

As a part of our project, we had an amazing opportunity to educate people from different backgrounds. We had a blast designing fun and engaging educational materials for primary school students, middle school students, undergraduates, patients, and the general public. We made sure to tailor our approach to each group's specific needs and interests. Although we used different methods for each group, our ultimate goal was to share our project and raise awareness about synthetic biology based on the holistic reflection model. If you're curious to learn more about our educational journey, feel free to check out the relevant sections on the left-hand side navigation bar.


Primary school students - How could I form a good habit? (Excellent knowledge receivers)


In our early planning, we hope to bring elementary school students some knowledge based on synthetic biology and our project that can change their future even a little bit . Therefore, we consulted primary school teachers and asked about the aspects that children lacked in primary school and the ways to arouse pupils' interest in class. They told us that one of the most important problems to be solved in primary school is how to form good habits for later study or life. To be more specific, the head teacher of the class we were going to give a lecture introduced to us that some children in the class because their parents were busy with work, had disorder of living habits and learning habits, and even had been bored with learning. Therefore, we chose to introduce some applications of microorganisms in life and some tips about microorganisms in daily life. Then, based on teachers’ suggestions, we decided to set up more interesting pictures and videos and more questions and stories to attract and motivate children, rather than blunt explanations of some books that are not close to their study or life.

School Visit

On June 20th, 2023, we went to Wuhou Experimental Primary School located in Chengdu, Sichuan, China to give a lesson about bacteria. In this class, the children are mainly in grade 3. At the very beginning of the class, we pique the children's interest with the story of John Snow who discovered the source of the cholera outbreak in 1854. Then, we shared several tips on the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections. For instance, we demonstrated the proper operation of the seven-step washing technique. In this process, we also invited children to show their wrong way to wash hands. Then, we pointed out their mistakes and showed the harm caused by this wrong hand washing, which could deepen their impression of this good living habit. Finally, we gave a vivid introduction to synthetic biology and showed the impact of synthetic biology on our lives in the form of pictures, which can plant seeds in their minds for future research in this field. The class lasted 50 minutes, 30 minutes of which were devoted to asking children to answer our questions and answering questions from students. Through this communication loop, we can have a better understanding of what children think better and guide them correctly to good habits better. Finally, we sent our team’s creative products to students who answered the questions positively as gifts to encourage them to actively learn new things.

Figure 1. Elementary school lesson in Chengdu


You really did a good job in which you gave children the energy to chase a better future. - A teacher

You have created a positive and active classroom environment. - A teacher

I wish I could be someone who masters as much knowledge as you do, and I also want to be a scientist like John Snow to save more people’s lives. - A student

I will show my parents the most correct seven steps for washing hands I learned today. - A student

Ideas for future teams

Our presentation can be found in the following PDF file. All in all, the presentation has little text but a lot of images so it is clear to children. Here are some tips and tricks from us but of course feel free to add your own thoughts.

Try to complete the course by asking questions and hearing from children’s own thoughts most of the time. And try to include examples and language that are close to their life experience. Also, you’d better show your presentation to the children’s teachers and let them offer you some advice.

Middle school students - How could I form my own creative ideas? (Excellent knowledge generators)


One of our team members, Songyan Yu, was invited to join a volunteer teaching project held by SUSTech. However, due to the local COVID-19 outbreak, we ended up doing a class online for middle and high school students. In middle school, students gradually change from passively accepting knowledge to actively forming our own knowledge system and ideas. To explore more possibilities and stimulate the innovative spirit of teenagers, we decided to prepare a lecture on the latest synthetic biology techniques and achievements. Also, to improve our education section, we decided to ask students to feel free to express their thoughts or feedback in the chat box. Also, because these middle school students live in relatively isolated rural areas, we added the introduction of novel synthetic biology techniques to hope that through such a program, they can enter the outside world.

