Laboratory Level
Risk Management:
The NIS-Kazakhstan team views safety as a critical component of scientific progress, encompassing the identification of potential harm, moral and ethical considerations, responsibility for preserving ecosystems and humanity, and adherence to established norms, measures, and standards. Our team is committed to integrating the principles of safety and reliability into our work. To learn more, please refer to our safety form for detailed information
Personal Protection Requirements for Biosafety level 2 (BSL2):
1. Wear safety goggles or safety glasses for normal laboratory procedures involving liquid cultures that do not generate a splash hazard. Use face shields or safety goggles and masks when performing procedures that may create a splash hazard. If work is performed in a biological safety cabinet, goggles and face shields/ masks do not need to be worn. 2. Wear gloves when handling microorganisms or hazardous chemicals. 3. Wear closed-toe shoes that cover the top of the foot. 4. Wear laboratory coats. 5. Wash hands after entering and before exiting the laboratory. 6. Tie back long hair. 7. Disinfect bench before and after the laboratory session with a disinfectant known to kill the organisms handled. 8. Do not bring food, gum, drinks or water bottles into the laboratory. 9. Do not handle personal items (cosmetics, cell phones, calculators, pens, pencils, etc.) while in the laboratory. 10. Do not mouth pipette. 11. Label all containers clearly. 12. Keep the laboratory door closed.Laboratory Level

Risk Management
To minimize risks to an absolute minimum, our team sought expert support, established rules, conducted training, and implemented risk management practices, creating a structured and safety-oriented environment. These measures aim to raise awareness, provide clear guidelines, and empower the project team to identify and mitigate potential hazards effectively. By incorporating these practices, we conducted the project with a higher level of safety, reducing the likelihood of accidents, minimizing exposure to hazardous materials, and ensuring the safety of the project team and the surrounding environment. We collaborated with experts from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University to discuss, identify, and manage project-related risks. Additionally, local university professors provided guidance to minimize risks associated with experimental design and techniques.
Microorganisms Review and Safety Considerations for E. coli Rosetta-gami 2(DE3), Pseudomonas putida, and E. coli DH5alpha
Our team recognized the importance of responsible handling of microorganisms, acknowledging the potential risks of accidental release into the environment during laboratory work, which could pose significant threats to public safety. To mitigate these risks, we conducted plasmid transformations using non-pathogenic and well-established Escherichia coli strains, Rosetta-gami 2(DE3) and DH5 alpha. Additionally, we employed Pseudomonas putida KT2440 cells for subsequent transformations. This strain has earned the designation of 'generally recognized as safe' due to its stable characteristics and versatile metabolism. It is not associated with severe illnesses or environmental concerns for both people and ecosystems.
E. coli Rosetta-gami 2(DE3):
- ● This strain is generally considered safe for laboratory use, but researchers should follow standard biosafety protocols for working with E. coli.
- ● Ensure proper containment and disposal of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) according to local regulations.
- ● Be cautious when handling antibiotics used for selection to prevent the development of antibiotic-resistant strains.
Pseudomonas putida:
- ● Pseudomonas putida is generally regarded as safe and is classified as a Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1) organism. However, safety measures should be taken when handling potentially contaminated environmental samples.
- ● Researchers working with genetically modified Pseudomonas putida strains should adhere to local biosafety guidelines and containment protocols.
E. coli DH5alpha:
- ● E. coli DH5alpha is generally considered safe for laboratory use and is classified as a Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1) organism.
- ● Researchers should follow standard laboratory safety procedures for working with E. coli, including proper disposal of biological waste