Wet Lab

Chen Xuanyu

HI! I'm Chen Xuanyu, a rising senior at Shanghai Foreign Language School. You can also call me Alicia, for both my English and Spanish names. From here it's not difficult to tell my zeal for liberal arts, in particular literature and linguistics. I've been self-teaching Spanish for almost 2 years and I constantly dive into the wonderful worlds of imagination and the immeasurable beauty of minds by randomly picking up a piece of poetry or simply glancing at lines of prose. I love to psych myself up by being on my own and getting along with myself only. But I'm an introvert with enormous extroversion, a soul of arts with an enthusiastic mind of science. That's why I'm here! I'm burst with vitality for the subject of biology, where both creativity and conscientiousness are emphasized. My heart for trying new things has near stopped and my desire for diving deeper has never ceased. Here burns the roaring fire of my passion. Moreover, I'm into swimming, volleyball, cycling, and everything that reminds me of the dynamism of my life. So don't forget to hit me up for any fun and beauty in life!

Wet Lab

Wu Renjia

My name is Richard Wu Renjia. I perceive myself as an optimistic, diversified, and self-driven person. For optimism, when I encounter failure, I can always recover immediately, starting over once again with my best effort and attitude. For instance, when I was in junior high school, I wanted to move up to the highest level for English class; however, I got rejected for three years, applying again and again. With an optimistic attitude, I kept trying, and eventually, after three years of struggling, I fulfilled my goal. For a diversified personality, I refer to my spirit of trying and having multiple hobbies. Whenever I encounter new activities or subjects, I'll give them a try, no matter whether I am good at them. In my academic study, I'll look up everything I am not familiar with in fields like quantum physics, statistics, artificial intelligence, extra, even though I study biology and chemistry only. I have a lot of hobbies, namely video making, effects making, electronic music making, piano playing, and fencing combat. For my daily recreation, I love watching Japanese animation and practicing my hobblies. For watching Japanese animation, I love Darling in the Franxx; it has always been on my top 0 list. I'll even watch this animation several times. For practicing my hobbies, learning effects-making and music-making strategies is always satisfying to me.

Wet Lab

Cheng Zimo

Hello everyone, my name is Cheng Zimo and I come from Beijing. I am a student at Haidian Kaiwen Academy. My personality is both extroverted and introverted. I enjoy immersing myself in my own world and appreciating the beauty of life. I have a strong interest in science, especially biology. I thoroughly enjoy applying the knowledge I have learned in the laboratory to transform imagination to reality. I like to think objectively and rationally, particularly using critical thinking and analysis to solve problems. At the same time, I am a curious person who enjoys exploring the unknown. I have a wide range of hobbies, including playing the piano, guqin (a traditional Chinese musical instrument), tennis, golf, horseback riding, and reading. These hobbies not only help me broaden my horizons and expand my perspective, but also help me develop the right outlook on life and values, enabling me to maintain a positive attitude in my daily studies and everyday life.

Wet Lab

Zhou Runlin

Hello! I'm Zhou Runlin and my English name is Grace.I come from Jiangsu,Wuxi and I am a ten-grade student from the Bridge International Department. I am a person who is very keen on sports--I have learned skiing, surfing and various ball games. In addition, I am passionate about reading books related to biomedicine and feminism. About this event, I am quite happy to have the opportunity to participate in the IGEM competition.Our team topic is to use photo genetic engineering to regulate insulin release and benefit diabetes patients.I think myself an extrovert and I am willing to explore all new things,especially about chemistry and biology. To be honest, I think other team members have more understanding and exploration of biology than I do. But I will not feel inferior due to this. On the contrary, I can converse with them to gain rich experience. I consider that this experience not only taught me various methods of experimentation, but also provided me with more opportunities to communicate with different peer.

