Best Integrated Human Practice

How well was their Human Practices work integrated throughout the project?

Throughout the project, we followed a holistic reflection model. To understand project problems, communicate with stakeholders and understand solutions at different levels, and finally feedback the processing solutions to the project for improvement. At the same time, pay attention to the solution of social problems related to the project at other levels. Each of our activities is interdependent and works together to improve the overall solution, not just the experiment itself.

How inspiring an example is it to others?

The inspiring thing about what we do is that every action we do is complementary. Program improvement, education, and solutions are based on human practice. Human practice relies on thinking about the improvement of the project during the process of the project. While attempting to overcome the shortcomings of peptide drugs, our project itself offers a potential approach to solving the problem of long-term medication for some chronic patients. At the same time, in the in-depth understanding of chronic diseases, we realized the importance of solving this problem from the level of patient education and data management etc.

To what extent is the Human Practices work documented so that others can build upon it?

Our overall patterns of action and the solutions to problems we envision at all levels may provide a basis for others to build upon.

How thoughtfully was it implemented? How well did they explain the context, rationale, and prior work?

We have done our best to implement it thoughtfully. Our actions include understanding social needs, providing feedback to help improve the program, interviewing potential beneficiaries, and educating different groups of people. We ensure that our actions are socially responsible.

How well did it incorporate different stakeholder views?

We collate the views we get from stakeholders and discuss them as a team. We also consult our PI. After confirming the rationality of our solution, we plan to implement the corresponding solution. The information we receive from our stakeholders and the actions we take to address these issues can be reflected in our actions.

To what extent did they convince you that their Human Practices activities helped create a project that is responsible and good for the world?

With the information we get from society, we try our best to develop our projects towards the needs of society. For example, we chose Teduglutide and dulaglutide as the delivery drugs, which often require multiple drug injections. Our project has great potential to reduce the number of doses and the cost of medication.