

The bird's attachment to the tree sustains the eternal love

Gehua WENG

Gehua WENG

Student Leader

It may elude us,
but at least we tried.

Shuoyi HU

Shuoyi HU

Student Leader

I came, I saw, I conquered

Haotian SHEN

Haotian SHEN

Student Member

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Shijie HE

Shijie HE

Student Member

Failure is the last test of fortitude.

Songnan REN

Songnan REN

Student Member

Practice makes perfect.

Yuchen JIANG

Yuchen JIANG

Student Member

Live every minute to the fullest.

Yixiao XIAO

Yixiao XIAO

Student Member

Salvation lies within

Mingchun XU

Mingchun XU

Student Member

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Chenxu LIU

Chenxu LIU

Student Member

Don't think that everything lasts forever, such as parents and money and youth and house and white shirt and you and me



Student Member

To the stars, through hardships.

Songyuan XUE

Songyuan XUE

Student Member

Don't go through life, grow through life.

Ziqiao WANG

Ziqiao WANG

Student Member


Chengchen GUO

Chengchen GUO

Principal Investigator

You never fail until you stop trying.

Yanbo MAO

Yanbo MAO