Wet Lab

Feng Yixuan

My name is Kepler, Chinese name is Feng Yixuan, and I like badminton and swimming. I've reached key swimming milestones along the way, which demonstrate my devotion and hard effort in the sport. Aside from athletics, I like making a positive influence in people's lives. I have generously funded the education of ten children, allowing them to attend school and pursue their dreams. It makes me very happy to witness their development and accomplishments. Not one to back down from a challenge, I embarked on a 14-day cycling journey across Hainan Island, covering over 1080 kilometers. This incredible endeavor tested my endurance and commitment, and I triumphed.

Wet Lab

Zhao Ruiqi

I am Zhao Ruiqi, and Hefei No.1 High school is my Alma Mater. I have been interested in science and Computer engineering since I was young. When it comes to science, biological sciences are naturally an important part of it, and iGEM allows me to enter the laboratory to learn about such a fundamental science. In addition, in iGEM competitions, I can also use computers in many ways, such as writing Program Wikis, to improve my computer skills. So I chose to participate in the iGEM competition. Besides academic topics, I also enjoy reading very much; In particular, China and Human history and human geography fascinate me deeply. For me, these culturally rich content has a unique charm, and I hope to enjoy the fun of reading while cultivating my personality and enhancing my understanding.

Wet Lab

Ye Ziqing

Hello! My name is Ye Ziqing, and Kelsey is my English name. Since I was young, living organisms in the wonderful natural world have captivated me with the way they interact. This fascination has led me to pursue a future career in the biology field. Currently, I am a Grade 11 student from CBC Hefei No.1 Secondary School. Throughout my academic journey, I have passionately delved into various aspects of biology, ranging from molecular biology to ecology. Beyond the classroom, I engage in extracurricular activities related to biology actively. It is my honor to participate in this competition and meet such talented teammates like this. IGEM competition provides an opportunity for me to work in a laboratory setting and gain practical experience with biological experiments. It also made me think about how to combine business and biology to achieve real benefits for mankind. I am looking forward to knowing my teammates better, learning from each other, and contributing to our team's success in the iGEM competition together.

Wet Lab

Su Yiheng

I'm Su(last name) Yiheng(first name), a tenth-grade student from Xiamen, China. Right now I'm attending IGEM, mainly tasked with experimenting in the laboratory, learning about genetic engineering and diabetes in the process. To be honest, when it comes to actual knowledge about biology, I'm definitely the nobody in the team. One hobby of mine, which is almost the only one, is playing video games. I've never attended any biology competitions or learned about biology after class, while this is the very first time for me to join such an activity. Surely I don't have any experience, yet I'm expecting a lot from the activity. That's simply because that I'm interested in, or, admired biology, even the entire "science". I do know that science is the most powerful thing that have ever improved the strength of mankind. Besides, science always aims for the truth, meaning that it will never decieve anyone. Thus, I felt it necessary to have a look at what should we do while researching. Though I do not know any technical details about our subject, I understand that any researcher need to stay rational and judge everything objectively. I believe this is the most essential part, and it made me at least possible to make a difference in biology.

Wet Lab

Lu Huizi

Hi, everybody! I'm happy to be able to be here to take part in the iGEM competition. My name is Lu Huizi and my English name is Lucy. I'm now a senior1 student in Hefei No1. high school. About my hobbies, the first one is dancing. My Latin dancing is on level ten. I have been learning it since I was young and still haven’t stopped. And the second one is elocution. I was taught from a young age to express my views, which made me now very fond of speech making. Move on to my personalities. I'm brave enough to try anything challenging, regardless of the results. Since I’m sure that progress comes from trying. Today's reserve captain election is a great example. I believe that with the cooperation of all outstanding students, we can leverage our strengths and manage this simulation company well. And in the end achieve good competition results. Everyone will definitely make progress in this valuable experience!

