1 Calendar  


Date:  4 / 8 /2023 

Event: Members training (theory)(online) 

Agenda:The team leader introduced the iGEM competition content and challenge background to the members.


Date:  4 /1 5 /2023  -5/27/2023

Event: Members training (theory) (online) 

Agenda: The instructor introduced the basic research methods of modern molecular biology to the members. 


Date:6/9/2023  - 6/ 1 0/2023 

Event: Project Topic Brain storm (online) 

Agenda:  We decided to focus on the diabetes issue.


Date:  6/17/2023

Event:  Project Design Brain storm(online)

Agenda:  We had a online discussion meeting with teachers who brought us many practical inspirations.


Date:  6/24/2023

Event:  Project Design Brain storm(online)

Agenda:  We confirmed the preliminary project design plan.


Date:  7/6/2023

Event:  Project Launch Meeting(online)

Agenda: We confirmed the final project design plan.



Date:  7 / 1 1/2023 

Event: Meeting  

Agenda: For the first face-to-face meeting, an ice breaking event was held and a candidate for the leader was selected . All members designed the team logo, uniform, and name together 


Date: 7/ 1 2/2023 

Event: Members training (practical) 

Agenda: The teacher conducted laboratory safety training for the members and led the team to drafted a detailed experiment plan.


Date:  7 / 13 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Construction of plastics (TRP promoter UVR8N397 BIC) by enzyme digestion pBridge CRYN489 Nde1, Bstb1. Amplification of BIC fragments using PCR technology


Date:  7 / 14 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids  

Agenda: Agrose gel electrophoresis(BIC) and DNA gel extraction



Date:  7 / 15 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Plasmid extraction (pBridge-BD-CRY2)and Homologous recombination (exogenous genes)(TRP1, UVR8, BIC2) 


Date:  7 / 16 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Plasmid extraction (pBridge-BD-CRY2)and Homologous recombination (exogenous genes)(TRP1, UVR8, BIC2) 


Date:  7 / 17 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Homologous recombination (exogenous genes)(TRP1, UVR8, BIC2)And the screening of resistant tablets(Amp)


Date: 7 / 18 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Plasmid extraction (pBridge-BD-CRY2)and colony PCR


Date: 7/ 19 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Plasmid extraction (pBridge-BD-CRY2)and Restriction enzyme single digestion(Nde1)


Date: 7/2 0 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Restriction enzyme digestion(Nde1 Restriction enzyme single digestion)and pBridge-BIC2


Date: 7/ 21 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Agrose gel electrophoresis and DNA gel extraction


Date: 7/ 22 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Homologous recombination (exogenous genes)(TRP1, UVR8, BIC2) 


Date: 7/ 23 /2023 

Event: Members training (practical) 

Agenda: Taking the CRY2 gene of Arabidopsis as an example, I learned how to design gene primers using NCBI website and snapgene


Date: 7/ 24 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Detection of plasmid concentration and  Restriction enzyme double digestion(Nde1 and Bstb1)


Date: 7/ 25 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Agrose gel electrophoresis and DNA gel extraction


Date: 7/ 26 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Shake the bacteria and prepare solid Lysogeny broth


Date: 7/ 27 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Homologous recombination (exogenous genes)(TRP1, UVR8, BIC2) 


Date: 7/ 28 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: pBridge AD-CIB1


Date: 7/ 3 1/2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Prep solid SD(-Trp/-Leu)


Date:  8 / 1 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Plasmid extraction (pBridge-BD-CRY2)and Restriction enzyme single digestion(Nde1)


Date:  8 / 2 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: S.cerevisiae transformation (PEG/LiAc), pBridge-AD+BD-CRY


Date:  8 / 3 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: pBridge-AD-CIB+BD-CRY and colony PCR



Date:  8 / 4 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Agrose gel electrophoresis and DNA gel extraction


Date:  8 / 5 /2023 

Event: Construction of plasmids 

Agenda: Plasmid extraction (pBridge-BD-CRY2) and S.cerevisiae transformation(PEG/LiAc)


Date: 8/ 6 /2023 

Event: Meeting

Agenda: Teacher leads team members to review recent experimental results



Date:  8 / 7 /2023 

Event: Meeting

Agenda:  Initial Wiki writing task distribution