Forming and removing biofilm has been a long-standing research problem in the biological field. However, during the initial stage of our project, our extensive literature review on laboratory extraction methods of biofilm for enzymatic function verification ended in vain. Eventually, we decided to cultivate biofilm ourselves to obtain purified biofilm and managed to work out a scheme to construct and verify the integrity of biofilm through multiple rounds of DBTL approach.
Since SRB requires anaerobic cultivation and grows relatively slowly and with difficulty in laboratory settings, we chose E.coli DH5\(\alpha\) to replace SRB for biofilm cultivation and verification experiments. By observing the maturity of biofilms of E.coli with different treatments on LB plates without antibiotics, we aimed to determine the activity of glycosidase based on the growth of E.coli.
Under the biological safety cabinet, 100 microliters of bacterial solution was respectively spread on LB plates without antibiotics. The plates were incubated at 37°C until biofilm formation. Then add LB liquid medium without antibiotics + bacterial lysate containing glycosidase to blank LB plate(blank control group), add LB liquid medium without antibiotics to a plate with biofilm (NC group), and add LB liquid medium without antibiotics + bacterial lysate containing glycosidase to other plates with biofilm. Finally, biofilm formation states in each group were observed. (The method of glycosidase treatment can be found in the function verification section of the experiment part.)
Fig 1-1. Bacteria grown on LB plates without antibiotics
The results showed bacterial contamination in the blank control group. The test group formed relatively intact biofilms. After spreading the bacterial solutions treated with different glycosidase, all groups formed biofilms to some degree.
During plating, it was found that the blank control also had quite some colony growth, which could be due to the following three reasons:
In response to the contamination of the blank control in the first round, in order to make the blank control more meaningful as a reference, we will change the biofilm-forming bacteria to ampicillin-resistant E.coli DH5\(\alpha\) (PUC19; ampicillin resistance). At the same time, the lysate containing glycosidase will be sterilized.
Fig 1-2. Plates of round 2
No colonies formed in the blank control group, which aligns with our experimental design. However, due to the high bacterial concentration, only destroy effect of DspB on biofilm destroy could be observed.
Biofilms were cultured in 96-well plates to shorten the culture time. Through literature review, we found that crystal violet can bind with lipid molecules on the biofilm through electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding, forming complexes and staining the lipids and proteins in the biofilm. Therefore, crystal violet staining can quantify biofilm content to some extent.
Fig 1-3. Linear relationship between crystal violet and biofilm maturity
Staining biofilms grown for different times showed uneven purple liquid depths, with lighter colors indicating less biofilm and darker colors more biofilm. Crystal violet staining has a linear relationship with biofilm maturity, which can be quantified by detecting OD570nm.
Fig 1-4. a: Glycosidase (DspB and DisH) to E.coli DH5\(\alpha\) biofilm treatment. b: Glycosidase (DspB and DisH) to SRB biofilm treatment
We cultured biofilms for different times in 96-well plates and found a linear relationship between crystal violet staining and biofilm maturity, also proving that we cultured complete biofilms. In addition, through crystal violet staining, we quantified the activity differences between multiple AHLs degradation enzymes, which met our experimental expectations.
The turbidimetric bacteriostatic test reflects the growth of the test strain in the bacterial inhibition system by observing the numerical change of OD600 absorbance value, indicating the inhibition effect of the inhibitory substances and providing an index for the selection of antimicrobial peptides with better effect.
Table 2-1. Turbidimetric bacterial inhibition experiment first round design plan
The initial design configured the system by mixing the test bacterial solution (E.coli DH5\(\alpha\)) with the treatment solution (supernatant/lysate of engineered E.coli BL21 secreting antimicrobial peptides) and leveled with PBS buffer that inhibits bacterial growth. Two time points, 3h and 5h, were selected to measure. The supernatant was extracted by centrifugation at 12000 rpm, 4°C for 3 min, and the lysate was extracted by resuspending the bacterial precipitate from the supernatant group with 0.1 M PBS and ultrasonically crushing it (ultrasonication time of 5 s, gap time of 10 s, and number of times of operation of 20 times), and centrifuging the supernatant according to the above conditions again.
We constructed as Design.
Fig 2-1. Results of the first round of turbidimetric bacterial inhibition assay with the antimicrobial peptide Bactenecin
Fig 2-2. Results of the first round of turbidimetric bacterial inhibition assay with the antimicrobial peptide Indolicidin
Table 2-2. Data from the first round of bacterial inhibition experiments by turbidimetric method
For the problems of the first round of experiments, the subsequent experiments were improved accordingly. The measurement timings of absorbance OD600 were adjusted 0h, 1h, 2h and 3h for three consecutive hours. Simultaneously, the volume of the test strain was increased to 2 ml and the precipitation of the system was resuspended to form a 3 ml experimental system. To continuously monitor the changes in the growth of the test strain, the test strain was changed to E.coli DH5\(\alpha\) strain with kanamycin resistance.
Table 2-3. Turbidimetric bacterial inhibition experiment second round design plan
We constructed as Design.
