Integrated human practices


We conducted surveys with farmers, industry professionals, and market representatives as part of our iGEM project. We conducted these surveys to gather information to enhance our project and address relevant challenges and requirements. To ensure effective data collection, we prepared a well-structured list of questions tailored to each group. These questions were designed to gather specific information contributing to our project's success. We sought to understand the perspectives, experiences, and needs of farmers, industry professionals, and market representatives related to our project's domain. By conducting these surveys, we gathered a diverse range of responses and opinions. This information was invaluable in shaping our project and ensuring that it aligned with the real-world requirements and expectations of the stakeholders involved. We analyzed the collected answers to identify common themes, patterns, and potential areas for improvement.

Here's the compiled list of survey questions and answers provided by the responders: PDF Link

We also had a preliminary survey through Google Forms. Here are the compiled responses of the Gforms: PDF Link

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We had the privilege of meeting with some biopesticide companies and also TICEL Biopark. During these meetings, we had the opportunity to present our innovative ideas and seek valuable input from these esteemed organizations. The meetings were incredibly productive and provided us with a platform to showcase the significance of our project in contributing to the fields of agriculture and environmental conservation. We were thrilled to see how enthusiastic these companies were about our project and its possibilities for the future of pest control. Furthermore, we discussed potential collaborations and sponsorships with these biopesticide companies. Their support and expertise could significantly enhance the success of our project and help us take it to the next level. We are truly grateful for their interest and willingness to engage with us, as their involvement will play a pivotal role in making our project a reality.

ticel park



We had the wonderful opportunity to connect and collaborate with several iGEM alumni and other esteemed alumni from various disciplines. To facilitate meaningful discussions and idea exchange, we organized a virtual meeting using Google Meet (GMeet). The meeting was centered around presenting our innovative project idea, which focuses on developing sustainable solutions for agricultural challenges through the use of biopesticides. We were eager to seek insights and suggestions from the experienced iGEM alumni and other experts, knowing their guidance would be invaluable in refining and enhancing our project.

ramit gmeet Hitesh


We met with Ramit, the former team lead of the iGEM team SVCE-CHENNAI 2017, via Google Meet. During our virtual encounter, we had the opportunity to present our iGEM project idea to him. Ramit generously shared invaluable insights on how to design an effective gene construct, highlighting the essential components necessary for a robust design. He told us about the flanking regions in between the RBS and the CDS, which are essential for a gene construct to work properly. Drawing from his team's experiences, he provided us with invaluable guidance on the challenges they faced during their iGEM project, which proved to be a significant learning opportunity for our team. Additionally, Ramit also reviewed our gene construct before we placed the order, ensuring that we were on the right track towards a successful iGEM journey.

We connected with Veveeyan, a former member of the iGEM team SVCE-CHENNAI in 2017, through a productive Google Meet session. During our meeting, we enthusiastically presented our current iGEM project to him. His extensive experience and insights were invaluable as he offered guidance on key aspects of our project, particularly in the selection of promoters and their characterization. Drawing from his previous role as a technical team lead, Veveeyan also shared knowledge regarding laboratory techniques and procedures. His thoughtful input not only provided us with a clearer roadmap for our research but also steered our project in an exciting new direction.

We had a productive Google Meet session with Hitesh, a distinguished alumnus of our college. Hitesh, with his extensive knowledge and experience, provided us with a crucial suggestion: incorporating a secretory signal peptide into our gene construct for laccase, facilitating its extracellular secretion. Furthermore, he generously shared his creative input on enhancing our project's wiki design and optimizing the kill switch component for our GMO. Hitesh's expertise also led to the recommendation of constructing an inducible expression system, which will greatly simplify our characterization experiments. His guidance has been invaluable, steering our project towards greater success and innovation.

We had a meeting with Prasanna during the initial stages of the idea formulation, a distinguished alumnus from the 2016 iGEM team, and his support has been invaluable to our project. Prasanna's unwavering commitment to our team has been remarkable, as he readily made himself available whenever we needed guidance. His insights and expertise played a pivotal role in shaping our approach to the Human Practice aspect of our project. He not only shared valuable tips on conducting surveys but also provided us with a wealth of knowledge on how to effectively approach potential sponsors. Prasanna's mentorship has enhanced the quality of our project.

During our recent Google Meet session, we had a meeting with Karthick, a distinguished alumnus of the 2016 iGEM team. Karthick shared invaluable insights that have significantly enriched our project concept. His guidance primarily revolved around the practical application of our iGEM project in the real world. He helped us understand the importance of formulating our product with a clear vision of how it could seamlessly integrate into existing ecosystems, ensuring minimal disruption to beneficial organisms. His input on considering the broader ecological implications of our project has been helpful in refining our approach and aligning it with our mission of responsible biotechnology. Drawing from his previous iGEM experience, he also shared knowledge regarding approaching sponsors.

