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Human Practices

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Human Practices

Plink Framework Introduction

“连接”是我们项目的核心关键词。我们希望在Plink的人类实践部分提出一个泛用的框架。我们参考了UNSW_Australia 2020和的人类实践框架和为整合人类实践设计了一套完整的框架, 包括规划、执行与展示。我们将这一套框架命名为Plink框架。在接下来的导读中,我们将介绍这一框架。

"Link" is the keyword of our project. We wanted to present a generalized framework in the human practices part of Plink. We have designed a complete framework for Integrated Human Practices, including planning, execution and demonstration. We have named this framework the Plink Framework. In the following guide, we will give an outline of the framework.

Plink Integrated Human Practices Plan and Conduction

自从项目伊始,我们就期待Plink能成为一种能在现实中发挥作用的诊断方法,并期待它作为一种合成生物学与电子技术的桥梁, 被用于更广阔的领域。这样的期望要求我们通过人类实践,找到Plink在世界上的位置,证明Plink是负责任而有价值的,并最终获得利益相关者的认可。

Since the beginning of the project, we have expected Plink to become a practical diagnostic method and to be used in a broader field as a bridge between synthetic biology and electronics. Such expectations require us to find Plink's place in the world through human practices, and to prove that Plink is responsible and valuable, and ultimately gain the recognition of stakeholders.

人类实践是我们获取信息的重要途径之一,相较于文献调研,人类实践信息是信息获取效率更高,时效性更强,更能贴近项目本身的渠道。 我们在人类实践模块的工作中充分了解了Plink与世界的关系:了解医学诊断领域的运作方式,听取不同利益相关者的意见, 并将这些意见整合到项目的全部方面。世界通过人类实践塑造了Plink。

Human practices are one of the most important ways in which we obtain information, and compared to literature research, human practices information is a more efficient, timely, and relevant channel for obtaining information about the project. Plink, as a new methodology, has a wide range of potential applications. Our work in the human practices section provides a good understanding of how Plink relates to the world: understanding how the field of medical diagnostics works, listening to the voice of different stakeholders, and integrating these views into all aspects of the project. The world shapes Plink through Human Practices.

作为一种崭新的解决方案,在人类实践中,我们接受了许多建议,并及时调整了我们的项目。随着项目发展, 我们看到了越来越多的利益相关者将Plink视为一项“有前景的”“有启发性的”工作,然而,Plink的很多方面仍然有待成熟落地。 我们收集了关于Plink在未来进一步完善的建议。我们希望Plinks有望在未来证明其价值,并真正裨益这个世界。

As a new solution, we have received many suggestions in Human Practices and have adapted our program in time. As the program has evolved, we have seen more and more stakeholders see Plink as a "promising" and "inspiring" endeavor, yet many aspects of Plink have yet to mature and implement. We have recorded suggestions on how Plink may be developed in the future. We hope that Plinks will hopefully prove their worth, and truly benefit the world.

Plink Integrated Human Practice Demonstration


In this section, we present the stakeholders we cover along with the values we wish to manifest through our Human Practices.


Understanding the problem is the beginning of every task we undertake. In this section, we will describe how we understand the real-world problems that need to be improved and how we propose and develop Plink.

设计一个好方案,即在理解问题的基础上,用湿实验、模型、硬件解决我们的问题。在这一部分,我们将介绍我们如何寻求为完成我们的产品寻求学界和业界的支持, 如何确定我们的技术细节,如何使我们的设计对社会有益而负责。

Designing a good solution means solving our problem with wet experiments, models, and hardware based on an understanding of the problem. In this section, we describe how we sought to enlist the support of academia and industry for the completion of our product, how we finalized our technical details, and how we made sure that our design is socially beneficial and responsible.


The section Implementation discusses what needs to be explored and what may need to be optimized when Plink is production and marketing oriented.





The academia is our supporter. Plink is involved in many specialized fields such as microbiology, design, electronics, and materials science. Academia provides us with cutting-edge information and technical support across a wide range of fields.


