


Motivation of the Project.

Our motivation for diving into this project is pretty simple – we're crazy about orchids!

These flowers are more than just allure– they're players in the global economy and culture. Orchids mean business! They're not just pretty faces; they've got the potential to make a real impact on people's lives and economies around the world.

In 2021, orchids accounted for


of the total export profit in Taiwan

According to official data, Taiwan's flower exports reached a total of $224.15 million in 2021. Among this sum, orchids constituted a substantial $207.4 million, equivalent to 92.53% of the total.

Rising Global Demands

Taiwan Orchids Totaled and Phalaenopsis Orchids Exported from 2009 to 2019

Presented the Taiwan Agricultural Committee, this chart highlights the growing global demand for orchids, thereby amplifying the importance of these exquisite flowers.

From a Global Perspective, orchids are worth

$23.1 billion

in the global industry


Orchids making up one out of every five flowers sold.

Fueled by our fascination with orchids, we embarked on visits to local orchid farms, engaging in conversations with farmers to delve into the captivating world of these enchanting flowers.

During the visit of the green house, we learned that orchids has been suffering from an extremely fatal disease, soft rot disease, which makes the beautiful orchids wilting, browning, and suffer a total health collapse.

+ Introducing Plague of the Plant

Soft Rot Disease

the primary factor that leads to symptoms such as rotted tissues, soaked, and cream to tan in color on plants.

What makes it a SERIOUS issue?

because it’s prevalent among agricultural industry,
impacting orchids, potato, carrot, tomato, banana, and onion to name a few.

sources: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Gardener’s Path, USU, Koppert

Prevalence of Soft Rot Disease among Orchids.


According to a research surveying the soft rot disease intensity among orchids in a green house.

The negative impacts of soft rot disease:

severe lost in
crop yield

The impact of soft rot disease on crop yields is a significant concern for farmers and the agricultural industry as a whole.

export economy being affected

Soft rot-infected crops are often deemed unsuitable for export due to their poor quality, unattractive appearance, and compromised taste.

Unbalanced ecology

When the disease occurs on a large scale, it can result in significant plant mortality, disrupting the composition and structure of plant communities. This can alter the availability of resources and niches for other organisms that depend on these plants.

What is the causing factor of soft rot disease among orchids?

Dickeya fangzhongdai

is a bacteria that causes severe soft rot among orchids

What is the current solution toward soft rot disease?

Immediate Removal

The current strategy for addressing soft rot disease involves a rather straightforward approach: the prompt removal of infected plant material. This method focuses on isolating and disposing of affected plants quickly, with the primary aim of containing the disease and limiting its damage to crops and ecosystems. However, they didn’t “actually” solve the issue.

Chemical Pesticide

The other solution relies on the use of chemical pesticides. This approach involves the application of these chemicals to mitigate the spread and impact of the disease on crops. One significant drawback of chemical pesticides is their potential harm to non-target organisms and the environment due to their toxic nature.

After seeing the pivotal role of orchids in both regional and global economies and the dire threat posed by the devastating soft rot disease, our thirst for discovery and innovation is triggered, propelling us towards an urgent quest:

Develop an ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY solution that will RESCUE THE EXQUISITE ORCHIDS from the relentless soft rot disease.


See the process of brainstorming, and crafting the blueprint of our solution.