We had a virtual meeting with Rajeshwar, a distinguished alumnus of our college. Rajeshwar shared invaluable insights. His input on the kill switch part of our project, helped us narrow down the options. He introduced us to his friend Dr. Karthik Pushpavanam, who is a professor at IIT, Gandhinagar, who in turn gave us a lot of input. His guidance in the practical, real-world application of our project. He helped us understand the importance of formulating our product with a clear vision of how it could seamlessly integrate into existing ecosystems, ensuring minimal disruption to beneficial organisms.

We had the privilege of meeting with Dr. Karthik, a professor from the IIT and an esteemed alumnus of our institution. During our virtual meeting, Dr. Karthik provided invaluable insights that greatly enhanced our iGEM project. His keen interest in synthetic biology allowed us to refine our idea significantly, particularly in the development of the kill switch component. Dr. Karthik's guidance and expertise proved instrumental in helping us devise a more effective and robust strategy for implementing the kill switch, ensuring not only its functionality but also its safety. His mentorship has been pivotal in shaping the direction of our project.

We recently had the privilege of meeting with Dr. Naveen, whose invaluable insights and expertise played a pivotal role in refining our gene construct for our iGEM project. During our collaborative session, Dr. Naveen's keen eye for detail helped us identify a problem with our gene construct design. Thanks to his expertise, we were able to rectify this issue before proceeding with the order, ensuring that our project was built on a solid foundation. Furthermore, Dr. Naveen graciously accepted our invitation to serve as the chief guest for our synthetic biology workshop, BIOBLITZ, where he shared his wealth of knowledge and experience with our team and attendees, enriching the learning experience for all. As we moved forward with our iGEM project, we were excited to integrate the valuable input we received from our alumni and experts. By doing so, we created an impactful solution that contributes to sustainable agriculture and environmental preservation.


Our team had the incredible opportunity to participate in the prestigious All India iGEM Meet (AIIM’23) held at IISER Bhopal from July 28th to July 30th. It was an enriching experience for all of us as we gathered with like-minded students and researchers from across the country to showcase our innovative idea. During the event, we presented our project, outlining our vision and the potential impact it could have on agriculture. The panel members and experts from the iGEM community provided valuable feedback, which helped refine and improve our concept. Being surrounded by some of the brightest minds in the field was truly inspiring. We had the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions, attend captivating lectures, and exchange ideas with other participants, broadening our horizons and enhancing our understanding of synthetic biology.

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Education and communications


World Conservation Day is an excellent opportunity to promote environmental awareness and engage with other iGEM teams in collaborative efforts. So we invited other teams to plant a sapling in their college or home and send us a group picture with the whole team.

We invited all the iGEM teams to participate in the event by sending an invite and the poster via Instagram. And we asked them to send us the group pictures via email. Here's a collage of the group pictures of different iGEM teams that participated in the celebration of World Conservation Day, 2023.
The following teams participated in the event:

  • iGEM_Nantes
  • NTHU_Taiwan
  • Edinburgh
  • iGEM_UniCrete
  • HS2_UANL
  • Korea_HS
  • iGEM_UI

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unicrete svce

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As part of our human practices initiative in iGEM, we recognized the importance of fostering public awareness and understanding of synthetic biology and its potential applications. To achieve this, we organized awareness programs in schools and colleges, targeting students representing our society's future.

Schools and Colleges

  • Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram, Kilpauk
  • Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan Secondary School, KK Nagar
  • Chennai Public School, Thirumazhisai
  • Anand Institute of Higher Technologies, Kazhipattur

We made the learning environment for these awareness campaigns interesting and interactive. For the purpose of introducing students to the fascinating field of synthetic biology, members of our team facilitated discussions and activities. We gave them information on a range of topics, including the fundamentals of genetic engineering, the advantages and disadvantages of synthetic biology, and its uses in a variety of industries, including agriculture, medicine, and environmental conservation.

The response from students was overwhelmingly positive. They participated in the conversations and asked thoughtful questions with enthusiasm and curiosity. Through these interactions, we were able to share our knowledge while also learning about their concerns and points of view.

One of the highlights of the awareness campaigns was the chance for students to learn about the most recent developments in synthetic biology and how they might affect their lives. This exposure encouraged an interest in biology and engineering-related fields and encouraged them to think about careers in the sciences.

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For Plastic-Free July, Our iGEM team, along with the Care Club of SVCE, Swatchatha Action Plan (SAP), and some enthusiastic classmates, took an important step towards creating a cleaner and more sustainable environment. We organized a beach cleanup event at Marina Beach, which allowed us to actively contribute to global efforts to reduce plastic pollution and its detrimental impacts on marine life.

Throughout the day, we engaged with passersby and beachgoers, raising awareness about the significance of Plastic Free July and its objectives. We shared information on the harmful effects of plastic and microplastics on our ecosystems, wildlife, and human health, as well as the urgent need to reduce our reliance on single-use plastics.

