Antibiotics are indispensable for the
treatment of a
wide array of bacterial infections by destroying or suppressing bacterial proliferation. However, the prolonged utilization, misuse,
overuse of antibiotics have induced numerous bacteria to undergo genetic mutations and evolve drug
resistance. In 2019, an estimated 4.95 million deaths were associated with antimicrobial resistance. Of
these, 1.27 million deaths were attributed to bacterial antimicrobial
resistance[1]. By the year 2050, antibiotic resistance is
to be responsible for 10 million deaths globally, overtaking the predicted mortality from
cancer[2]. Antibiotic resistance has emerged as a
leading cause
of death and an urgent public health concern. Bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis,
gonorrhea, and salmonellosis, are becoming increasingly difficult to treat due to proliferating drug
resistance, leading to higher treatment costs, increased mortality, and rendering existing medication
ineffectual[3]. This calls for the continuous improvement of
therapeutic agents as well as strategies to minimize the emergence of antibiotic resistance.
Figure 1 All-age rate of deaths attributable to and associated
bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019[1].
To address the escalating dilemma of
resistance, our team opted to focus on antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), a class of small, endogenously
produced peptides that inhibit diverse microorganisms. Compared to conventional antibiotics, AMPs
exhibit lower toxicity and are less prone to induce resistance[4]. However, natural AMPs are susceptible to
degradation and pH fluctuations, rendering them labile. They are also more costly to produce than
antibiotics, and potentially toxic for oral therapy[5]. Among them, nisin is an AMP generated by Lactococcus lactis, which displays potent activity against other
Gram-positive species by attacking the cell wall and provoking lysis. Notably, nisin is the only
bacteriocin approved as a food preservative, and it is usually used in dairy and meat
products[6]. Another AMP, darobactin, is produced by the
bacterium Photorhabdus khanii. Darobactin represents the Gram-negative
with a novel scaffold, which induces cell lysis by disrupting the bacterial outer
Given that both nisin and darobactin are ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides (RiPPs)
that follow the same biosynthetic logic. This project aims to combine them to produce a chimeric fusion
peptide with complementary anti-Gram-positive and anti-Gram-negative biological activities. In this
project, we genetically combined nisin with darobactin, expressed this engineered peptide with
E. coli, and finally verified its activity. It will
facilitate cost-effective, large-scale production of potent antimicrobial agents. In the future, we will
formulate injectable preparations and topical ointments incorporating these peptides to treat bacterial
infections in animals and humans.
Figure 2 Recombinant plasmids prepared based on
biosynthetic strategies.
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