
Table 1: Team Member Contributions - Lists what each team member accomplished




Specific Tasks

Luo Qiansong

Student Leader

Conceptualization, Background Research, Investigation, Public Engagement, Entrepreneurship, Project Administration, Writing.

  1. Conceptualization: Participated in brainstorming process and provided HP ideas.
  2. Background Research: Did literature review for the HP part of project background, eg. the development of heavy metal testing instruments for water quality in China
  3. Investigation: Did investigation about the project’ HP Parts
  4. Project Administration:Managed and coordinated the project activities.
  5. Public Engagement:Actively participated in the whole HP process.
  6. Project Administration:I managed and coordinated the project activities.
  7. Entrepreneurship and Writing:The sustainable related materials on  the wiki and Participated in writing the Entrepreneurship part on the wiki.

Zhang Xiaoyu

Student Leader

Conceptualization,Background Research,Investigation, Data Curation, Analysis, Public Engagement, Project Administration, Notebook/record keeping, Writing, Safety.

  1. Conceptualization: Participated in brainstorming process and developed the project idea under PIs' supervision.
  2. Background Research: Did literature review for the project background.
  3. Investigation: Did investigation about the whole project.
  4. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process and co-found both the Girls in STEM and iGEMs Club.
  5. Analysis: Analyzed the expression results of cadmium-binding protein recombinant plasmids in E. coli.participated in Parts writing
  6. Project Administration: Managed and coordinated the lab related project activities.
  7. Notebook/record keeping: Notebook/record keeping-I recorded all laboratory activities with other team members. e.g.Recorded the specific parameters and details of each experiment so that each experiment can be compared.
  8. Writing: Writing about the project with other team members.
  9. Safety: Helped the instructor guiding the lab safety and security.

Song He

Student Leader

Conceptualization, Investigation, Fundraising, Public Engagement,Project Administration,  Writing.

  1. Conceptualization: Participated in brainstorming process and provided  HP ideas
  2. Investigation: Designed HP related questionnaires and made analysis.
  3. Public Engagement: Organized activities to engage the broader community and actively participated in the whole HP process,eg.create a Live streaming account on Douyin to promote synthetic biology ,iGEM and our project and gained impact.
  4. Project Administration: Executing various activities for Human Practices.
  5. Writing: Participated in writing the Entrepreneurship part on the wiki.

Li Kexin

Student Leader

Investigation, Fundraising, Project Administration,Public Engagement, Writing.

  1. Investigation: Investigated about the project.
  2. Project Administration: Executing various activities for Human Practices.
  3. Public Engagement: Organized activities to engage the broader community and actively participated in the whole HP process.
  4. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process, and co-found both the Girls in STEM and iGEMs Club.

Sun Wanke

Primary PI

Conceptualization, Project Administration, Fundraising.

  1. Conceptualization: She helped us come up with the idea for the project.
  2. Project Administration: She managed the project execution to guarantee it run smoothly, she also supervised all of the work our team did.
  3. Fundraising: She raised money for the project.

Liu Yichen

Team Member

Public Engagement, Wiki Coding, Visualization.

  1. Public Engagement: Actively participated in Public Engagement of the whole HP process.
  2. Wiki Coding: Coding with other members, wrote content of the wiki.
  3. Visualization: participated in the design of the Promotion Video and provided support.

Bao Kerui

Team Member

Investigation, Wiki Coding, Public Engagement, Writing.

  1. Investigation: Did investigation about the project’s HP parts.
  2. Wiki Coding: Coding with other members.
  3. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process, promotional video, e.g.interview officers, made PPTs and in charge of organizing education workshops in one of the kindergartens.
  4. Writing: The educational related materials and edited content of the Education and communication parts on the wiki.
  5. Visualization: Participated in the design of the Promotion Video and provided support.

Sun Yutong

Team Member

Investigation, Wiki Coding,
Public Engagement, Entrepreneurship, Writing.

  1. Investigation: Did investigation about the project’s HP parts.
  2. Wiki Coding: Coding with other members.
  3. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process.
  4. Entrepreneurship: The sustainable related materials on the wiki a
  5. Writing: Participated in writing the Entrepreneurship part on the wiki.

Xu YanLin

Team Member

Investigation, Fundraising, Public Engagement, Writing.

  1. Investigation: Did investigation about the project’s HP parts.
  2. Fundraising: Raised money for the project.
  3. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process and collaborate with other iGEM team.
  4. Writing: Participated in writing the Inclusivity part on the wiki with other team members.

