Navbar Example


Beginning our Journey: Identifying the Problem 

Our university is situated in the vicinity of the railway station, Katpadi Junction, which is a major source of PET bottle pollution, in the form of Rail Neer bottles supplied by the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation to train travellers. Our visits to the Katpadi railway station made us acutely aware of this problem.

PET bottles were sold at station platforms and carried along by passengers. Despite disposal systems being in place, the bottles were still thrown around carelessly. We noted that a shredder-based system had been installed at the station by the railway authorities, however it was in complete disuse. A similar situation is seen in most Indian railway stations. 

Our interaction with a shopkeeper, Jeetu Bhaiya, revealed that roughly 500 PET bottles were sold at the station everyday. To further investigate the extent of plastic pollution, we visited places near the station, collecting samples at the Palar river bank, and nearby bus-stand. We observed several heaps of garbage dumped around these places, contaminating soil and water. We also found evidence of animals consuming plastic waste at these sites. We also noted other potential sources of pollution, from nearby textile industries and washing clothes in the river. We were also informed about a recycling unit near the Palar River that made slippers from recycled plastic.

To arrive at the crux of the problem, we consulted Dr Amitava Mukherjee, an expert on the effects of microplastic toxicity on algae. He informed us about the ramifications of microplastic leaching and pollution from these PET bottles, and encouraged us to investigate their impacts on human health, flora and fauna. We conducted a survey to gauge microplastic awareness amongst people, and understand their reasons for using PET bottles. Our survey received 200+ responses.

Quantifying levels of microplastics in tap water: A Global Initiative

Microplastic contamination is prevalent around the world. Realising the global scale of our problem, we collaborated with iGEM Stockholm to measure microplastic levels in tap water samples worldwide. We reached out to various iGEM teams working on plastic and water pollution. We had five participant teams - UNILausanne team from Switzerland, Makerere team from Uganda, and Synfronteras team from Brazil, along with Team Stockholm and our team. We opted for a simple protocol for microplastic detection using Nile Red/Rose Bengal staining. Our aim was to create a standardised protocol that could be performed quickly, and with minimal equipment.

Although we failed to generate conclusive results, through our efforts, we were able to understand the need for better and more convenient microplastic detection methods. We also explored the possibility of using a fluorescence based method for microplastic quantification. However, due to time and resource constraints, we were unable to carry out the experiment.

  1. Team VIT-Vellore
  2. We performed the Nile-Red staining method, observing the stained and unstained regions of the filter paper under high power of the microscope (40X).

  3. Team Stockholm
  4. The team researched on FTIR measurement of microplastics and approached experts to devise a protocol and test it out. A lack of time hindered them from performing the experiment.

  5. Team Makerere-Uganda
  6. The team performed the Nile-Red staining experiment, and were advised to optimise the protocol further by their project investigator to get better results.

  7. UNILausanne
  8. The team was able to perform the Nile-Red staining experiment, however faced challenges due to extrinsic contamination of their water samples. They were unable to resolve this problem, even after re-performing the experiment.

  9. UNILA-LatAM (SynFronteras)
  10. The team faced challenges procuring the required stains, and filter paper. They were unable to obtain clear results, but labeled possible areas of detection.

    This initiative proved to be a great learning experience for us, providing us valuable insight on the drawbacks of current microplastic detection methods and the ease with which they can be performed. With eager participation from five teams across four continents, we were able to generate awareness of microplastic contamination at a global scale.