an initial concentration of 2 M first diffused into the EcN with the biodevice. Based on the concentration fluctuation data in the appendix, the duration of aeBlue chromoprotein can be clearly seen for approximately 7.6 hours, starting from 2.8 seconds after miR21 first enters the EcN with the biodevice. The complete result of kinetic modeling can be seen on
Model Page.Learn
Although RTS second generation doesn’t have a stop codon in the toehold domain (detector segment) and the longer duration of aeBlue chromoprotein visibility. But, from the in silico test, namely Analysis Job NUPACK, It doesn’t have an ideal structure when there is any miR21. Because RBS and the start codon of RTS second generation are still in a close state. To ensure this, we need an in vitro test whether RTS second generation will work or won’t work, or we need to re-design the sequence(s) of RTS to get the ideal structure in silico test. After we consider, There is also the possibility that antimiR21 complements with RTS before a hairpin structure is formed or before antimiR21 complements with miR21 resulting false positive.
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