Non-profits & Media


Non-profits and the media are our information providers. These organizations play an important role in providing industry information and popularizing professional knowledge to the society. They provided us with a professional bird's eye view and guidance of the industry and the broader community .




The industry,mainly similar product providers are our instructors and hypothetical competitors. Products for auxiliary diagnostics have established mature markets. The industry provided us with a vision of policies, regulations, mass production, etc., and helped the Tongji-China team to design and develop Plink.


Healthcare and diagnostic service providers


Medical and diagnostic service providers are our hypothetical target customers. We understand the operation mode of the medical diagnostic industry chain through visits and consultations. In particular, we focus on the diagnostic capabilities and needs of primary healthcare providers.




Medical and diagnostic service providers are our hypothetical target customers. We understand the operation mode of the medical diagnostic industry chain through visits and consultations. In particular, we focus on the diagnostic capabilities and needs of primary healthcare providers.

社区是我们的假想合作者。作为高度自治的居民团体,社区在争取居民权益、团结居民力量等方面起到重要作用。 社区是城市老年人的主要生活空间,在老年人之健康保障中起到关键作用。我们和社区密切沟通交流,了解体检、诊断等活动的开展情况。


No Poverty


We live in a developing country. We have explored in our human practice how communities, governments, and hospitals can work together to ensure access to healthcare resources.


Reduced Inequalities


It is our common endeavor to work to address social equity issues so that more people's health can be better and more equitably managed.


Good Health and Well-Being


We learned how the current system works responsibly and effectively to safeguard the health of citizens. We explored how Plink will contribute to this system in human practices.


Sustainable cities and communities


The concept of sustainability has taken hold in Shanghai. We explored the possibilities of Plink to address sustainability issues in the field of assisted diagnostics in human practices.


Understand the problem

The Story

We were exposed to and learned about the world we live in and continually examined and revised our vision and plan.


We are fully aware of the current situation and and dilemma of health screening for the population. We have learned that in medical practice, it is the auxiliary diagnostic results derived from hospitals and professional organizations, etc. that are regarded as "more reliable", whereas the results obtained from the personal use of potential patients are not trusted by clinicians, and thus we believe that developing auxiliary diagnostic products for this scenario of hospitals and professional organizations is more promising. Regular physical health checkups are an important way to prevent diseases, for example, regular cancer indicator checkups are recognized as the most effective way to combat cancer, reducing the mortality rate by half.


Routine health screening is an important way to prevent diseases, for example, normalized cancer indicator screening is recognized as the most effective way to combat cancer and can reduce the mortality rate by half. At present, community health service centers (facilitied with the best medical equipment in the community) are unable to undertake the routine antibody testing programs in medical checkups, which are usually entrusted to qualified companies, with a longer testing period and additional costs like the transportation fee; and the main indicators of the routine health checkups of the residents and the door-to-door checkups of the family doctors, which have been implemented in the community, are all still confined to blood pressure and blood glucose.(hardware)


Antibody tests such as autoantibodies and antiphospholipid antibodies are commonly used in health screenings. For various reasons, auxiliary diagnostic techniques have not yet been widely used in health screenings. We hope that we can promote the progress of health screenings in the direction of being faster, more accessible and more equal based on the platform of the community and auxiliary diagnostic techniques.



Supplementary: Overview of the medical testing capacity of community health centers


Supplementary: Institutions with health screening functions


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Family doctors and nurses at two Community Health Centers and Health Service Stations in Shanghai, China.



A Community Health Service Center is a primary health service provider to solve major health problems in the community and meet the demand for basic health service for the purpose of primary health service.


Community Health Service Center Laboratory


Chronic Disease Health Management Support Center Visual Materials at a community health center


Child health services at a community health center



We visited Siping Street Community Health Service Center in Yangpu District, Quyang Street Community Health Service Center in Hongkou District, and their subordinate health service stations and family doctors' workstations, etc. We visited the Chronic Disease Management Center and Laboratory Department, and had brief exchanges with nurses at the blood sampling unit and family doctors before and after working hours.


