

Our Mission

01. Enhance the resilience against soft rot disease.

Soft rot disease is a persistent threat to orchids. To combat this challenge, our research focuses on enhancing the resilience of plants against soft rot disease. By harnessing innovative genetic and biotechnological methods, we aim to develop plant varieties that are resistant to the bacteria responsible for soft rot , such as Dickeya and Pectobacterium species. Through targeted genetic modifications and the introduction of quorum quenching techniques, we seek to disrupt the communication system of these pathogens, preventing them from coordinating their destructive activities. Our vision is to create a future where plants can thrive without succumbing to the devastating effects of soft rot disease, ensuring ecological balance, and the sustainability of agriculture.

02. Boost the economy

Orchids are not just a local treasure but a global fascination. As Taiwan's orchid industry flourishes, it contributes to the international flower trade, with over a third of its orchids finding their way to Japan and a quarter to the United States. Our project's impact extends beyond national borders, as it seeks to bolster the global economy by safeguarding the orchid industry from the pervasive threat of soft rot disease.

03. SDGs Goals

Our project aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Decent Work and Economic Grwoth

Given the significant economic importance of Orchids in the market, with the Netherlands alone valuing them at around 400 million euros. Soft rot diseases, especially in tropical climates, can cause up to 30% losses in the orchid industry. Therefore, by preventing these losses, we not only protect the Orchid industry but also strengthen one of the fundamental pillars of the global horticulture and agriculture industries, contributing significantly to the achievement of the 8th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 8) focused on Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Climate Action

Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire civilization. By mitigating the use of chemical controls and adopting eco-friendly microbial solutions, we contribute to reducing the environmental footprint associated with orchid cultivation. This approach lessens greenhouse gas emissions and supports sustainable agricultural practices, helping to combat climate change and protect our planet's climate systems. These efforts strongly align with the 13th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 13) focused on Climate Action, which is integral to the well-being of current and future generations.

Life on Land

Current solutions to combat soft rot diseases in orchids typically involve chemical controls that can have adverse environmental effects.  In more severe cases, these solutions may necessitate the complete removal of affected plants, resulting in ecological disruption.  In contrast, our project champions a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative that prioritizes the health of both orchids and the environment they inhabit.

Our innovative approach not only addresses the immediate threat posed by soft rot diseases but also aligns harmoniously with the broader goal of preserving the delicate balance of life on land. By reducing the reliance on harmful chemicals and minimizing plant removal, we contribute to a healthier ecosystem, fostering biodiversity and promoting the long-term well-being of our natural world. As such, our project represents a significant step towards achieving SDG 15 by offering a sustainable solution that not only safeguards orchids but also promotes the flourishing of life on land.

Partnerships for the Goals

We’ve established partnerships and collaborations with various schools to raise awareness about the importance of conserving our ecosystem and to garner greater attention for our project. Additionally, we've taken our mission directly to multiple schools, educating students on the fundamental aspects of our project and instilling a profound awareness of its significance. This educational outreach not only amplifies awareness but also nurtures the next generation of environmental stewards, equipping them to actively contribute to sustainability efforts. We have also proactively reached out to multiple Orchid nurseries to gain more insight on the industry and current solutions, as well as feedback on our product. These comprehensive approaches not only serve to disseminate awareness but also enrich our project with the expertise of industry leaders,  making it more effective in addressing the 17th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 17) focused on Partnerships for the Goals.