
Our Collaborations

All India iGEM Meet (AIIM) - IISER Bhopal

15 iGEM teams all across India came together from 28-30th July to share our projects, collaborate and discuss how to improvise. We were a part of all the events- Mock Jamboree, Poster presentation and informal sessions. It was a fun experience interacting with other team members and sharing our experiences.

GoGreen - Cycle to Work

We initiated this collaboration to promote the usage of cycles to our workplace and colleges. At IISER Pune, most students commute by either walking or by using cycles. We tried to encourage people and other iGEM teams to use eco-friendly ways of travel for shorter distances as it is not feasible or sustainable for the entire population to use motor vehicles.

We were supported by 4 other iGEM teams - Edinburgh, Leiden, DTU-Denmark and Makerere Uganda also believed in this ideology and shared their pictures on cycle going to their workplace.

iGEM Thrace - Social Media

Our very first collaboration was with the 2023 iGEM Thrace team, in which, our team member Rajalaxmi Behera appeared in their collaborative video aimed at showcasing various slogans on how each team’s iGEM journey was.

ICT, Mumbai - Biosafety webinar

A biosafety seminar was also organised with the ICT Mumbai team, wherein panellists Dr Shamlan Reshamwala and Dr Vinod Jyothikumar, invited by both teams, talked about practices indispensable for protecting individuals, communities, and the environment, as well as for promoting responsible scientific research and maintaining biosecurity on a global scale.

IIT Delhi

We also helped IIT Delhi’s team by translating the script of their promotional video into Marathi. This was undertaken to help them reach out to a larger audience in regional languages.

iGEM Unicrete - Social media

On World Wildlife Day, they wanted to spread awareness about the national fauna and conservation of animal and plant species, especially the ones that are endangered. The collaboration was such that we created awareness about our National Animal of India - Tiger. To view our part in the video, click here.

IISER Mohali

We participated in the collaboration with IISER Mohali where they compiled a book of various projects of iGEM teams. We made a comic strip to introduce our idea along with a description of what our project is about.

IISER Bhopal

Both teams felt a need to inspire more young women to take up science as a career, hence we were a part of IISER Bhopal’s Women in STEM series where we interviewed one of our women professors and documented her academic experiences, challenges and message to other women. From our side, we interviewed our PI - Dr Mridula Nambiar.