Take-home messages

We learned that the Community Health Service Centers have good medical testing facilities, the management structure of the Community Health Service Centers as the core, the subordinate health service stations and the family doctor's workstations, and the outstanding contribution of the Community Health Service Centers in safeguarding the rights and interests of women and children.


We found that the Chronic Disease Management Center currently provides inefficient services, and the items that family doctors can visit households for health check-up are limited to blood pressure and blood glucose.


A family doctor understood Plink's concept and thought that quick screening of some blood biochemical indicators, such as lipids and creatinine and expected us to address these issues.


We found that the medical testing function of health service stations was lost. There were sampling windows, blood analyzers, etc., but only retained the function of sampling and sending tests to the superior Community Health Service Center.


We understood that the Laboratory Department of the Community Health Service Centers currently undertakes the major medical testing functions within their service area, but they do not have immunological testing capabilities.


We understood that the Laboratory Department of the Community Health Service Centers currently undertakes the major medical testing functions within their service area, but they do not have immunological testing capabilities.

We learned that the space and staffing conditions of community health centers can ensure that the use of immunochromatographic rapid screening kits is safe and professional, and that family doctors need to carry portable instruments when they visit households to check medical indicators, which established the basis for us to develop user-friendly hardware.

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Tonker Biotech Co., Ltd.



Tonker Biotech is a high-tech enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales of in vitro diagnostic reagents and supporting testing instruments with molecular and immunodiagnostic technologies as its core. Located in Jinzhai County, Lu'an City, Anhui Province, Tonker Biotech Medical Laboratory provides medical testing services for residents and commercial nursing homes in the county by utilizing its own molecular diagnostic reagents.

Tonker Biotech is a high-tech enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales of in vitro diagnostic reagents and supporting testing instruments with molecular and immunodiagnostic technologies as its core. Located in Jinzhai County, Lu'an City, Anhui Province, Tonker Biotech Medical Laboratory provides medical testing services for residents and commercial nursing homes in the county by utilizing its own molecular diagnostic reagents.


We visited Tonker Biomedical Laboratory and spoke with a number of specialists (who requested to remain anonymous) who are involved in different areas of the company.


Take-home message

We learned about the quality control requirements of industry for qualified products and the importance of standard curves and product quality control to the industry.


We understand the intense competition within industry in the field of immunochromatography kits and the value of ingenuity.


We have learned that immunochromatography kits, especially those for personal use, are not well established in clinical practice.



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Ms. Xie, president of a community residents' committee on Siping Block, Shanghai



The residents' committees is a primary mass self-government organization. Ms. Xie, an elderly resident of a community on Siping Road Street, is enthusiastic about community building and volunteer services and was elected as the President of the Residents' Committee.



We met Ms. Xie at the Community Neighborhood Center where she was working as a volunteer to prepare a free family education seminar. Ms. Xie introduced us to the model of cooperation between the Residents' Committee and the People's Government's street office in the medical field, and the free health screening service provided by the Community Health Service Center to the residents. We discussed the aspiration of Plink.


Take-home message

With the concerted efforts of many parties, the health welfare of residents has been promoted and safeguarded.


Residents maintain expectations for more universal and convenient health screenings.


In terms of applications of synthetic biology, residents welcome innovative programs that have a positive effect on the community.


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Questionnaire survey on participation in medical check-ups



In order to obtain first-hand information on the participation of community residents in health checkups, a questionnaire survey on participation in health checkups was conducted by distributing questionnaires.



The questionnaire, from which we obtained information on health check participation from college students (mostly aged 18-24) and some community residents (ranging in age from 25 to over 80, with a predominance of aged 51-70), was a way for us to get a first-hand understanding of local issues and the views of our clients, although it was not sufficiently wide-ranging due to the constraints of the questionnaire.


Take-home message

We realize that the majority of the participants agree with the statement " I should receive medical checkups more regularly", and most of them receive medical checkups at a reasonable frequency upon the request, suggestion or organization of their schools, units, communities or street offices.