Li Kexin

Student Leader

Investigation, Public Engagement, Entrepreneurship, Project Administration,  Writing.

  1. Investigation: Did investigation about the project’s HP parts.
  2. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process.
  3. Project Administration: Executing various activities for Human Practices.
  4. Writing: Participated in writing the Entrepreneurship part on the wiki, and wrote the Human Practice part and participated in writing the Entrepreneurship part on the wiki.

Zhang Jiarui

Team Member

Conceptualization, Background Research, Public Engagement, Writing, Safety.

  1. Conceptualization: Participated in brainstorming process and provided research ideas.
  2. Background Research: Did literature review for the project background.
  3. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process
  4. Writing: Writing about the project with other team members.
  5. Safety: Helped the instructor guiding the lab safety and security and writing articles in wiki of the Safety Part.

Zhang Jiashuo

Team Member

Conceptualization, Background Research, Fundraising, Public Engagement, Writing.

  1. Conceptualization: Participated in brainstorming process and provided research ideas.
  2. Background Research: Did literature review for the project background
  3. Fundraising: Raised money for the project.
  4. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process
  5. Writing: Writing about the project with other team members.

Li Chenxu

Team Member

Background Research, Public Engagement, Investigation.

  1. Background Research: Reading peer-reviewed scientific research articles, white papers, regulations/guidelines, and other documents to learn the current pollution of water by the heavy metal cadmium ion and the national policy on the treatment of cadmium wastewater.
  2. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process.
  3. Investigation: Did investigation about the whole project.

Jiao Zhangrui

Team Member

Investigation, Data Curation, Public Engagement, Notebook/record keeping.

  1. Investigation: Did investigation about the whole project.
  2. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process
  3. Notebook/record keeping: Recorded all laboratory activities with other team members. e.g. Recording the experimental data and the use of reagents.

Zheng Jiayu

Team Member

Conceptualization, Background Research, Public Engagement, Analysis, Wiki Coding, Visualization, Writing.

  1. Conceptualization: Participated in brainstorming process and provided research ideas.
  2. Background Research: Did literature review for the project background.
  3. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process
  4. Analysis: Analyzed the feasibility of the test paper and various parameters of use.
  5. Wiki Coding and design wiki.
  6. Visualization: participated in the design of the Promotion Video and provided support.
  7. Writing: Writing about the project with other team members.

Yin Haotian

Team Member

Investigation, Public Engagement, Writing.

  1. Investigation: Did investigation about the project’s HP parts.
  2. Public Engagement: Actively participated in the whole HP process
  3. Fundraising-Raised money for the project.
  4. Writing: Participated in writing the Inclusivity part on the wiki with other team members.

Table 2 External Contributions


Institution Type

Relationship To Team


Specific Tasks

Prof. Ge Qinyu


External Advisor

Conceptualization, Background Research.

Conceptualization: He helped us develop the idea of the project.Background Research: He helped us to gain knowledge project related knowledge, also  provided feedback for our experiment planning and overall project. 

Dr. Li Zhihui



Conceptualization, Background Research, Data Curation, Notebook/record keeping.

Gave our team ideas for data analysis and also supervised the lab experiment process, e.g. Data Curation, Notebook/record keeping, Analyzing,etc.

Dr. Su Shiqiang


School Teacher

Background Research.

Helped us to gain knowledge about Sustainable Parts and Supervised us in the related writing process.

Fan Wenjing


School Teacher

Conceptualization, Background Research.

Helped us to gain knowledge about Entrepreneurship Parts and supervised us in the Business plan writing process.

Dr. Qiu Zhen


External Advisor


Provide suggestions for future market development of our products.

Chen Xi


School Teacher

Wiki Coding.

Provide feedbacks on the framework selection and specific code instructions of the team WIKI

Ge Yiming


Our schoolmates and aslo our iGEM club Members

Wiki Coding.

Participated in the Wiki Coding process.

Xie Qinxin


External Advisor


Provide feedbacks on the framework selection and specific code instructions of the team WIKI.

Project Timeline


Start Date

End Date

Duration (Weeks)

1. Recruit Team Members



12 Weeks

2. Development of Project Plan



8 Weeks

3.Wet Laboratory Activities



15 Weeks

4. Dry Laboratory Activities



13 Weeks

5. Building the Team Wiki



2 Weeks