

Biobrick code Type Name Length (bp)
BBa_K4739000 Protein_Domain AAAGGG linker 18
BBa_K4739001 Coding Minihepcidin 33
BBa_K4739002 Coding Hcp1 486
BBa_K4739003 Coding VgrG3 1935
BBa_K4739004 Coding Hcp-Minihepcidin fusion protein 558
BBa_K4739005 Coding VgrG3-Dulaglutide 2913
BBa_K4739006 Coding VgrG3-KLA fusion protein 2130
BBa_K4739007 Coding VgrG3-Parkin fusion protein 3480
BBa_K4739008 Coding VgrG3-Tenecteplase fusion protein 3669
BBa_K4739009 Coding Dulaglutide 831
BBa_K4739010 Coding Parkin 1398
BBa_K4739011 Coding KLA 48
BBa_K4739012 Coding Tenecteplase 1587
BBa_K4739013 Plasmid Knockout plasmid for exoS 6834
BBa_K4739014 Plasmid Knockout plasmid for exoT 6810
BBa_K4739015 Plasmid Knockout plasmid for vfr 6882


We provide a protocol for engineering the T6SS (Type VI Secretion System) in two different organisms. In this experiment, we primarily employed homologous recombination to knock out specific genes within the bacterial genome. We also utilized two methods to introduce our expression vectors into the bacterial cells. Finally, we assessed the experimental results using Western Blot analysis.


We provide a protocol for engineering the T6SS (Type VI Secretion System) in two different organisms. In this experiment, we primarily employed homologous recombination to knock out specific genes within the bacterial genome. We also utilized two methods to introduce our expression vectors into the bacterial cells. Finally, we assessed the experimental results using Western Blot analysis.

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