Online course

On August 8th and 9th 2023, we gave our prepared synthetic biology course to junior and senior high school students living in Danzao Town, Xicheng Community located at Foshan, Guangdong, China online. At first, we briefly introduced the history of microbial discovery. Then, we compare microbes to pets and ask the students to think about how we “domesticate” microbes. With the help of the students' answers, we introduced the latest synthetic biology techniques. In the introduction of synthetic biology techniques, we also just gave the framework of knowledge but let them state and argue their thoughts on the principle or application of these techniques based on what they already knew and guided them to the right answer. In this process, we can not only expand the horizons of these middle school students but also enhance their ability to find their own ideas based on their own cognition. Moreover, we shared other iGEM teams’ ideas with students to inspire them to think the solutions based on synthetic biology to solve the detailed problems in our daily lives. Finally, we showed several artworks based on microbes through synthetic biology to present the allure of synthetic biology.

Figure 2. Online lesson for middle school students in Foshan


I think that I totally fall in love with synthetic biology. - A student

Pretty fun and I don't regret participating in such a class! - A student

I finally realized how to think as an individual. - A student

I learned to argue for something instead of claiming it. - A student

Ideas for future teams

Our presentation can also be found in the following PDF file. All in all, this presentation added a lot of novel things like CRISPR technology to generate knowledge belonging to teenagers themselves. Here are some tips and tricks from us but of course feel free to add your own thoughts.

Try to leave plenty of space to instruct students to use their existing knowledge to explain a phenomenon or a technology. Also, if conditions permit, you can design some simple and easy-to-operate experiments for students to experience.

Undergraduates - How could I put our ideas into practice? (Excellent knowledge practitioner)


At the beginning of the spring semester, freshmen at our college, SUSTech, needed to consider their choice of major after the completion of the general studies course. Based on this background, we decided to introduce freshmen to our major, the iGEM competition and the application of synthetic biology in industry, which could lead them to think about how to combine their ideal with a profession. After consultation with the one of colleges in SUSTech, Zhicheng College, we decided to use the time of college education courses for freshmen to give this education course.

College Course

On March 30th, 2023, we went to Zhicheng College of SUSTech in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China to give a lecture on our majors, including biological science and clinical medicine, the iGEM competition and the application of synthetic biology in industry. Firstly, we introduced our majors, especially from the perspective of professional prospects. Then, we asked students who were interested in our majors to say what they expected to achieve in those majors, which could lead them to correctly consider their future. Subsequently, we distributed brochures about the iGEM competition and our project to the students. Through the introduction of iGEM, we could provide a possibility for the future development of these freshmen. Then, we introduced a selection of potential industries related to synthetic biology like the production of vaccines and other biological products. In this case, we could lead them to see more possibilities to use their professional knowledge and to think about how to use the knowledge of synthetic biology to give back to society.

Figure 3. University course in SUSTech


A wonderful encounter with synthetic biology and iGEM competition! - A student

I was very surprised that iGEM could provide me with an opportunity to translate my biomedical knowledge into outcomes that benefit society. - A student

Ideas for future teams

Our brochures about the iGEM competition and our project can be found in the following PDF file. We hope our design will inspire you if you want to conduct such a professional presentation along with iGEM and synthetic biology.

Patients - How can I manage my body more efficiently?


Based on the investigation of the chronic clinic in Chengdu in June 2023 ( click here to see more details ) , we realized that if our project can really be used to treat chronic diseases such as diabetes, we still need patients to raise their awareness of how to manage their own diseases. Then, we decided to design a cartoon to show the significance of chronic disease management to patients with chronic diseases in a more easy-to-understand way, and to popularize the current policies on chronic outpatient care in China to patients. Also, we wanted to spread our idea to patients about developing software that would promptly notify patients with chronic diseases to visit the hospital for follow-up visits.

Hospital visit

On 6th October, 2023, we went to Shenzhen First People's Hospital to carry out an educational activity, with the aim of letting more people know about chronic diseases and the importance of regular referral for chronic diseases. More importantly, we gave away our carefully crafted cartoon picture book of chronic diseases for free. Although chronic diseases are more common among adults, most of the brochures on the market are dull. Therefore, we designed such a picture book, hoping that patients can easily read and learn the importance of chronic disease self-management, regular medication and regular visits. Throughout the event, we do our best to improve patients' impressions of self-management of chronic diseases. (Since most respondents do not want to show their faces, we only provide a picture of the back of the respondents)

Figure 4. Shenzhen First People's Hospital visit


Your thoughts give me hope. - A diabetic

You have made me realize the importance of chronic disease prevention, and I will certainly share these views with my family. - A patient’s friend

Ideas for future teams

We provide our cartoon brochures on chronic disease prevention in the following PDF file. If you are interested in holding the similar activities, we hope you can try to think about as many stakeholders as possible from the project. Moreover, you can view the education component as a way to improve your program.