Wet Lab

Yang Zixuan

My name is Lionel, also known as Yang Zixuan in Chinese. I am currently a 10th-grade student at UWCcsc, an international school in Changshu, China. There are two things I passionate in life: photography and soccer. I love the immense joy brought from the world captured through the lens of my camera, while the exhilaration of each soccer match fills me with adrenaline. In my heart, I embrace the sense of childlike wonder that allows me to appreciate the pure beauty found in everything around me and I chase the sense of critical to score a better goal. I am always moving forward with expanding my horizons by learning new knowledge and gaining insights into unfamiliar things.

Wet Lab

Hu Jingyue

Hi, everybody . My name is Hu Jingyue, and my English name is Linda.I’m from Beijing Huijia private school. I’m glad to have a good time in Shanghai and join iGEM competition. For my self, iGEM competition is a challenge because it’s my first time join academic competition and I need to have many conversations and collaborations with other strangers. But I don’t afraid to challenge , I’m brave to try all kinds of special or fresh things. I believe I can make more friends during the competition About the daily life, I’m a student major in biology, psychology and chemistry. I love biology more. Although it’s not easy for me, but I like the feeling of overcoming difficulties. I’m interested in the process of experiments, we are like cookers, we are like engineers in the micro world. During the free time, my hobbies are not very broad. I more like shopping with my friends and discussing topics related to psychology with friends.

Wet Lab

Cao Jinghan

Hi! My name is Cao Jinghan and I'm from Chongqing. I'm a grade 10 student from Depu Foreign Language School. I'm glad to participate iGEM as I'm looking forward to experience the whole process of a biological engineering project to broaden my perspective. I believe that biological engineering could make great contributions in medicine. Ever since I was introduced to the amazing world of bioengineering, I have been fascinated by its potential to solve real-world problems and improve lives. I believe that through innovative solutions and collaboration, we can make a positive impact on society. I am excited to participate in the iGEM event and have the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals from around the country. Moving to my hobbies, I'm keen on exploring different music genre and tone colours.

Wet Lab
Dry Lab

Li Yuelin

Hi~ My name's Li Yuelin and my English name's Alysyn. For hobbies, I somehow got to know a little or more about everything so I never get bored in leisure time. My interests include photographing, drawing, and playing the drums. As for sport, I work out for at least 5 times a week and enjoy swimming and playing badminton once in a while. I grew up in Guandong and have been living in Shenzhen in the recent years, where I attend school. I would not qualify my self as a romanticist, but I do view myself as an optimist. The family I grow up in has a general atmosphere of tolenrance and both my parents are open-minded, cordial and helpful, which eventually build me into an extrovert and enthusiastic person. IGEM is my first experience participating in Bio-related contest, and I am happy to be in the position of the dry-team-leader! I am looking forward to learn more about team management, and I wish my social study skill can see a great improvement through the co-working with every teamates. By coordinaiton, communication and contious learnign, I believe our team, UV-DiaBEATERs, can win a very high reward in the IGEM final~

Dry Lab

Cao Zijing

Hello everyone, I'm Cao Zijing, but you can call me Josias, my English name. I'm a 17-year-old Chinese high school student with a passion for sports, and football holds a special place in my heart. Engaging in football not only brings me joy but also nurtures team awareness, a valuable trait for our iGEM competition. Regarding my personality, I'm an outgoing individual who eagerly seeks new friendships, so don't hesitate to approach me. Embracing challenges is another aspect of my character that I cherish. When faced with difficult tasks, I wholeheartedly dedicate myself to finding solutions, and the feeling of accomplishment that follows is immensely rewarding. Aside from my interests in sports, I am excited about the iGEM competition and the opportunity to collaborate with all of you. I believe that by combining our diverse talents and perspectives, we can achieve great things together. Let's support and motivate each other throughout this journey, making the most of every learning opportunity that comes our way.In conclusion, I'm thrilled to be part of this team, and I look forward to not only growing as an individual but also contributing to the team's success. Together, let's embrace challenges, build lasting friendships, and make this iGEM competition an unforgettable experience for all of us.

