

India is a very diverse country. To make every section of society happy is impossible, but that didn’t stop our team from trying our best to include everyone we could. The world needs to be kinder and more accepting of people from different cultures, languages and abilities.

Sign-Language Interpretation in the Promotion Video

There are more than 70 Million people in the world who cannot hear and it is not fair if one of them wants to learn about our project but isn’t able to. We thought of doing something for this and decided to contact a sign language expert who could help translate our promo video into sign language. Ms Prince was kind enough to help us out with this. We hope that it truly benefits society. You can find our promotion video here.

Translation Survey Questions to Different Indian Languages

India is a very diverse country with 22 recognized languages. With the travel of a few kilometres, the language changes, and hence it was our small attempt to allow people to be comfortable answering our survey questions in their mother tongue. We translated the survey into Hindi, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, and Tamil.

Syn-Bio Dictionary in Indian Languages

A dictionary is a vital tool for language learning, offering definitions and enhancing vocabulary, aids in understanding context, and serves as a reliable reference for effective communication. We also made a Synthetic Biology dictionary that has terms that are defined and translated into a few Indian languages. We hope that this dictionary helps people from various linguistic backgrounds to understand and learn synthetic biological terms more easily.

Inclusivity in Wiki

Colourblindness is a harmless condition yet it puts a huge number of people at a disadvantage to view the colourful world. Keeping this in mind, we chose a colourblindness-friendly palette for our wiki.

Smartphone Friendly Interface

India is one of those countries which has the highest number of smartphone users. People who use the internet on mobile is much higher than the people who use laptops or desktops; which are much costlier and heavier. To reach out and allow them to learn about our project on smartphones, we designed our wiki to be compatible with mobile interfaces.

Basic Biology Hands-On Session with Underprivileged Kids

India is a developing country and the resources are not distributed equally among its huge population of 1.4 Billion. There are many kids who are victims of poverty just because they were born in that situation, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t get out of it. Education is useful in breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. The youth is the most important resource of any nation, so it is important to intrigue and nurture their curiosity.

One of our student-led clubs, DISHA, makes a huge difference in the lives of hundreds of students by providing them with free education. We were glad we could be a part of one of the sessions where we had lots of fun with them. A few of the activities we did were:

The above activities are closely related to our project. It was a small attempt to have exposure to science in a fun way. We had lots of fun, which was a truly memorable experience for us.

Women in STEM

Half the population of the world is women, yet there is less than 40% representation of women in STEM, which is disheartening. We need to inspire and encourage more women to take up science as their career path and we believe this is the need of the hour. In collaboration with IISER Bhopal, we had a set of questions asked to our PI- Dr. Mridula Nambiar and she shared her experience and thoughts on it.