We realize that the medical examination centers of hospitals at all levels, especially those of tertiary or secondary hospitals, are the places where most of the participants receive health checkups, and most of the participants receive laboratory tests such as urine routine and blood routine during their medical checkups. More than half of the participants were able to obtain the report within 7 days, but some participants still obtained the report after a longer period of time.


We recognized that the cost of medical checkups for some of the participants was not cheap for the local standard of living and could deepen health inequalities.


We collected residents' concerns about health issues where antibody testing is needed for inflammation, cancer, and multiple infectious diseases.


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Mr. Yapeng Jia, Officer of Society of Quality Administration of Health Service Institutions, Chinese Health Association

中国健康管理协会 健康服务机构质量管理分会 负责人贾亚朋先生


The Chinese Health Association is an association in the field of health management initiated by a number of famous hospitals, jointly applied by enterprises and institutions, and approved by the State Council. The Quality Management Branch of Health Service Organization of Chinese Health Association is a second-level branch under the leadership of Chinese Health Association, which is a professional, non-profit, academic national second-level social organization voluntarily formed by the personnel engaged in the management of health undertakings, the management of medical institutions, the health service organizations, and professional third-party authoritative assessment organizations.



We interviewed Mr. Jia remotely via instant messaging software. We discussed the role of primary hospitals in health management, the significance and difficulty of extending testing technology to the communities, and the important value of immunoscreening in areas such as cancer prevention and treatment.


Take-home message

Mr. Jia told us that early detection, diagnosis and treatment is the most effective way to fight cancer and "can reduce the mortality rate by half".


Mr. Jia told us that at present, the institutions that undertake health screening are mainly medical checkup centers in hospitals, but he is optimistic about the rollout of Plink in the community amidst the general trend of sinking technology and functions.


Mr. Jia suggested that we should take increasing the population screening rate and increasing the early tumor detection rate as the short-term goal of screening, and promote it in the direction of primary screening (population stratification) and fine screening (high-risk groups). We accepted this proposed niche of Plink.


Design a good solution


With the combined support and help of many forces, we continued to make adjustments and revisions to finalize our project.


We learned about the antibody rapid assay products already available on the market, and we learned about the frontier of point-of-care testing (POCT) technology development. We studied the Regulations for Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices and other laws and regulations to ensure that our project was responsible.

我们了解了市面上已有的抗体快筛检测产品,并了解了现场快速检验(point-of-care testing, POCT)技术的前沿。我们学习了《医疗器械监督管理条例》等法律法规,确保我们的项目是负责任的。

We interacted with industry and academia, and with their advice and help we established our experimental system (see Wet lab), hardware design (see Hardware), and so on.

我们与业界、学界交流,在他们的帮助下建立了我们的实验体系(见 Wet lab)、硬件设计( Hardware)等。

We explored the promise of e-pili for applications. With the help of multiple forces, we established techniques to modify, produce, and isolate pili, and built portable hardware to detect antibodies basically by measuring the change in conductivity of the detection element before and after sample addition. (see Design)

我们探索了导电菌毛在应用领域的前景。我们在多方力量的帮助下建立了改造、生产并分离菌毛的技术,并制备小型化的硬件,通过测量样品添加前后检测元件的电导率变化来检测抗体。(见 Design

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Tonker Biotech Co., Ltd.



The Diagnostic Reagent Productization Center of Tonker Biotech is located in Jinzhai County, Lu'an City, Anhui Province, which undertakes the production and quality inspection of molecular diagnostic reagents, chemiluminescent reagents and other products.



We were allowed to visit the whole assembly line under the coordination of Dr. Wang Yanfang and others from Tongji University and Dr. Zhang Jie and others from Tonker Biotech. We had closed-door meetings with three senior managers (requesting anonymity), and they carefully understood our technological vision. We learned about laws and regulations, got to know the ideas of the industry, and gained personal opinions about our innovation.