Dry Lab

Cui Jiashuo

Hello, everyone! I'm Cui Jiashuo, from Beijing, the capital of China, and I'm sixteen years old this year. I am a person who is full of love for life, and I like to record every moment of my life with words. Through recording, I can feel the beauty and meaning of life more deeply, and I can also share these precious memories with everyone. In addition to recording my life, I am also interested in gaming. The gaming world is a stage full of passion and competition, and I am full of admiration for the teamwork, tactical strategies and high level of skills. In the world of e-sports, I can not only find like-minded partners to fight side by side with, but also be able to continue to surpass myself in the challenge, and get the joy of growth and progress. This competition is a very valuable opportunity for me. I hope that by participating in the competition, not only can I win the gold medal, but more importantly, I can learn more knowledge and experience in the competition and broaden my horizons. Exchanging competitive experience with other excellent players, learning their strengths and improving my weaknesses are all things I am eagerly looking forward to. Regardless of the final result, I believe it will be a valuable experience that will make me more determined and confident on the road of growth and courageous to meet future challenges.

Dry Lab

Zou Luyao

Hello everyone, I am Zou Luyao, from Dalian, 18 years old. I have two passions, one is band and the other is golf. Music and sports make me feel extremely happy and fulfilled. In the band, I can utilize my musical talents, and I am especially good at playing the electric guitar, which gives me great satisfaction in music creation and performance, and I feel that only in the world of music can I feel that I am still alive. Golf, on the other hand, is one of the ways I balance my life, allowing me to get away from the hustle and bustle, immerse myself in nature, release stress, and at the same time experience the importance of focus and patience. At the same time, I am a person who likes to make new friends. For me, having friends with different backgrounds and interests is a valuable asset, and they add many colorful elements to my life. In the future, I have developed a strong interest in arts management. I love to explore and innovate, and hope to utilize my talents in this field to contribute to the development of the arts. I am a freedom-seeker and do not like to be bound and restricted. I hope to broaden my horizons by participating in this event and meet more like-minded people to pursue my dreams together. Thank you for this opportunity, I look forward to gaining more knowledge and experience here and growing together with you.

Dry Lab

Tan Zidan

Hello everyone, I am Tan Zidan from Chengdu. Academically, I am passionate about advertising, marketing, and design. I have actively participated in various marketing and design projects within teams. Singing and dancing are my hobbies, and I've also been involved in numerous social activities supported by my university. One of these activities even received a recognition award, which took place in Shanghai and made me fall in love with the city instantly. I am a peaceful and easy-going person, valuing cooperation and maintaining good relationships with my classmates. During my free time, I find joy in reading books, listening to music, and watching movies. Additionally, I have a keen interest in sports, particularly football and Ping-Pong, which bring me immense happiness and passion. I'm open to making improvements and always strive to better myself in everything I do.

Dry Lab

Chu Wenxi

My name is Chu Wenxi, and my English name is Sara. I’m from Nanjing. As for my hobbies, I know a little bit of tennis and golf. But more than sports, I prefer to stay at home and listen to songs, draw, play games, watch anime, especially Japanese anime, and read some literature. Some of my favorites are The Epic of Gilgamesh by the Sumerians and No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. In terms of the competition, this is my first time to participate in a long term competition related to biology, and I am over the moon to come to Shanghai to complete this project with the iGEM team members. I would enter this competition because I am interested in some of the business campaigns we have. I usually do a lot of similar things in my school clubs. Examples include designing and distributing surveys, designing craft products and marketing them to other people. In any case, we don't face a large group of people. On the contrary, iGEM's audience is much wider, which allows excellent products to be seen and used by more people. This point deeply attracted me to participate in this competition. I hope that I can learn more and acquire other skills. I believe that the UV-DiaBEATERs will achieve an ideal result and gain a lot in the end!

