Our goal in this project is to establish a strategy to respond to a pandemic caused by drug-resistant bacteria. To achieve this goal, we focused on gRNA construction by using a tool called CRISPR Multi Targeter. In engineering, we have summarized our activities from project planning to the achievement of our goals in four cycles.
Cycle1: Project Planning
Today, antibiotics are used as a countermeasure against drug-resistant bacteria, but the production of one mutant after another in response to these drugs has become a problem. Therefore, we considered the development of phage drugs with Cas9 to approach the problem at the gene level. The use of phage drugs can prevent horizontal transmission of drug resistance genes at the same time that they lyse.
It was unclear whether the development of phage drugs was feasible in Japan, so we decided to hear professional stories from people working in phage medicine. In addition, we interviewed physician's familiar with infectious diseases to better understand the reality of the drug-resistant bacteria problem.
To resolve this issue, we interviewed experts.
As a result, we learned the following.
The emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria and the development of antibiotics is a constant battle.
The use of antibiotics causes the growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria species and mutants. Therefore, we learned that we need means that can respond immediately to mutants.
From this interview, we have found that phage therapy is not an appropriate response to antibiotic resistant bacteria. Thus, we decided to aim for a means to respond immediately to new mutants.
Cycle2: Application of CRISPR Multi Targeter
~Development of PAM ConAligner~
Through Cycle1, we have learned that we should develop tools to deal with a wide range of mutants and quickly. In the search for new ways to use Cas9, we discovered a tool called CRISPR Multi Targeter, which is possible to find common arrays from multiple arrays. Therefore, we attempted to design gRNAs that recognize multiple genes by using this tool.
Multi Targeter only works if all input sequences have a common sequence. In other words, when you input 7 sequences, what Multi Targeter checks is whether all 7 sequences have a common sequence or not. For example, even if it is possible to design a gRNA that can cut 5 out of 7 gRNAs, the Multi Targeter will not output the gRNA sequence.So, we developed a new software that solves these problem.(See Figure2-1 in Solution)
We have evolved the Multi Targeter that recognizes sequences common to all sequences and presents gRNA, developed a software called PAM ConAligner. This software can design gRNAs that cut some common sequences from the whole sequences.

Figure2-1. Differences between Multi Targeter and PAM ConAligner

Figure2-2. testing with PAM ConAligner
When you want to know the gRNA that can cleave some sequences from the input sequence, Multi Targeter is too inefficient as it can only design gRNAs when all input sequeces have a common sequence.
However, the development of PAM ConAligner has made it possible to efficiently design gRNAs in such cases. This software is expected to make it easier and faster to design effective gRNAs for a wide range of mutants.