
Target Users

While inflammation is a natural defense mechanism in the human body, it can sometimes become excessive and harmful to patients. Prolonged states of "chronic inflammation" or "systemic chronic inflammation" can be closely associated with conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Our target users are all individuals, regardless of age or gender. This is a device that can be used by everyone.

Reducing Patients' Pain: Non-Invasive Testing

Currently, the most common method for disease detection involves blood tests and diagnosing through blood analysis. However, drawing blood is invasive and can lead to needle phobia or discomfort, which are especially common among children. There is also risk of infection, particularly for diseases that are transmitted through blood contacts such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV. The act of medical procedures puts healthcare professionals at a high risk of needlestick injuries. We believe that reducing patient discomfort during the diagnosis process and minimizing risk factors are current trends in medical development.

Medical New Trends: Development of Telemedicine

Following the outbreaks of COVID-19, telemedicine has become a trend. It eliminates the need for direct visits to hospitals or clinics, reducing the risk of infection in crowded healthcare settings. Immediate testing also makes disease detection more convenient, which is beneficial in early detection and enhancing recovery rates. Our device is easy to operate, allowing everyone to check their health condition by their own.

Balancing Urban-Rural Disparities: Enhancing Resources in Rural Clinics

Due to economic or geographical constraints, certain regions may face limitations in accessing high-quality medical services due to technology and equipment costs. Our device offers the advantages of being lightweight and cost-effective, addressing these challenges and ensuring that people in different areas have access to the same quality of medical resources.

Safety and Challenges

We introduce pre-engineered probiotics into the intestines to enhance the efficiency of converting hesperidin into hesperetin. People may have concerns about whether these bacteria will remain in the body and how they interact with the human gut. Therefore, we participated in the Asia Biotech Expo and visited many major biotech companies in Taiwan that produce probiotics (More information is available on the integrated HP) page. According to current laws, Taiwan imposes restrictions on probiotic strains in food products, so we must carefully consider strain selection.

Considering the current trend in the probiotics industry towards functional probiotics, our project holds development potential. To address safety concerns, we have designed a termination switch system to safeguard both the environment and human health (More information is available on the safety page).

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National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Yangming Campus
No. 155, Section 2, Linong St, Beitou District, Taipei City, 112


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