Professor Yi Wu
Yi Wu is a professor in the School of Chemical Engineering at Tianjin University. He is also a chief scientist of the National Key R&D Program Youth Project. His research interests lie in synthetic biology, focusing on the design and manipulation of yeast genomes. His works were published in Science, Nature Communications, ACS Synthetic Biology, etc. He was selected into the Ten Thousand Talents Program for Young Top Talents, and the China Association for Science and Technology Young Talents Support Project.

Dr. Yingxiu Cao
Dr. Yingxiu Cao is a doctoral supervisor in Tianjin University. She is in charge of a Youth Project of "Green Biomanufacturing" under the National Key Research and Development Program. She has been selected for Youth Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by Tianjin. Her researches mainly focus on the microbial biosynthesis of biofuels including fatty acids, fatty alcohols and fatty alkanes. She has published 35 SCI papers in reputational journal including Nature communications, Metabolic Engineering, ACS Catalysis, et al. She has led 8 national and provincial-level projects. She has received several awards, including the First Prize in the Science and Technology Award for Basic Research Achievements from The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (CIESC), Third Class Prize for Science & Technology Progress of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA), the the First Prize for Youth Teachers' Teaching Competition in Colleges and Universities in Tianjin (Provincial level).

Zhongxiu Chen
I'm Zhongxiu Chen, a PhD candidate in pharmaceutical engineering at Tianjin University. I want to be an engineer in the miniature universe and refactor it.

Yuqi Wang
Hello! I am passionate about exploring the unknown and fascinated by the emerging field of synthetic biology.

Yali Cui
hardworking for synthetic biology