General public - How can we participate in synthetic biology?


Through our previous survey, we found that most people do not have a high level of knowledge about the drug delivery system. Only about 17.65% had heard of the drug delivery system, and even fewer knew the specific purpose of the drug delivery system.

Figure 5. Survey results (The blue indicates hearing about drug delivery systems. The green part indicates that they have never heard of a drug delivery system.)

Although people who pay more attention to drug delivery systems are scientific researchers, medical personnel, etc., the application of drug delivery systems in drug therapy has promoted the successful use of many drugs in the treatment of diseases. In some drugs, drug delivery techniques are used. Therefore, we believe that making more people aware of drug delivery technology and drug delivery systems through popular science will be a good opportunity to attract the audience's attention and let the public have more understanding of drugs. In addition, synthetic biology has more and more extensive influence in people's production and life. Therefore, helping more people to understand synthetic biology and feel the charm of synthetic biology will help the public to better accept the possible impact of synthetic biology in future life. Our team SUSTech- Shenzhen decided to reach as many people as possible by educating the public in two different ways around synthetic biology and drug delivery systems. The first is the traditional way in the form of online popular science lectures. The second is the innovative way through the form of offline popular science exhibitions.

Online public education

On September 3rd, 2023, SUSTech-Shenzhen team, in cooperation with 9 other teams in China, held the 2023 iGEM Intercollegiate Synthetic Biology Science Conference. In this event, we mainly introduced the past and present of drug delivery, and proposed the possibility of drug delivery system in the future combined with synthetic biology. At the same time, we shared with the audience the experience of participating in the iGEM competition so that the audience interested in participating can have a deeper understanding of iGEM.

Figure 6. The lecture of SUSTech Shenzhen at the 2023 iGEM Intercollegiate Synthetic Biology Science Conference

Besides, we also updated our project and latest human practice research results on our social media account in WeChat to educate the general public with the latest or most detailed perspectives in the relevant field from a variety of corresponding stakeholders.

Figure 7. Articles in SUSTech Shenzhen WeChat account

SynBio & SDG exhibition

On September 30th, 2023, we went to the Guangdong Science Center to join the SynBio & SDG exhibition, collaborating with other 11 teams in China. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. During this exhibition, SUSTech Shenzhen mainly focused on quality education of SDGs, which served as a bridge between our project and the general public. Parents can be said to be the best teachers of children. It is on the basis of their exemplary role in their children's education that we believe parents are the key to achieving the SDG of quality education. Based on this point, we designed an attractive activity that called on parents to lead their children to draw a painting based on the structure of the type VI secretion system (T6SS).

Most of the children were curious about what a T6SS is and what exactly it can serve. Then, we used brochures and boards to introduce our projects, and we called on parents to try their best to explain to their children. Moreover, we designed a questionnaire on the drug delivery system to further deepen people’s impression of this knowledge and let people realize how closely our project was related to daily life. Also, we encouraged parents to complete the questionnaire with their children.

Figure 8. SUSTech Shenzhen in SynBio & SDG exhibition


You not only enlightened my interest in life science but also opened the door for my children to explore the mysteries of life. - A mother

Thank you for providing me and my children with a wonderful opportunity to learn and interact. - A father

Ideas for future teams

Our presentation at the 2023 iGEM Intercollegiate Synthetic Biology Science Conference can be found in the following PDF file. Also, if you are interested in running a WeChat account on synthetic biology or iGEM, please feel free to contact us with the email under this page. To achieve public education, we are convinced that collaboration between different teams is the key. It is also significant to communicate in such an event for the general public no matter it goes deep or not, and we need to collect as many perspectives as possible from different levels of people.

Images involving portraits of people are published with the consent of the subject.