在同济大学汪燕芳博士等和同科生物张杰博士等的协调下,我们被获准参观全部流水线。我们先后与三位高级管理(要求匿名)进行了闭门会谈,相关负责人认真了解了我们的技术设想。我们在此学习了法律法规,了解了工业界的想法,并获得了关于创新的个人意见。 Eng:

Take-home message

We have studied the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices issued by the State Council, the Measures for the Administration of Registration and Filing of Medical Devices and the Measures for the Administration of Registration and Filing of In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents issued by the State Drug Administration, and other laws and regulations. We learned that these laws and regulations maintain a high frequency of updates, keep pace with the level of technological development and its future trends, and are synthetic biology friendly. With reference to these documents, we have designed Plink consumables to ensure that the hardware does not come into direct contact with the pathogenic samples under the premise of proper operation, and have conceived a quality control idea to replace the quality control line in the traditional immunochromatography kit .


We explored the market for medical testing products, and future trends in the field. We also learned about the current problems of existing technologies, such as colloidal gold, latex microspheres, fluorescence immunochromatography and all three technical routes have a rough idea of quality control, which has brought about confusing and atypical test results repeatedly reported, such as false positives caused by embedded line coloring, and contamination of the window by non-specific fluorescent substances. In addition, kit components such as latex microspheres and colloidal gold based on heavy metal chemicals, petrochemicals, etc. are difficult to meet the requirements of sustainable development.


We were cautioned that the market may be conservative towards products that are methodologically innovative, given that many of the technologies are already more mature.


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Dr. Jie Shen, head of Sanqi Biotech infectious disease diagnostic reagent R&D platform

三奇拜克 诊断试剂研发平台负责人 沈杰博士


Sanqi BioTech infectious disease diagnostic reagent R&D platform is committed to carrying out research on diagnostic reagents and diagnostic instruments, and has achieved a number of domestic cutting-edge and certain international influence of the original innovation results in the innovative research and development of diagnostic reagents.



Under the coordination of Dr. Ye Leng from Tongji University, we were allowed to visit Sanqi BioTech and communicate with Dr. Jie Shen on technology and industry related issues. Here we learned about the classification and technical standards of lateral flow immunochromatographic assays and gained insight into industry dynamics. We learned the preparation technology of chromatography strips here.


Take-home message

Dr. Shen understood our project design and introduced us to immunofluorescence chromatography fast screening kits with similarities.


Dr. Shen introduced us systematically to the classification and technical standards of lateral flow immunochromatographic assays, and the current trens of the industry.


Dr. Shen introduced the design idea of the structure of the chromatography reagent strip, showed us the preparation process of the chromatography reagent strip, and introduced the important equipment.


Dr. Shen gave us an antigen detection reagent strip and a piece of nitrocellulose membrane as a reference for hardware design.


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Dr. Jun Yao, University of Massachusetts Amherst

马萨诸塞州立大学阿姆赫斯特分校 Jun Yao博士


Dr. Yao, University of Massachusetts Amherst, is an expert in conducting nanowires and their applications, and our project was inspired by a paper he published as a corresponding author. In collaboration with Prof. Derek Lovley and others, he has done pioneering and outstanding work in the field of basic and applied research on conductive nanowires. The study of conducting nanowires opens up new ideas in synthetic biology.

马萨诸塞州立大学阿姆赫斯特分校Yao博士是导电纳米线及其应用领域的专家,我们的项目灵感即来源于他作为通讯作者发表的一篇论文。他和Derek Lovley教授等合作,在导电纳米线的基础和应用研究领域做出了首创性的杰出的工作。导电纳米线的研究打开了合成生物学的新思路。


Dr. Yao was our first source of information about the Geobacter sp. During the early stages of the project, we emailed Dr. Yao several times to ask him questions about the project, and due to the lack of physics background, we misjudged the nature of the hair material. Due to the lack of physics background, we had misjudged the nature of the pili material, and Dr. Yao's design of conductive pili for sensors inspired us to finalize our solution, and Dr. Yao provided us with physics guidance for our project.


Take-home message

Dr. Yao introduced us to the correlation between the concepts of conductivity, voltage, and performance evaluation of bacterial pili films, which disproved our previous hypothesis-based project design.


Dr. Yao introduced us to his group's new research direction on conductive bacterial pili, which provided significant inspiration for our detection element design. We finally decided to develop a diagnostic approach using the "e-pili".


