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Safety | WHU-China - iGEM 2023
| WHU-China - iGEM 2023
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Safe Project Design

Safe Organisms:

The final product of our project utilizes the engineered bacterium Escherichia coli MG1655. During the experimental phase, E. coli DH5α and E. coli BL21 were employed for subcloning and proof-of-concept demonstrations. All these strains are included in the White List, signifying their benign nature towards the environment and humans.

Safe Parts:

1. Constructed parts:

This year, we have engineered many new composite parts. All the basic components incorporated in these parts are derived from the iGEM Registry Parts. Additionally, we meticulously designed the stgRNAs using our in-silico sgRNA generator to prevent potential gene editing in organisms other than E. coli.

2. Used Parts:

We used five specific promoters as proof of concepts: EL222 promoter (BBa_K4630301), ThsR/ThsS two-component system (BBa_K3733032), lasR & PluxR system (BBa_R0062), MPhR-pMphR system (BBa_K3386004), and PcaU system (BBa_K2825002). These parts are sourced from iGEM Registry Parts.

Safe Lab Work

Safety rules:

1. Safety Brochure

Supplement1: Laboratory biosafety brochure (organised by 2022 WHU-China)(PDF)

Supplement2: Laboratory rules (organised by 2023 WHU-China)(PDF)

2. Safety Rules Learning:

All team members have undergone mandatory laboratory safety training provided by the college and received additional safety reminders from our team. Our experiments were conducted in a Level 1 scientific training laboratory equipped with a clean bench and a fume hood, ensuring a safe environment for our assays. Personal protection measures and waste segregation practices were also implemented to safeguard lab members, downstream handlers, and the environment. All our operations were conducted under the supervision of responsible faculty members.

Safe Transfers:

  • Our experimental materials were sourced from iGEM, biotech companies, and our Principal Investigators' labs, all obtained in accordance with relevant regulations.
  • We took stringent measures to prevent any leakage of materials from the laboratory into public spaces or the environment.
  • We refrained from conducting any real-world applications of our biosensor during the competition.