Fig 2-3. Overall results of the second round of turbidimetric bacterial inhibition experiments
Fig 2-4. Results of the second round of turbidimetric bacterial inhibition assay with the antimicrobial peptide Indolicidin
Fig 2-5. Results of the second round of turbidimetric bacterial inhibition assay for the antimicrobial peptide Bactenecin
Table 2-4. Data from the second round of bacterial inhibition experiments by turbidimetric method
The positive control group was the treatment group containing ampicillin antibiotic (1:1000), while the negative control was the group of E.coli BL21 culture supernatant. The concentration of the test strain was also further increased by resuspending a 3 ml system precipitation to a 6 ml system.
Table 2-5. Turbidimetric bacterial inhibition experiment third round design plan
We constructed as Design.
Fig 2-6. Results of the third round of turbidimetric bacterial inhibition experiments with antimicrobial peptides
Fig 2-7. Overall results of the third round of turbidimetric bacterial inhibition experiments
Table 2-6. Antimicrobial peptide Indolicidin third round of turbidimetric bacteriostatic assay data
Table 2-7. Antimicrobial peptide Bactenecin third round of turbidimetric bacteriostatic assay data
Table 2-8. The third round of turbidimetric bacterial inhibition experiment control group experimental data
SRB (sulfate reducing bacteria) are strictly anaerobic bacteria. We have conducted many experiments to find out the methods and conditions of SRB cultivation and finally succeeded in obtaining the culture formulas of the solid medium and liquid medium, as well as the culture environment conditions of SRB.
In our initial conception, we proposed to use the AnaeroPouch anaerobic gas-producing bag kit (gas-producing bag, oxygen-concentration indicator, anaerobic bag) from MGC to culture SRBs at 37°C in a thermostat.
Fig 3-1. Anaerobic bag usage & Oxygen indicator range(From MGC Company AnaeroPack Kit)
We constructed as Design.
Fig 3-2. SRB anaerobic bag culture
Based on the experience gained from the previous round of experiments, we used the E400 anaerobic workstation to complete a series of culture processes, such as inoculation, resuscitation and passage of SRBs. The anaerobic workstation was supplied with high purity nitrogen and gas mixture (10.2% CO2, 84.6% N2, 5.2% H2) at a pressure of 0.18 MPa, and the incubation temperature was guaranteed to be 37°C with an oxygen concentration of 0.0%. One of the plate operations was done using glass plating beads.
Fig 3-3. SRB's E400 Anaerobic Workstation Culture
We constructed as Design.
Fig 3-4. SRB's E400 Anaerobic Workstation Culture Results
The incubation temperature of the E400 anaerobic workstation was adjusted to 30°C ,and the incubation time was shortened to 10 h. The inoculation operation of SRB was changed to use an L-shaped applicator.
We constructed as Design.
Fig 3-5. Results of E400 anaerobic workstation cultures of SRBs after improved methods
After continuous adjustments to the experimental design, higher densities of SRB strains were successfully cultured on Columbia blood agar medium, and the film formed.
We wanted to optimize our chassis design by transferring the sqr gene into E.coli to degrade H2S in the environment. We decided to culture the bacteria in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer to measure the enzyme activity. H2S is formed when Na2S is mixed with deoxygenated water. Na2S was chosen to mimic the H2S environment since it is more convenient for quantitative measurements. The ability of the engineered strain to degrade H2S can be measured by mixing the bacterial solution with the Na2S solution and determining the amount of H2S in the environment after a certain period. When H2S reacts with N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine in the color developing agent, the amount of material produced is proportional to the absorbance value of the mixture at 670 nm, and the absorbance value of the reaction system at 670 nm is measured to indicate the H2S content. In order to bring the absorbance value into the visible range, it is necessary to dilute the mixture to a certain extent to facilitate the measurement of H2S.
The constructed engineered strain was cultured in LB medium to a certain concentration. Then, the LB medium in the bacterial solution was replaced with 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer to keep the bacteria in a resting state, which was convenient for us to measure the enzyme activity expressed by the bacteria. Three groups were designed separately: the test group was a mixture of bacterial solution and Na2S standard solution, the two control groups were a mixture of bacterial solution and distilled water, as well as a mixture of sodium sulfide and Tris-HCl buffer, and three replicate controls were designed for each group. After a certain time, the mixture of the three groups was diluted and then mixed with the color developing agent to measure the change of absorbance value at 670 nm.
Fig 4-1. Echange of H2S content
The OD670 in the test group showed a decreasing trend but with large fluctuations, and the OD670 in the control group with a mixture of sodium sulfide and Tris-HCl buffer fluctuated too.
Possible reasons for large fluctuations in OD670 values:
Because of the large fluctuation of this control group of H2S mixed with distilled water, it does not measure the degradation ability of the engineered strain to H2S, and further improvement of the experiment is still needed. In addition, in order to better simulate the ability of E.coli to respond to H2S in physiological condition, we considered using M9 medium to cultivate E.coli, because M9 medium is colorless and has a lower impact on the measurement of absorbance value.
We swapped 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer for a colorless M9 medium to mimic normal E.coli growth. Because H2S is a metabolite of E.coli, we hope to see that E.coli degrades H2S more than E.coli produces H2S. In addition, we have redesigned the experimental and control groups and further improved the treatment method of bacterial solutions to reduce errors.