After consulting with Dr. Yao, we made adjustments to the project design. We modeled the problem of optimizing the pilus protein structure to increase pili conductivity based on the more accepted theory in the current academic community and considering the benefits that can be gained from an increase in pili conductivity in the circuits.


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Prof. Changsheng Du, College of Life Science and Technology, Tongji University

同济大学生命科学与技术学院 杜昌升教授


Prof. Changsheng Du is a Principal Investigator at the School of Life Sciences and Technology, Tongji University. He has made outstanding achievements in the field of molecular immunity and signal transduction research.



We initially wanted to use E. coli as a chassis organism. Prof. Du checked our project plan and suggested that too large a plasmid might make the transformation experiment unsuccessful. We eventually modified our original plan.


Take-home message

Prof. Du pointed out some problems in our experiment plan and helped us to modify and improve the plan.


Regarding the plasmid design, we discussed the option of co-transformation and the option of switching to other chassis organisms, and finally chose the latter.


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Dr. Jiahao Shi, College of Life Science and Technology, Tongji University


Brief Introduction

Dr. Jiahao Shi is a senior lab technician at Tongji University.



Vibrio natriegens is an expression system that is not commonly used at Tongji University, and we have never been able to obtain a commercialized Vibrio natriegens expression system. We had to use V. natriegens ATCC 14048. Tongji-China was unable to successfully transform the plasmid into ATCC 14048 using chemical transformation for a long time. After a long time of unsuccessful attempts, we approached Dr. Shi for help.

需钠弧菌是一种在同济大学不常用的表达系统,而我们始终没能获得商品化的一种需钠弧菌表达系统。我们不得不选用需钠弧菌ATCC 14048。 Tongji-China在很长一段时间里无法利用化学转化方法成功将质粒转入ATCC 14048中。在长时间尝试无果后,我们找到了石博士以寻求帮助。

Take-home message

Dr. Shi helped us explore a new transformation option, the electrotransformation option.


Dr. Shi lent us a MicroPulser for our use.


After a period of time, we succeeded in obtaining a stable electrotransformation protocol.


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Saverio Silli, Course Director of Fablab O Shanghai

Fablab O Shanghai主任 Saverio Silli


Fablab Shanghai is the first Fab Lab in mainland China of the global Fablab network centered on MIT Labs, U.S.A. Saverio Silli is an active member of the maker community, director of Fablab O Shanghai, and organizes Digital Fabrication workshops in Rome, Milan, Paris, Seoul, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Boston, and other locations.

Fablab Shanghai is the first Fab Lab in mainland China of the global Fablab network centered on MIT Labs, U.S.A. Saverio Silli is an active member of the maker community, director of Fablab O Shanghai, and organizes Digital Fabrication workshops in Rome, Milan, Paris, Seoul, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Boston, and other locations.


We explored with Saverio Silli the possibilities of further reducing the carbon footprint of our hardware, Plinker. We were guided to make more environmentally friendly carbon-based electrode sheets.

我们和Saverio Silli探讨了进一步降低我们的硬件Plinker碳足迹的可能性。我们在指导下制作了更加环境友好的碳基电极片。

FabLab helped us continuously to build our hardware prototypes by providing space, equipment and tools.


Take-home message

FabLab provided space, equipment and tools to us to build the hardware.


Based on our concern for sustainable development goals, we made an attempt to use electrodes based on biodegradable materials.


We realized that applying biodegradable electrodes to our hardware was technically difficult and could lead to unnecessary cost increases. After discussion, we finally discontinued the attempt.


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Researcher Zhanyun Guo, Institute of Protein Research, College of Life Science and Technology, Tongji University, China



Dr. Zhanyun Guo is a senior researcher at the Institute of Protein Research. He is engaged in protein peptide hormone research, G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) interaction research, and plant protein ligase research.



For a long time, Tongji-China has encountered difficulties in areas such as protein expression and purification. Prof. Guo guided and helped us with these technical issues.


