We successfully demonstrated secretion with a novel secretion tag called the VNp (Vesicle Nucleating peptide). We worked with 34 parts in total, contributing 24 of them to the registry. Parts entered into the registry include the basic Biobrick parts for three distinct VNp variants, as well as composite parts that fuse phasin proteins to various secretion tags and reporters. Altogether, these parts focus on the secretion of PHB granules from E. coli. Parts are shown below.

Parts Used:

BioBrick Part Name Description and Purpose Status Length (bp)
BBa_K4738000 Human alpha-synuclein derived peptide VNp2 coding sequence Basic, Secretion tag NEW, previously in literature 114
BBa_K4738001 Human alpha-synuclein derived peptide VNp6 coding sequence Basic, Secretion tag NEW, previously in literature 114
BBa_K4738002 Human alpha-synuclein derived peptide VNp15 coding sequence Basic, Secretion tag NEW, previously in literature 60
BBa_K2739004 Phasin (PhaP) Basic, Protein coding sequence Existing 582
BBa_Z0251 T7 strong promoter Basic, Constitutive promoter Existing 35
BBa_B0015 B0010-B0012 T1-T7 double terminator Basic, Terminator Existing 129
BBa_K128005 6xHis affinity tag Basic, Affinity tag Existing 18
BBa_B0034 RBS-B0034, RBS based on Elowitz repressilator Basic, RBS Existing 12
pSB1A3 pSB1A3 plasmid backbone Basic, backbone Existing 2155
BBa_E0040 Wild-type GFP from Aequeora victoria Basic, coding, reporter Existing 720
BBa_K3114015 Golden Gate mRFP Module Flipper Composite, Device Existing 892
BBa_K1149051 Hybrid Promoter PhaCAB Composite, PHB Production Construct Existing 4271
BBa_K2549053 Gly-Gly-Gly-Gly-Ser linker Basic, Flexible Linker Existing 15
BBa_K4738010 PhaP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin secretion device NEW 776
BBa_K4738011 His6-PhaP-HlyA fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin secretion device NEW 962
BBa_K4738012 GeneIII-PhaP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin secretion device NEW 830
BBa_K4738013 TorA-PhaP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin secretion device NEW 914
BBa_K4738014 VNp2-PhaP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin secretion device NEW 890
BBa_K4738015 VNp6-PhaP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin secretion device NEW 890
BBa_K4738016 VNp15-PhaP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin secretion device NEW 836
BBa_K4738020 PhaP-GFP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin-GFP fusion protein secretion device NEW 1511
BBa_K4738021 His6-PhaP-GFP-HlyA fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin-GFP fusion protein secretion device NEW 1697
BBa_K4738022 GeneIII-PhaP-GFP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin-GFP fusion protein secretion device NEW 1565
BBa_K4738023 TorA-PhaP-GFP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin-GFP fusion protein secretion device NEW 1649
BBa_K4738024 VNp2-PhaP-GFP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin-GFP fusion protein secretion device NEW 1625
BBa_K4738025 VNp6-PhaP-GFP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin-GFP fusion protein secretion device NEW 1625
BBa_K4738026 VNp15-PhaP-GFP-His6 fusion protein with T7 promoter Composite, Phasin-GFP fusion protein secretion device NEW 1571
BBa_K4738030 Hybrid PhaCAB composite w/PhaP-GFP-His6 and T7 promoter Composite, PHB production and secretion device NEW 5782
BBa_K4738031 Hybrid PhaCAB composite w/His6-PhaP-GFP-HlyA and T7 promoter Composite, PHB production and secretion device NEW 5968
BBa_K4738032 Hybrid PhaCAB w/GeneIII-PhaP-GFP-His6 and T7 promoter Composite, PHB production and secretion device NEW 5836
BBa_K4738033 Hybrid PhaCAB composite w/TorA-PhaP-GFP-His6 and T7 promoter Composite, PHB production and secretion device NEW 5920
BBa_K4738034 Hybrid PhaCAB composite w/VNp2-PhaP-GFP-His6 and T7 promoter Composite, PHB production and secretion device NEW 5896
BBa_K4738035 Hybrid PhaCAB composite w/VNp6-PhaP-GFP-His6 and T7 promoter Composite, PHB production and secretion device NEW 5896
BBa_K4738036 Hybrid PhaCAB composite w/VNp15-PhaP-GFP-His6 and T7 promoter Composite, PHB production and secretion device NEW 5842