By detecting the H2S content in the environment, the H2S content in the engineered strain and Na2S mixture decreased rapidly within 30 min, indicating that SQR can rapidly degrade H2S in the environment within a short period. There was a clear trend of decreasing S2- in this group, and the degree of S2- reduction was significantly greater than that in the wild-type control group.
Fig 4-2. Changes in hydrogen sulfide content
Fig 4-3. Hydrogen sulfide content after 120 min
By measuring the absorbance of the reaction solution at 670 nm, we successfully detected a decrease in H2S content in the environment under the action of SQR, which was in line with our experimental expectations, indicating we successfully cloned and characterized the SQR product in E.coli DH5\(\alpha\) and experimentally verified that E.coli can rapidly and effectively reduce environmental H2S.
The suicide system is an essential module of this project, related to the self-clearance of the engineered bacteria and the biosafety of the project. Due to the toxicity of CcdB to prokaryotes, ensuring the stable existence of the ccdB gene on the plasmid became a tricky thing. In the early experiments, we were always puzzled by the strange loss of the ccdB gene. Eventually, we verified our guess through a series of experiments, kept the ccdB gene on the plasmid, and were able to further advance the experiments.
At the initial stage of the experiment, we referred to the experimental methods of BNU-China in 2019. By adding different volumes of 1 mol/L IPTG solution to the BL21 star competent cells containing the pet28a-ccdB plasmid, a series of experimental groups with IPTG concentration gradients were formed. The OD600 was measured every 6 hours, and 10 μl of the bacterial solution was plated. After 24 hours, the number of single colonies was counted. In our expectations, the higher the IPTG concentration, the more the growth of the engineered bacteria would be inhibited.
Fig 5-1. Liquid Culture Absorbance Curve
The experimental groups with IPTG addition only exhibited relatively lower absorbance values compared to the control group without IPTG in the first 6h or so. This result shows that CcdB did not demonstrate significant bacterial inhibition effects, which is highly unusual. Therefore, we attempted to analyze by Sanger sequencing and found that only the ccdB fragment was deleted in the plasmid.
Fig 5-2. Sequencing results of ccdB
The sequencing result showing ccdB gene deletion leads us to speculate the following reasons:
Since the results of this experiment failed to demonstrate the function of the ccdB gene, further improvements are still needed for the experiment. This experiment also found that the engineered bacteria lost the ccdB gene even without IPTG induction after prolonged culture, presumably due to leaky expression from the lac operator.
To verify our speculation, we conducted a preliminary experiment using IPTG gradient plates (with IPTG concentration distributed in a gradient from one side to the other on the medium). After transforming the pET-28a-ccdB plasmid into the BL21 star competent cells and recovery, the cells were immediately spread onto the IPTG gradient plates for induction, allowing the transformed colonies to form single colonies. We expected that within a shorter culture time, colonies located in the higher IPTG concentration areas of the plate would be induced to produce CcdB, creating greater survival pressure, exhibited as smaller colonies or death, while colonies in the lower IPTG concentration areas would form larger single colonies.
Fig 5-3. Results of IPTG gradient plate induction assay
With increasing IPTG concentration, the number of single colonies continuously decreased. This is consistent with our hypothesis. However, since the IPTG concentration could not be quantitatively analyzed, this result can only initially verify our speculation, and more rigorous experiments are still needed for confirmation.
Compared to IPTG gradient liquid culture, we have successfully obtained the expected results, which initially verified our hypothesis and demonstrated the effectiveness of this part.
To conduct a more quantitative analysis, induction experiments were performed using plates with different concentrations of IPTG. We expected that the number of single colonies would continuously decrease with increasing IPTG concentration.
Fig 5-4. Induction Experiments Using Plates with Different IPTG Concentrations
With increasing IPTG concentration, the number of single colonies on the plates showed a clear downward trend. When IPTG concentration reached 0.02 mg/ml, even low expression of CcdB began to exhibit bactericidal effects.
The results of this experiment demonstrated the bactericidal function of CcdB and the high expression efficiency of the ccdB gene under the control of the T7 promoter. However, this system could not stably exist. Even without IPTG induction, engineered bacteria sequencing showed that the pet-28a-ccdB plasmid was missing ccdB fragments, this illuminated that low leaky expression from the lactose promoter would also lead to self-cleavage of ccdB. Therefore, we urgently need to find a solution to allow this system to stably persist.
To improve the original suicide system, the ccdA antidote gene controlled by the low expression J23105 promoter was introduced into the pET-28a-ccdB plasmid to construct pET-28a-ccdA-ccdB plasmid.
Fig 5-5. Experimental results of inducing the CcdA-CcdB system on plates with different IPTG concentrations
Compared to the original system, this curve demonstrates a clear threshold effect. It proves that under conditions of low IPTG induction and leaky expression, low expression of CcdA can completely neutralize the toxic CcdB protein.
The results of this experiment demonstrate that CcdA controlled by the J23105 promoter can prevent accumulation of CcdB during culture growth, avoid loss of ccdB due to survival pressure, and play a protective role.