Dry Lab

Guo Shiyu

I’m Guo Shiyu, a tenth-grade student from Nanjing Foreign Languages School. I consider myself a positive person and I’m always enthusiastic about the unknowns. I adore creating new things, which can always activate my mind and light up my sights. For hobbies, I love reading and writing stories, listening to the music, watching animations and playing video games. I also enjoy sports like skateboarding and baseball. In general, I am a person of catholic tastes and omnivorous of all kinds of things. Right now I’m attending IGEM as a dry-team member. It is my first time to participate in such a long-term competition relating to biology. Although my main tasks are about business affairs, I’m quite interested in genetic engineering and looking forward to learning more about diabetes and stuff. IGEM is absolutely an excellent access to these biological knowledge and business management skills.I believe I will learn a lot and have a great time with my teammates.

Dry Lab

Chen Shangwei

Hello! l'm really glad to introduce myself ! My name is Chen Shangwei (Allan) and i'm from hefei No.eight language school.My hobbies are widespread such as playing tennis , listening to some emotional music, and doing some public charity activities. Take tennis as an example, i'm a career tennis athlete and i've played tennis for ten years because i'm extremely interested in playing tennis, so what i mean is that i will do my best and always train hard in the things that i'm interested in. Secondly, l really enjoy participating the team work because i would like to do hard works efficiently with my team members. For instance, our team complete the business plan together for one month,even though we are tired and spend a lot of time in researching backgroud information and asking for many kinds of professors but we do the valid promotion to our products and we hold great feedback great prize,so i think it's meaningfui and deserved . Additionally, i'm a quite enthusiastic person since i always help the old who are own the diabetes and the kids who own the serious diseases. For example, i accompany with the kids who get the cancer every month , we draw together,do the handmade,having a class together in order to let these kids get the risk of the disease and give them hopes. My team also make an big effort in treating the diabetes,our products are the most strongly evience to support it, during this biology activities i found the subject that i interested in and i learn a lot. Finally, i love and cherish every moment in my life whether the things are good or not,the most sincere reason is that l'm been moving from these things and growing up from others all the time, these touching memories will be pieced together into fragment of my life, thank you!

Dry Lab

Zhang Junhao

Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Junhao , and I go by the name Herry in English. Currently, I am a student at Hefei No.8 High School. With an outgoing personality, I actively engage in various sports activities, particularly enjoying badminton, basketball, and playing various electronic games. I take pride in being friendly and approachable, always eager to learn from others with humility.My passion lies in the fields of economics and mathematics, and I aspire to pursue a business-related education in the future. Among my dream schools, New York University holds a special place in my heart. I am determined to work hard to achieve my goal of studying there.In addition to my academic pursuits, I also value social interactions and building meaningful connections with others. I believe in continuous improvement and welcome any suggestions to enhance myself further. Together with my enthusiasm for sports and love for learning, I am excited about the journey ahead and the opportunities that await me.

Dry Lab

Zhe Yue

Hello~ I'm Zhe Yue. I come from Lanzhou, Gansu, and now I live in Chengdu. After this month, I will go to the United States to study. It's a pleasure to participate in this item competition with talented and easygoing guys. For some reason, I am going to complete the whole process of this competition with you guys online, and I participate in the work of the dried team in this competition. Because it's online, hope you could communicate with me at any time. For hobbies, I like photography, editing, vlogs, and so on. I'm still studying hard, even if I am not as familiar as a professional in doing these. I also like watching cartoons, especially Japanese cartoons, though I haven't seen a lot. My favorite cartoon is Naruto I saw a few years ago. I am trying my best to finish tasks, and please give me more advice.

Dry Lab


My name is Mak Tsun Tung Tony, and I'm 17 years old. My hobbies include playing golf, horseback riding, and a rather unique interest, which is studying economics. I find economics to be a fascinating and enjoyable subject. My aspiration is to become a person who contributes to society, utilizing my skills and expertise for the betterment of the community.

Dry Lab