Take-home message

We have maintained close communication with Prof. Guo after we contacted him.


Prof. Guo provided suggestions on establishing transformation and protein expression protocols.


Prof. Guo gifted us an E. coli BL21 strain for backup.


Prof. Guo provided us with a sample of protein with His tag as a positive control.

郭教授为我们提供了带有His tag的阳性品,作为对照。



Plink, as a new methodology, has a wide range of potential applications. Currently, there are many mature antibody fast-screening assay products on the market, such as colloidal gold, latex microsphere, fluorescence immunochromatography, etc. As mentioned earlier, this does not mean that the field is perfect and Plink is still expected to make a difference to society in this market.


Many stakeholders in hospitals and industry mentioned that auxiliary diagnostic technologies are not yet widely used in health screening for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are technical issues and some are regulatory issues. Technical issues, such as lack of sensitivity and specificity, are central, while managerial "mistrust" of multiple auxiliary diagnostic technologies is secondary.


The design of Plink is unlike any previous immunochromatographic kit in that its bio-producible, degradable properties of the core components and the fact that it requires only basic electrical instrumentation have the potential to be exploited and will hopefully provide a responsible and new direction for auxiliary diagnostic techniques.


In this section, we demonstrate the issues that may need to be discussed and addressed in the future of our project, as well as the social value of this project.


Dr. Jie Shen , head of Sanqi Biotech infectious disease diagnostic reagent R&D platform

三奇拜克 诊断试剂研发平台负责人 沈杰博士


In the course of maintaining communication with Dr. Jie Shen, Dr. Shen proposed another option for us, i.e., to chemically modify the antibody with conductive pili to make it function like chemically labeled antibodies, and to use the more traditional strip design of the double antibody sandwich method. Considering the risks associated with this option, e.g. poor mobility of pili in chromatography, and the high cost of trial and error for us, we did not adopt this design. Whether this option can be realized remains to be demonstrated and tested in the future.


Take-home message

We understand that the architecture and production model of the double antibody sandwich method is well established.Dr. Shen offered to provide support on equipment, but we learned that the pili may not be compatible with existing membrane scribing equipment.We explored the question of whether the nature of the pili was sufficient to allow for chromatographic flow across the membrane. After a team discussion, we shelved this option.


Dr. Shen introduced us to the development and sales of fluorescent microsphere immunochromatography kits and accompanying assay instruments. We learned that the supporting instruments are expensive for buyers, and the cost of the instruments can only be offset by purchasing the kits in large quantities, which limits the possibility of expanding the market for this technology route.


Associate Prof. Ang Li, College of Life Science and Technology, Tongji University, China

同济大学生命科学与技术学院 李昂副教授


As we approach the concluding phase of our project, we would like to discuss our project with experts in the field of immunology in order to draw lessons learned and to understand the future potential of the project.


Take-home message

We again reviewed the critical nature of the problem our project addresses and received positive feedback from Dr. Li.


Dr. Li suggested to us the importance of antibody detection in infectious diseases, which further broadened our perspective.



Dr. Li has been engaged in research on tumor immunity and tumor vaccine development.


Sailing Heath



Sailing Heath is a medical and health field information self-media, the platform mainly focuses on the field of health care, providing medical policy interpretation, industry trend analysis, industry observation and other aspects of the content..



We contacted the Head of Operations at the Sailing Health (who requested to remain anonymous) . We exchanged opinions about the societal impact and outlook of immuno-fast screening kits. We obtained several published reports from Sailing Health that cover a wide range of fast screening methods and application scenarios as a reference. This provided a shortcut to understanding the impact of technology on society.


Take-home message

We learned that multiple related concepts of fast screening tests for disease are gaining societal attention.


We learned that the relationship between rapid screening tests and society is complex.


Our discussion touches on the misty position of rapid screening tests as auxiliary diagnostic technologies - where cost and time reductions often come at the cost of decreasing clinical metrics such as sensitivity and specificity. This diviation from the gold standard has left the status of auxiliary diagnostics in clinical diagnostics and public health management unclear. This complex issue remains to be explored.