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For Plastic-Free July, we organized an engaging and informative online quiz centered around the theme of "Plastic and Its Impact on Our Environment." The quiz ran for 10 consecutive days, providing participants with valuable insights into the challenges posed by plastic pollution and the importance of adopting more sustainable practices.

During this quiz, participants had the opportunity to test their knowledge on various topics, including the detrimental effects of plastic on marine life, the significance of reducing single-use plastics, and the role of recycling in mitigating plastic waste. We designed the questions to be both thought-provoking and educational, aiming to inspire positive change and motivate individuals to take action in their daily lives.

The response to the online quiz was overwhelming, with an impressive number of people from different backgrounds and age groups taking part. We are proud to have sparked meaningful conversations about the urgent need to address plastic pollution and its consequences for our planet.


BIOFAIR is an event initiated by our iGEM alumni, and we are excited to restart it this year. The primary objective of BIOFAIR is to raise awareness about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) among the general public. It is a community-driven initiative that involves setting up stalls in parks and other public spaces. Our team members went to Skating Park, Shenoy Nagar, to create informative and engaging displays using charts and materials made by our team members and our classmates. These displays aim to educate the public about GMOs, their applications, safety measures, and their potential impact on human health and the environment. We set up eye-catching stalls that display informative charts explaining the science and benefits of GMOs, ethical considerations, and regulatory practices. These charts are carefully designed to be accessible and understandable for people of all ages. We distribute well-designed brochures that further elaborate on the topics covered in the charts and our project, allowing visitors to take home valuable information.

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Our team had an incredible opportunity to showcase our innovative project at the prestigious FICCI-Bionic Enabled-Future Innovation Reskilling StartUp Transformation 2023 Summit & Awards. This event provided a unique platform for us to present our groundbreaking idea to a diverse audience, which included seasoned startup owners and industry leaders. As we shared the details of our project, we received valuable feedback and insights from experienced professionals.

Furthermore, the summit offered unexpected avenues for our project's future as well. Several startup owners expressed genuine interest in our work, seeing the potential for collaboration or even investment. This recognition and interest from established entrepreneurs opened doors to exciting possibilities, highlighting the real-world impact and commercial viability of our project. It was a remarkable experience for our team to not only receive constructive feedback but also to glimpse the potential startup opportunities that could arise from our iGEM project.


FICCI-Bionic Enabled-Future Innovation Reskilling StartUp Transformation 2023 Summit & Awards


As a part of our Human Practices initiative, we had the incredible opportunity to connect with numerous farmers and members of rural communities, engaging in meaningful conversations about the ill effects of chemical pesticides on their lives and their crops. We heard stories from farmers who had been grappling with health issues as well as concerns for the safety of their animals and the environment due to the prolonged use of chemical pesticides. These heartfelt discussions reinforced our commitment to making a positive impact through our iGEM project. In addition to addressing the pesticide issue, we also took the opportunity to educate the community about the grave problem of microplastics and the potential dangers they pose to the environment and human health. Microplastics are often overlooked but are a growing concern in our world today. We hope to inspire change and promote responsible plastic usage by spreading awareness. Furthermore, we shared insights about our iGEM project, specifically focusing on our innovative biopesticide solution.



We organized a presentation for the incoming first-year students for this academic year, shedding light on the world of synthetic biology and introducing them to the iGEM competition. This engaging session was an integral part of our Human Practices initiative, aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of the ethical, social, and practical implications of cutting-edge biotechnological advancements. Through our presentation, we not only provided the students with a glimpse into the fascinating world of synthetic biology but also emphasized the importance of responsible and thoughtful engagement with these transformative technologies.

We gave them information on various topics, including the fundamentals of genetic engineering, synthetic biology, and its uses in various industries, including agriculture, medicine, and environmental conservation.

The response from students was overwhelmingly positive. They participated in the conversations and asked thoughtful questions with enthusiasm and curiosity. Through these interactions, we were able to share our knowledge.


We organized a workshop that brought together external participants to explore the fascinating intersection of bioinformatics and synthetic biology- “BIOBLITZ”. This workshop aimed to promote awareness and develop innovative solutions for the research and application of synthetic biology techniques. The workshop began with comprehensive sessions to introduce the participants to the fundamental concepts of bioinformatics and synthetic biology. The aim was to provide a common understanding of these interdisciplinary fields and their symbiotic relationship. To offer a practical dimension, participants engaged in bioinformatics analyses and simulated synthetic biology experiments. This workshop aims to equip participants with essential knowledge and practical skills to screen protein libraries, perform DNA sequence visualization, annotation, editing, virtual cloning, protein visualization, and simulate standard virtual cloning methods.

Topics covered in the workshop

  • PyRx
  • NCBI Primer Blast
  • Snapgene
  • NEBcutter
  • ChimeraX
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