In this project, we genetically fused nisin (or bsjA) with
via molecular cloning and heterologously expressed the fusion peptides in E. coli. Two strategies were also used to modify nisin, bsjA, and
one was the separate expression of the precursor peptide and the post-translational modifying (PTM)
enzyme, and the other was the co-expression of the precursor peptide and the PTM enzyme. After obtaining
the fusion proteins, we performed in vitro cleavage assays to obtain the core peptides and verified
Our experimental results are mainly composed of parts, which are
plasmid construction and transformation, (2) expression and purification of the fusion peptide, and (3)
validation of the structure and activity of the fusion peptide.
Plasmid construction and
For the construction of the following four plasmids, gene
nisB, nisC, bsjM, bsjA1-L, darL, darA-core, and bsjA1-core were handed over to the company for synthesis and then
directly into the pUC57 cloning vector. The fragments were ligated to the vector and by enzymatic
ligation, resulting in four recombinant plasmids:
Plasmid A:
Plasmid B:
Plasmid C:
Plasmid D:pETduet-NisB-NisC
Plasmid A and plasmid C will be transferred into the same strain,
plasmid B and plasmid D will be transferred into the same strain
Figure 1 T
plasmids constructed in the project
We first extracted four plasmids containing the target genes
synthesized by the company and amplified the target fragments using PCR. As shown in Figure 2, DNA
electrophoresis results proved that we successfully amplified four fragments. After obtaining the target fragments, we processed the target
and the vector (pRSFduet and pETduet) using double enzyme digestion and formed the recombinant plasmids
by enzymatic ligation.

Amplified fragment
Figure 2 DNA electrophoresis results of PCR amplified
Subsequently, the plasmids A and B were transferred into the
competent cell, respectively. As shown in Figure 3, the transformants were successfully grown after
overnight culture. The results of colony PCR showed that both transformants amplified the target bands,
indicating that both plasmids A and B were successfully transformed into the BL21(DE3).
Figure 3 PCR results of colonies of transformants
On the premise that both A and B plasmids are successfully
these two plasmids were transformed into competent cells, and then C or D plasmid was transformed into
the competent cells containing A or B plasmid, respectively. As shown in Figure 4, for the transformants
containing the A and C plasmids, all transformants could amplify two target bands, indicating that the A
and C plasmids were successfully transferred into BL21(DE3). For the transformants containing the B and
D plasmids, transformants 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 were able to amplify two target bands, indicating that the
was successfully constructed.
Figure 4 Colony PCR and sequencing results of transformants
dual plasmids
3. Expression and purification of
We inoculated the positive transformants and when the
OD600 value of the bacterial solution was about 0.8, IPTG was
added to
induce expression. After centrifugation to obtain the bacterium, the bacterium was resuspended with a
buffer containing 8 M urea and sonicated. As shown in Figure 5, we did not observe target bands on
SDS-PAGE, likely due to the small sizes of the final products (His-DarA-BsjA: 13.4 kDa, His-DarA-NisA: 8
kDa). And the nickel column purification was not effective. This may be because we did not elute the
impurities sufficiently, which resulted in the low purities of the final target proteins.
Figure 5 SDS-PAGE result of the protein expression and
Agar diffusion growth inhibition assay
After obtaining the purified proteins, we performed in vitro cleavage experiments using lysyl endopeptidase to obtain the core peptide for subsequent testing in inhibition experiments.
Figure 6. Antibacterial effect of DarA-BsjA fusion peptide antimicrobial peptides on Escherichia coli
Figure 7. Antibacterial effect of two antimicrobial peptides on Bacillus subtilis
We used Gram negative bacteria Escherichia coli and Gram positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis as indicator bacteria to verify the antibacterial effect of antimicrobial peptides. From the Figure 6 and 7, it can be seen that antimicrobial peptides have little inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli, while they have antibacterial effect on Bacillus subtilis, but the antibacterial effect is not very significant. This result is not very ideal, possibly because after expressing the fusion peptide, in vitro cleavage experiments are required, and the cleavage results need to be detected by mass spectrometry. The fusion peptide was not completely cleaved, resulting in weak activity and no antibacterial effect. In the future, we will use mass spectrometry to detect the cutting effect and ensure the formation of fusion peptides for antibacterial purposes. In addition, we will also conduct antibacterial tests on other common Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria in the future.